Here we go with the New 2011 Concert Tour Review Thread. Michael's tour begins again in the USA in Florida on January 13, 2011!!!!!!!!  I hope Michael is well rested and ready to get back out on the road!


Please share your concert experiences, pictures, video links etc. with us here. We love hearing about the concerts and the great times had by the fans.

You all have made these threads fun in the past and I look forward to more adventures and fun this year!!

I look forward to reading everyone's reviews once again and also contributing some of my own in 2011!


Have fun everyone!! Not much longer till Michael and the band hit the road again!


Robin in Maryland,  USA

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Good Morning Mrs. Magoo,

so you stumbled over MB upon hole 10 and have been hugged by him ??? My Goodness, no wonder that poor Clint Eastwood had no chance to impress you ... ROFL ( I still have no idea who Nick Jonas is - never mind ...LOL) Seems from the day you were born you did not not only  yearned for MB adventures but are lucky enough to get fulfilled... LOL. Also: What a husband to share these gifted moments with you !!!

Wow, Kathy, congratulations for your lively review - I love every letter of it, especially after you lost it first time. And thank you for sharing your amazing experiences. You are a true asset (I hope the word is correct - had to look it up LOL). Also I am so glad for Tom and Ashley too. I bet Ashley's joy made even heaven smlie.

MB "dueling guitars with Orianthi" and his duets with Delta Goodrem - what a disciplin just to let your chairs rock LOL.

"Pride" - to me it seems the best closure for a perfect day and a wonderful review. In the name of love:

A heartfelt "Thank you"



Cheers to you Astrid!!! Glad you looked up ass-et!!!! ROFL  I suppose the short version would work also!!! lol My husband is TERRIFIC and I truly missed him because he loves to see my joy in my Michael moments!!! He really gets a kick out of my reactions!! Bob also has a good time egging me on to push my game plan even further!! So it was PERFECT when he called me seconds after "the hug"..... oh my. We are forever thinking the same things constantly so this was rather typical for us :) You loved me losing my first review?? Gee...with friends like you who needs enemies!!! LOL Wanna fight????? Wee One I have a job for you!!!! lol

Thanks....I think..Ass-trid!!!!! ROFL

Kathy and LAFD Bob 

Here you go Mrs. Terminator - wanna fight!!! - You exactly know what I meant with loving your review after you lost it!!! Duck quickly - here comes one of our wee Scotish friend's bottle of Ouzo flying over the ocean and all other seven seas!! Catch it and after you had your requested drink you may use the bottle for you next review. Protect the carrier pigeons from suffering from herniated disc (cheers to google translations! - don't care for connotations -  just think - ROFL) due to your overloaded reviews (just for the carrier pigeons - not for me!!!).

And remember: I will be back - including all mispellings, misunderstandings and further mistakes. Ready to rumble??? LOL

Have a great day - and special greetings to your adorable husband ( BTW, does he have a twin brother?? LOL)

Assssss - - - trid (sounds like Kaa in the Jungle Book - Trussssst in me ... LOL)

ROFL........maybe that is why I do have herniated discs....carrying my Bolton boxes all over the place!!!!! Everyone needs eye glasses and a whole lot of patience by now reading certain reviews!!! lol No twin brother!!! LOL  I will trussssst you for further hysterical commentary :)

Kathy and LAFD Bob   

Hi Astrid, just to let you know, Nick Jonas is part of an American boy band: the Jonas Brothers. They have, or used to have a TV show on the Disney channel, if I'm not mistaken, very popular with teen girls. I did hear Nick in an anniversary production of "Les misérables" though and was pleasantly surprised. Nice reference to "Jack Sparrow" by the way! :D Take care Astrid. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hi Sylvie, thank you for your information about Nick Jonas. If you were "pleasantly surprised" he definitely is worth checking his voice/music. I am not surprised but very pleased that you noticed my Jack Sparrow reference - I still fly high on this "Digital Short" LOL.

Big hug


Hi again Astrid, my youngest daughter is nutty about the Jonas Brothers, that's how I know of them. I'm sure they're really gorgeous and their music is cute and some songs are decent, but not something I'd buy. The Jonas Brothers have a specific sound, targetted for a certain audience, but I didn't know Nick could actually sing something that takes a bit more vocal discipline. As far as "Jack Sparrow", I'm still working on the 50 million myself! :D Take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

A little update on Nick Jonas also....Sylvie maybe your daughter knows more...but I believe he is replacing the Radcliffe fellow in a show on Broadway. Don't remember the name :/ But you need real chops for Broadway for sure! Did you hear Michael now wants 100 million hits??? Men....they are all the same....can't get enough!!! ROFL

Kathy and LAFD Bob


The name of the show is "How to Succed in Business without really Trying" and it's Daniel Radcliffe from "Harry Potter" fame who is currently in it.  My co-worker saw it a few weeks ago and really enjoyed it!!  :)


Thanks Helena! I'm not sure if Nick is the under study or will replace him later? I heard something somewhere about Nick replacing him :/ Can't remember all the details!!! lol

Kathy and LAFD Bob


Nick Jonas was just on Regis & Kelly (I think it was one day last week -- that memory again!).  I believe he said after Daniel Radcliffe, somebody from GLEE is taking over for a short stint and Nick will be taking over in the December/January timeframe.


The Jonas Brothers are Nick, Joe, and Kevin from the shore area in beautiful New Jersey (maybe near our Joy -- not near me!).  I know they were in the Disney movie Camp Rock.  (Yes, I did see it!)



Hey Kathy, I should ask my daughter about the new Broadway show Nick  will be in, I’m sure she knows. Now about his singing chops, you be the judge:

Nick Jonas « Empty chairs at empty tables” from “Les misérables”:

I watched the whole thing on TV and thoroughly enjoyed it, he does a decent Marius.  Wow, had I known you’d meet him, I would have asked you to try and get Nick’s autograph… All right now, so did Michael tell you he wanted 100 millions? :D Sheesh, we’re working our tails off here! Lol Thanks for the update to you and Helena, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada


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