I would love to see Michael dance to his recording of O Soave Fanciulla la Boheme on his album My Sectet Passion! If he could dance to this and show the same confidence and passion as when he recorded this album, he would blow everyone away! I've listened to this song and album so many times when I've needed relaxation and inspiration. While taking chemo his songs have soothed me. I think his only chance to survive on the next DWTS is to dance to one of his amazing songs! Wish I could suggest this for him!

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Hi Sandy and welcome to the forum! Well first, I’m really glad to hear Michael’s music helped you when you needed it the most, that’s our Michael! I hope for you that your chemo is just a bad memory now… Oh I know how you feel about “My secret passion” and the “La bohème” songs are my favorites too! Okay now, we have a discussion thread set up for all the “Dancing with the stars” exchanges and I’d say it’s going very well! Lol Here’s the link:
Gail, the forum’s admin has asked us to keep things related together in the same thread so it’s less confusing. Now about Michael’s chances to stay in the competition, I would say that with us working our fingers off voting, the same way he works his tail off learning to dance, I’d say his chances are pretty good! But you’re not the only one who’d love for Michael to either dance to his music or sing on the show… I frankly doubt it’ll happen though. Well in any caseSandy, please join us on the other thread, but I feel I must warn you: the thread is already , at last count, up to 68 pages! Lol Well anyway, hope you like it here and make lots of friends. Again, welcome to the forum, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada


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