Miscellany but exceptionally relevant information about, or from Michael on, MB.

Thought I would start this thread for there does appear, at times, to be different relevant articles, tweets, retweets, pictures etc relating to Michael but not really fitting into an already recognized thread nor, each of them individually, being able to be grouped together where a relevant thread could be started and so decided on this "Miscellany" thread.   

I hope you agree with its relevance and that you enjoy everything that is put in as well as hoping that many will find interesting tidbits about Michael that can be included and help to make this, whilst a serious sharing of information, a FUN page to be able to visit too and, as is my intention, somewhere that everything which does not have a particular "home" can be placed, so that is all grouped together and can be easily found and located if someone wants to look at.

Here now, so that we can all focus on the main reason for this thread, is a beautiful picture of the "Theme" of the thread.......wonder if MB has ever been called that before ???? LOL. 



Believe this one definitely belongs in here for I would say sharing with us that coconut sorbet is his favourite dessert is both miscellaneous and more than extremely relevant to the "THEME" of this website and in particular, to this thread  !! LOL.

Hope everyone enjoys content and feels free to add their very own miscellany !!! :)



A separate thread has been created for the Q&A Session and it can be found at  http://www.michaelbolton.com/forum/topics/michael-s-question-and-an...


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


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You can send the e-cards by Michael now. Here the link


Petra (Germany)

Hallo Petra, very cool! I'll have to check out the details, including how non-Americans can use it and how blind-friendly it is, but still very cool. Thanks very much for sharing Petra, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

I have just been on Twitter and found it and it is on YouTube and here is the link to there...


Sylvie will try at some time to give you run down on it but it is terribly involved for Michael is just going from one thing to the other but see when he blows balloon and then starts talking...OMG....it is nothing but hilarious !!!! :)  He is not just standing singing for it is a whole skit he does from cooking in the kitchen to milking a cow, there is stacks in it.

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hey Sylvia, I love it! I loved hearing the song and thanks for letting me know there's much more to it, but mostly, thanks for sharing it! I really hope this is meant to be free publicity for "American greetings" and not just something that will be there on YouTube temporarily. Thanks again Sylvia, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada XD

Absolutely amazing and hilarious!!!!!!!! Looooooove, even without my name on the list! hahahaha. Thank God there is a "You"!!!!

Here is a feeble attempt at description of video.   There are three main settings which are barn, kitchen and red background where balloons come in.  At beginning he is standing in kitchen stirring something in a mixing bowl.  Then you move to barn where there is a hutch with two chickens and he lifts an egg out from under one chicken and places it in a wicker basket he is holding.  Back to kitchen where he breaks three eggs into mixing bowl and you can hear the noise and last noise you hear is him throwing away over his shoulder the last of the egg shells.  You switch back to barn and he is milking a cow and stands up with huge pail full of milk.  Back to kitchen and he empties complete pail into the mixing bowl and of course it goes up in waves and goes everywhere and I would love to have seen end shot of that for it cuts off just as the milk is rising right up in a wave and he disappears behind all the milk spilling out....it is hilarious and he must have been drenched in milk, he just must have been.  Then you see him with a bag of flour and he empties that into mixing bowl.  It then does a quick switch between barn and red background of balloons back to kitchen and you see him getting the cooked base of the birthday cake out of the oven.  Then switches to balloons and he is standing with arms outstretched and all the balloons are rising behind him and he puts his arm out and grabs one and puts it to his mouth and "sooks" and then out comes the "Donald Duck" voice and you should see his face when he does that.  It switches to fast pictures of him in the three settings and one he is singing to the cow and he has on a paper cone hat and in the actual picture that comes along with the advert, where you can go in and buy the greetings, he has on that hat   You also see him singing to the chicken and back in kitchen he is holding mixing bowl and using spoon as a mike as well as supposedly him holding cake as all the icing is applied.   Then cake is sitting on work counter in front of him and he throws the final decorations into the air.  Then there is a shot of him side by side of one with balloon background and other in kitchen and he is blowing out (and I cannot think what they are called) the whistle party things that send out the rolled up tube and then it coils back again...you know what I mean, don't you ????   He then is standing with red balloon background and he is holding up, right toward the camera, the finished birthday cake, candles, icing and all.   Have to say some of the expressions, as you can well imagine, are hysterical and it just looks as though he had one tremendous amount of fun doing it because there is nowhere in it that you could say it looks "staged" or that he looks in anyway "cardboardish" for although it is stupid slapstick it looks real.....he is terrific in it, terrific and the way it has been produced with him singing all the way through is fantastic for, forgot to mention that, that in actual fact Michael is supposedly singing all the way through.  Hope everyone enjoys it and gets a good laugh and I don't see how anyone couldn't....it is great !!! :)

Came out on a perfect day for one of the girls on FB has a birthday so she got first and saved me making up one of my cards for her .... can't wait to see her reaction ....lol

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Hey Sylvia, feeble or not, sounds pretty good to me, thank you for that description! It really sounds like it must have been a lot of fun, thanks a lot Sylvia, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Michael has put out a tweet concerning his American Greetings eCards and here it is ......

"Michael Bolton @mbsings  ·  53m 53 minutes ago

Today is the day! My new birthday ecard for Greetings is now available! Hope u & yours enjoy!!

OMG I don't know how many takes it was to get this all together. He had to have been busting out laughing the entire time.. Dear Lord this is hilarious. I love it, I did one to myself to get to see it all.. Oh my and all the names and choices he had to sing to be in the choices for you to pick, some are a real hoot!!!!  The whole thing is just too darned funny. MB is a riot and I love it!!!

We all will be sending this around to each other now! I couldn't see all of it till lunch here, but it made my day! 

Thanks MB!!!!

Robin in MD :)

Dear Petra, dear Sylvia,

thanks a lot for finding and sharing with us. Thats so funny. Thanks to Michael that he is always up for fun.

Best regards from Berlin


You all just have to go in for the 7 day free trial, you definitely have where you really can personalize the message and to hear Michael actually say the name, date and your message is just fantastic.   I have a friend whose birthday is tomorrow and he is getting one and OMG I can't wait to hear from him when he receives it because listening to the preview it is fantastic.

Some people are asking about cost and when you go in for the 7 day free trial you do have to stipulate what package you would like to take out and it starts at $3.99 a month and then $19.99 for a year with 2 years being $29.99.  I can see no restriction on the number of ecards you can send for those amounts....if somebody else spots that such restrictions apply please let us know.  Although you have to enter all the relevant details, as though agreeing to a package, you can cancel when your 7 day free trial expires.   A hint.....if you are subscribing from outside the US, when it comes to telephone number, you do need the international code of your country.

A BTW I have added YouTube link to the Video Section. 

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


I did a preview of one to me and he sang what I chose. I have not signed up at all. Maybe that won't work for long. I did not actually send it. I am at work and not able to play alot yet.

Robin in MD :)


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