Miscellany but exceptionally relevant information about, or from Michael on, MB.

Thought I would start this thread for there does appear, at times, to be different relevant articles, tweets, retweets, pictures etc relating to Michael but not really fitting into an already recognized thread nor, each of them individually, being able to be grouped together where a relevant thread could be started and so decided on this "Miscellany" thread.   

I hope you agree with its relevance and that you enjoy everything that is put in as well as hoping that many will find interesting tidbits about Michael that can be included and help to make this, whilst a serious sharing of information, a FUN page to be able to visit too and, as is my intention, somewhere that everything which does not have a particular "home" can be placed, so that is all grouped together and can be easily found and located if someone wants to look at.

Here now, so that we can all focus on the main reason for this thread, is a beautiful picture of the "Theme" of the thread.......wonder if MB has ever been called that before ???? LOL. 



Believe this one definitely belongs in here for I would say sharing with us that coconut sorbet is his favourite dessert is both miscellaneous and more than extremely relevant to the "THEME" of this website and in particular, to this thread  !! LOL.

Hope everyone enjoys content and feels free to add their very own miscellany !!! :)



A separate thread has been created for the Q&A Session and it can be found at  http://www.michaelbolton.com/forum/topics/michael-s-question-and-an...


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


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Transcript of Michael's speech for whoever wants............

At the beginning Michael talks/jokes about the fact that whilst he was singing earlier the PA system blew and it has been reported by a few on Twitter that Michael, being the true professional he is, never batted an eyelid and continued singing as though nothing had happened and this is where we start on Michael's speech.......


"Well, who says you need a full PA system to get through a song ?"    Michael laughs, turns and then says:  "CJ thank you so much, wow!"    CJ is CJ Vanston and obviously someone very much to do with the sound system at the event.


Actual speech........


"So a few things;  first, I would just like to say, the evolution of mankind shines a very certain and very specific light upon our future and there is no mistaking it, gender equality is the only acceptable future, for our world.

I am very, very deeply honoured, humbled and grateful to receive this Award.   If I share a sense of pride it is in sharing this Award with the amazing recipients, this evening, as well as the people who are the unsung heroes, who are the volunteers and the social workers and the people who show up and make these events happen and they don't necessarily get the accolades;  they don't get the photographs on the covers of magazines but nothing happens without them and I am surrounded by so many great people with my Organization, I need to share this completely, with them. 

I would like to say that I promise to renew my commitment on the issues of gender equality; to the end of violence against women; to the end of sex trafficking, of all human trafficking; to the final end of slavery, in our world, in our lifetime.

I would like to thank Muhammad Ali and his amazing wife, Lonnie, for founding the Centre.   The Muhammad Ali Centre's mission is to preserve and share the legacy and ideals of Muhammad Ali;  to promote respect, hope and understanding and to inspire adults and children everywhere, to be as great, as they can be:  I congratulate you, all of you, at the Centre because this is exactly, what you do.

Muhammad Ali, you have been my favourite champion since I was about ten years old.  Your unparalleled victories in the ring can only be transcended by your tremendous achievements outside of the ring as, the heavyweight champion, of the human spirit.  Besides placing you on the right side of history, watching the HBO film reminded me how, as much as we have always enjoyed seeing you, looked forward to hearing you, your voice, and yes, you were always very, very pretty, but what the film reveals, so clearly, beyond your wit and your charm, is your amazing courage, your deep wisdom and your compassion.  Somehow as implausible as it may seem the Greatest, has become, even greater!

Thank you so much, from the depths of my heart; thank you, thank you!" 


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.



Thanks so much for all your work on this! Have enjoyed it so much, as I know you have also enjoyed the work in getting it here on the site for us all.

Joy ;)


If you want to watch all the clips from the awards they are here! The 2nd one is MB's acceptance speech. That one Sylvia has already posted here. The 10th one down is great, an
extended interview with Michael at the awards, a full 4 minutes.(I haven't seen this one posted here yet.)
Then another one comes on right after that is 2:25 minutes.
Next one is Ali's daughter talking, MB is still next to her and in the background, but he is done talking and you really can't see him that well.    
I haven't watched all of them so who knows if MB will be in any others, but be sure to watch the 10th one and the speech.
Joy ;)

It is great to have them altogether like that but I have posted links to them all although the one they have as being over 4 minutes is split because you can see he is being talked to by different people and I think it comes out with about 3 different videos but they are all on here Joy but as I say fantastic having them all on the one link and as far as I can tell that is all the interviews that Michael was in on the red carpet on 3rd.   Just to say the one where you can see him standing beside Laila is when he is getting interviewed and if you listen closely to his you do actually hear Laila's voice at one point and Michael kind of glances over toward where she is because they all stand in a line and get interviewed and have the mikes just about literally shoved in their faces.

As I say great to have them all in the one link and keep them altogether and thanks Joy for posting on here !!! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Just found this...............
Joy ;)
The Buzz | Seeing stars at the Muhammad Ali Humanitarian Awards
Oct. 6, 2013 1:25 PM |
Singer Michael Bolton talks to the media before the ceremony. He won the Muhammad Ali Humanitarian Award for Gender Equality. / photos By Matt Stone/The C-J
Laila Ali, daughter of Muhammad Ali, talks to reporters on the red carpet at the first annual Muhammad Ali Humanitarian Awards at the Galt House Thursday night. The award ceremony was presented by the Yum! Brands Foundation. / By Matt Stone/The Courier-Journal

It was kind of like a Derby Eve party — but without a race the following day.

Some celebrities came to Louisville last week as part of the inaugural Muhammad Ali Humanitarian Awards. There was a red carpet and everything.

The honorees included former President Jimmy Carter and singers Michael Bolton and Christina Aguilera.

Here are some snippets that didn’t make the newspaper.

Bolton: “It’s an enormous event for me. This experience is enormous to me.”

Aguilera: “We’re all the same person. We’re all one. No one is better than anyone else.”

Chip Carter, who accepted the award on behalf of his father, former President Jimmy Carter: “He stuck by his convictions and stood up for his rights. And so he became a hero of mine long before I ever knew him politically.”

Laila Ali, retired boxer, TV personality and Muhammad Ali’s daughter: “There are so many wonderful people who have followed in my father’s footsteps, and they deserve to be recognized.”

Renowned jockey Pat Day: “I hope it (the awards) would stimulate interest among just the public to do more, to do better. The gift is in the giving.”

Attallah Shabazz, daughter of human-rights activist Malcolm X: “This evening is really very significant and important in bringing the globe’s attention to Louisville and all of the wonderful acts that happen here.”

Some more photos Joy has found of Michael at the Muhammad Ali Humanitarian Awards ceremony held in Louisville, Kentucky on 3rd October, 2013.   These photos can also be found over in the 2013 Tour Review thread but thought as majority of content to do with event on this thread would transfer over and too as Tour thread goes into archive, at end of year, being on here will ensure they stay current.







Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Just wanted to mention on here a thread I started the other day about something that Michael is becoming involved in and it is called "Chideo" and he is joining them soon in order that he can raise funds for his Charity.  Below is link to thread where I have put all information plus a link for you to get into the Chideo page which is Michael's in order that you can start following him and also see suggestions for a video for him to make and start voting on those suggestions apart from, if you want to, making your own suggestion because he will make a video from the best one put forward and that will be decided upon by the number of votes it gets but if no one here is interested isn't going to get off the ground very well and yet Michael seems quite keen on it by the advertising video he has made....just thought I would mention as I only know three people that are in and only two of those come onto here and one of them is me !!! :)     Just thought I would mention so that you definitely all know about.



Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Another set of pictures just put out on Twitter from the Muhammad Ali Event and a couple of new ones of Michael.   They are a private set belonging to a Joshua Miller not newspaper/TV or whatever that is how in a slightly different format.




Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Link into a set of pictures and acceptance speech for Muhammad Ali Humanitarian Award by Mark Hogg posted on Twitter by Katie Jaggers who is a WaterStep ambassador.   There are two pictures of Michael in the set and will put below and first one is of him with Mark Hogg and second you can see Michael standing on the red carpet being interviewed.  



Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Can't remember where we started talking about this show being on so will put in here and over in 2013 Book & Cd Promotions thread because not quite too sure where it should go but it is on Michael's appearance on the George Stroumboulopoulos show "Tonight" and Michael will be on on Wednesday, 16th October and show goes out at 7.00 p.m. and 11.30 p.m. EST.




Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Just to say Michael has not long tweeted ....................


"Michael Bolton     @mbsings                37m       

Great to be back in the UK!!"

He is here....yipeeeee !!!! :)

Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Just to let you know that on Twitter this morning Martin Gold was on and he does a radio programme on Pulse FM on Sunday night at 6 to 7 on 98.4 and he was saying he was going to be playing three Michael songs this Sunday and was asking people to say which ones they wanted and plenty in but Jo and had come in and asked for "Steel Bars" and he replied to her that he would and Michael also came in on his tweet and asked him which songs he would be playing....Martin was pretty pleased getting MB's tweet and attention and Jo and I had a little conversation between ourselves and she said it was difficult to pick just three and I said I agreed and would even be difficult to pick 33 and Martin came in on conversation and said that he has a show called Martin Gold Marathon on on 2nd November  from 9.00 a.m. till Noon and he would do an extended play of Michael's songs and so I asked him for "Time, Love & Tenderness" and going back in time how about the "Southern Ballad" and have just got back tweet from him and he has said "Will do !!!".....so Michael is certainly going to be plugged on his show on Sunday and on 2nd November !!!! :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.



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