Miscellany but exceptionally relevant information about, or from Michael on, MB.

Thought I would start this thread for there does appear, at times, to be different relevant articles, tweets, retweets, pictures etc relating to Michael but not really fitting into an already recognized thread nor, each of them individually, being able to be grouped together where a relevant thread could be started and so decided on this "Miscellany" thread.   

I hope you agree with its relevance and that you enjoy everything that is put in as well as hoping that many will find interesting tidbits about Michael that can be included and help to make this, whilst a serious sharing of information, a FUN page to be able to visit too and, as is my intention, somewhere that everything which does not have a particular "home" can be placed, so that is all grouped together and can be easily found and located if someone wants to look at.

Here now, so that we can all focus on the main reason for this thread, is a beautiful picture of the "Theme" of the thread.......wonder if MB has ever been called that before ???? LOL. 



Believe this one definitely belongs in here for I would say sharing with us that coconut sorbet is his favourite dessert is both miscellaneous and more than extremely relevant to the "THEME" of this website and in particular, to this thread  !! LOL.

Hope everyone enjoys content and feels free to add their very own miscellany !!! :)



A separate thread has been created for the Q&A Session and it can be found at  http://www.michaelbolton.com/forum/topics/michael-s-question-and-an...


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


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Love my !!!

MB loves his yellow bike I am guessing from the twitter post above, photo below of just him on his bike and a man from a business I think standing on the street. MB is smiling. 

Look like he switched to this gold/yellow bike, the first photo he had a dark colored one.

He just tweeted both pics.

Robin in MD :)

Another tweet from Michael from Detroit and in this one he says: "Awesome ride!"

All the pictures are promoting Detroit Bikes and in this one Michael is standing with another fellow and both have bikes in front of them and believe they have picked prominent places in Detroit to have the photos taken and in this one the background are gardens surrounding a building which has the most beautiful sculpture in front of it which is of a mythological god and I can't think which one folks ...sorry !! :(

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend.


Bit more information and the sculpture behind Michael is called "The Spirit of Detroit" and here is the wiki page on it .... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Spirit_of_Detroit   Although they don't say I would say in the sculptors mind when doing he was basing it on Zeus and that is the god I was thinking about ...JMO

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi Sylvia, thanks for all descriptions and the link to the Wiki page, that was interesting. Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QcCanada :D

Meant to say in post that found out it was Spirit of Detroit sculpture as Michael answered a tweet saying what it was.  Just thought I had better put that in just in case you all thought suddenly Sylvia had developed brains enough to find these things out for herself....LOL

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.



Hello everyone,

I do not remember this video made in Germany in May 2014. Enjoy or  sorry if my brain tired !!


Big hugs for all <3


Thanks for that Francoise and somehow I don't believe I have seen that interview.....Merci !!! :)

A lot going on tonight with Michael tweeting like mad and interviews by him, even though in May, still lovely to see .....bombardment by Michael !!! LOL

Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Bonsoir Françoise, merci beaucoup d'avoir retrouvé cette entrevue. Elle a bien été affichée le 6 mai, avec ce lien-ci:


Par contre, ce lien ne fonctionne plus, mais tu l'as retrouvé alors merci! La vidéo n'a pas été vue/entendue par bien des gens, parce qu'elle ne cesse de couper. Merci encore ma belle, prends soin de toi. Câlins, sincèrement,  Sylvie Qc Canada :D


Good evening Françoise,  thank you very much for finding this interview again. It had indeed been posted on May 6th with this link:


However, this link doesn't work any more, but you found it again so thanks!  The video hasn't been seen by a lot of people because it keeps cutting. Thanks again sweetie, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Allo Sylvie . Le lien fonctionne bien ici . Bisous et prends soin de toi . J'admire
ta mémoire . je suis un peu incertaine de la mienne lo !!!

Ok Sylvie. the link works fine here. Kisses and take care of yourself. I admire
  your memory. I'm still a little uncertain about mine!

Bsous et prenfs soin de toi ;) 

Michael has just sent another tweet for Veterans Day and here it is: 

I want to express my deepest gratitude to all who have served & to all our troops around the world -- on Veteran's Day and always. MB

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Some more pictures of Michael in Detroit yesterday and first one is of him with Bruce Schwartz and Dennis Archer Jr. in The Chophouse either before or after meal having that game of pool....wonder who won ??? lol

Next pic is one taken with Matthew Curtis and a girl, who I presume is Matthew's wife, and it is outside the Shinola plant/warehouse/factory !!!  Whoever chose where to have the pic taken chose  well with that beautiful tree at the back of them for Sylvie and Robin autumn/fall colours are abounding on it and by looks of it with another good gust of wind most of those leaves will fall so think they picked right day to get photo taken.  A couple of leaves are still showing some green but all others are beautiful brown shades into the golden yellow just before they do fall.   Should add here that Michael is dressed, in all the pictures, in a navy sweater/jumper with grey scarf with writing on it (need to get onto that and find out more about..LOL) and dark blue denims with his white trainers and in some of him on the bikes he has on hand guards but in all the ones of him on the bikes he looks like a boy out for a ride on a bike .....no way is he a 61 year old man and it is not just the face it's the figure and style of clothes that make him look so young and boyish....what a guy !!! lol

Next one is of him is in front of again the Spirit of Detroit with a whole group of bikers and one in the background is holding aloft one of the bikes and they just all look as though they are having such fun, it is a beautiful picture.

Next one is a closer up one of one that was put in yesterday which Michael tweeted and is of himself and Jason Hall in front of the Spirit of Detroit and I picked it up on Twitter from a girl to do with the Detroit News because would say definitely looks as though they have all been taken as an advertising campaign for Shinola bikes.

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Thanks to all of you for your contributions! Much to read and look !!! :)

Petra (Germany)


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