Here we go with the New 2011 Concert Tour Review Thread. Michael's tour begins again in the USA in Florida on January 13, 2011!!!!!!!!  I hope Michael is well rested and ready to get back out on the road!


Please share your concert experiences, pictures, video links etc. with us here. We love hearing about the concerts and the great times had by the fans.

You all have made these threads fun in the past and I look forward to more adventures and fun this year!!

I look forward to reading everyone's reviews once again and also contributing some of my own in 2011!


Have fun everyone!! Not much longer till Michael and the band hit the road again!


Robin in Maryland,  USA

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Hey Sylvia, thanks for the heads up sweetie. I wish Ashley a speedy recovery! Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hey Ashley and Tom, thanks so much for your review.. Glad you two had such a good time..Keep the reviews coming in as you attend the rest of your concerts!!!!!


Robin in MD :)

Having fun are you Tom and Ashley???? LOL  Great job on the cast signatures!!!! Wasn't Delta and Michael singing together awesome???!!!! Just saw them in Vegas!!! WOW!!!! Enjoy Livermore and we will see you two real soon!!! Can't wait!!! We shall have another great adventure together all in the spirit of Michael's music!!! Safe travels my friends!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Glad you and Dad had a great time Ashley....and got to see Kenny G too...that is awesome!!!!  I know how much you were looking forward to that...and I'm happy you got to meet Kenny and get his autograph!!!!  Looking forward to seeing the pictures and hope you guys have a safe trip to the next show!!!!   Love ya

Hi Ashley and Tom,  So glad you guys had such a great time!  I know Ashley was so excited to see him again!

Thanks for sharing,Eileen

Hi, Ashley and Thomas

I'm really glad for you to hear that had fun and

yes, you are very fortunely to hear the songs of

the new Michael's cd, Kenny G signed your one,

and a lot more great things.

About Ashley's arm I hope everything goes very well  !

Thanks a lot for sharing the  fabulous review.!!!

Take care



                                                 Michael's Concert   Eastside Cannery  Las Vegas   August 27 2011


                                       I thought I best get this review out fast because I have another concert on Sept. 1st.......oh the agony!!!! LOL



                              oh my.....what a concert!!!!! Michael was at his best....true CLASSIC Michael all the way! For you new fans and certainly the long time fans who have attended a whole lot of concerts can attest to.....this concert was vintage Michael!! He sang from his heart and SOUL. This was emotive Michael at his finest!! What a pleasure to be in the audience. Even Bob, my faithful and devoted concert said...WOW.....what a great of his best!!! So..there you have it...that is my review...ROFL!!! Well...just a few more words from me if you don't mind!!!! lol

                                       Let's start at the beginning :)  We arrived at the Eastside Cannery and once again Bob and I did our mandatory spin around the casino parking lots for such things that would give off clues as to whether or not Michael's gang has arrived!! Check off list....we found their presence!! lol Getting excited once AGAIN. It NEVER gets old....does it?? LOL Our planning starts and we are off to get ready for the concert. Before we leave I see that Michael Bolton ad once AGAIN placed above the slot machines. I checked it out a few weeks ago while I was in Vegas. The length of which is about 4 slot machines long and maybe 15 inches high....hmmmmmm. I had already mentioned to Bob earlier about how that poster could possibly fall into my hands like the other one did. Bob laughed and said you are on your Well that is no fun I protest. I decided it was too hot to sit in a jail cell at 115* to be exact!!! Vegas was hot even before Michael started singing....LOL  We find our seats and I am not real pleased....front row but too far left :/ Fortunately it was a very short row so it all ended up just fine.....oh my :) As we are waiting for Michael, Delta Goodrem walks right by and my jaw dropped. She can't be just an attendee??? No way. She takes her seat in about the 8th row or so. Oooooh this can be very interesting!!! The excitement is building! And.. here we go...the music for Go the Distance starts and everyone cheers. We save our explosive applause for the first appearance of Michael and then there he is!!!! And the audience goes wild!! It is sooooo easy for me to always get the songs out of order but I believe the first song was Soul Provider. WONDERFUL!! I am sure Robin R or another fan can correct me if I once again transposed the song order. Michael scans the audience and as he is walking to my side of the stage I happily wave and point to him and he smiles and points right back and says hi :) Oh my goodness ...let the good times roll!!! And then Love is Everything!!! GREAT!!! Michael then sings a few more songs....what were they??? I can't remember! LOL Who long as Michael is SINGING!! LOL They were some of his usuals but they were all sung with such SOUL and COMPASSION that it was as if I was hearing the songs for the first time. It was quite an was like all the best Michael performances rolled into one. TERRIFIC :) Then......the formal announcement is made...Delta Goodrem is introduced by Michael. The crowd goes crazy!!!!! Can this concert get any better?? YOU BET!!!! OMG....Michael and Delta's chemistry is electrifying. How sweet it is....the smiles and giggles between them....oh my. No rumors from me.....ROFL!!!!! I do remember their song Prayer, I'm Not ready and Make you Feel My Love. What a treasure to see those songs come to life with Delta and Michael singing them live. The crowd sends Delta off with a standing ovation!! Well..... now this concert is an out of body experience. Pick ALL your favorite delights in your world AND that is what this concert experience was like!!! THANK YOU MICHAEL!! I think it even took Michael a minute or two to gather his thoughts as he said..."it is hard to remember my lyrics while singing with such a beautiful woman!" As so it appeared They were icing on the cake while they sang together. Then Michael continued on with more of his wonderful songs with such intensity it was palpable!! HE ROCKED THE HOUSE and then some. It was now time for me to give Michael his customized LAFD hat from Bob's fire station. I handed it to him and he smiled "that" smile and then got a bit serious and tapped his chest and mouthed thank you. I could only smile back and think how sweet of him!!! And then he shook my hand :) Oh my. Of course my dance with security starts now...LOL. They tell me to return to my seat and I always comply quietly the FIRST time...LOL It is "the time" for WAMLAW and security will need to get their OWN security this time because I AM going to the stage!!! I get up again and walk back up to the stage and get a little "rocking out" in when I feel that tap on my shoulder AGAIN!!! To myself I say.. "just go away". I don't even turn around. Then the TALLEST security man I have ever seen in my life bends over me and says I have to return to my seat. LOL I explain that this is Michael's routine and I stomp back to my seat. Then I get right BACK UP AGAIN after he leaves. lol  At this time Michael has seen the several removals and the TALLEST security man FINALLY caves and lets everyone up. Of course I have already been at the stage for MY prime spot and he was going to have to lift me away this time...good luck...ROFL!!!! Every moment the concert just kept getting better!! Unbelievable!! I didn't even care that my camera battery went dead and I forgot the extra batteries in my hotel room. Who cares....this concert is NIRVANA!! Each moment and song was simply delicious. Then Michael says his first goodbye. Please don't!! The end is nearing. I am hoping he will sing Rock Me Baby. Instead ....I am bowled over with Pride (In the name of love)!!! Can Michael get any more emotive than he has been all night??? YES...a resounding YES!!! I was so enraptured with his performance of that song and the love was everywhere. I am certain Martin Luther King Jr. heard Michael singing that song!! INTENSE!!! I was at a Bolton revival for sure!!! Michael then gave his final goodbyes and thank yous.....oooohhhhhh....what a beautiful concert!!! It was such a moving concert and ended on the perfect song!! I actually didn't even miss Rock Me Baby because Michael's performance of Pride was sooooo satisfying. WELL DONE Michael!!!! I will add that Robin R did give Michael a gift during the concert and shook his hand a few times I Also the California "twins" were in the front row a few seats from me as and they got their hand shakes also!! I also met Elaine and her husband?..I think...and Jan and her husband. I went over to say hi to Robin R after the concert and she introduced me to Elaine and her group :) I am certain everyone had a delightful time!!! The evening is almost over but not before we make our last  Earlier before the concert we "ran into" the band leaving rehearsal and I chatted a bit with Michael Lington and he took a photo with me. Thank you Michael Lington! We also chatted with a few others but I was becoming camera shy :) lol I was hoping to catch Michael leaving after the concert but I know he was on a very tight schedule because he had ANOTHER concert the next night!! Yipes!! Hopefully next time :) I have two more concerts...San Bernardino and the off to my next adventure.....ahhhhhh.....

Kathy and LAFD Bob   


THANKS for the EXCITING REVIEW Kathy. I felt like I was there beside you all night!!!LOL  Soooo glad all went well.. I love the new songs in person...I know what you mean about Pride In The Name Of Love, that blew me away in CT..Yes Delta Goodrem is stunning in person and what a voice.


I saw Jan's pics on FB and she got great ones as usual..So glad the seats worked out for ya in the end...front row usually does no matter how far down they are!!LOL :)


Did MB announce you could take all the photos you wanted?? I just hope he's not forgotten that...The security must have decided it was no use. I hate that, they need to let them know it's ok with MB.....


I am happy for you and all that attended..sounds like you are still floating like I was after CT in June!!! You go girl...Enjoy your next one (Like I have to tell you that!!LOL )...with you in spirit!!!!!


Wooo Hooo!! thanks for your wonderful review.

Robin in MD :)



Thanks Robin :) No one can compete with Jan's I will have to check them out. I will survey over mine and pick out the presentable photos. I am making CERTAIN that I don't forget my camera batteries this time!!! It was a stunning concert no doubt!!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob

What on earth can one say after that.....what a review - wow !! :)    Oh Kathy that is just so beautiful, so beautiful and I could see Michael and Delta Goodrem and I could certainly hear Michael singing for you have just brought that whole show completely and utterly to life - thank you so, so much Kathy - thank you !! :)   That poster, at the casino, is it definitely still hanging on the wall ????? LOL.   I thought too Bob was a bit of a spoilt sport not helping you take it down, for I mean who said you were going to pinch it, you only wanted a closer look at it - thought he would have helped you to do that !!!!!!!!!! LOL.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

Sylvia...I actually forgot to go check because I was so thrilled after the concert and had another mission on my mind. I certainly would have pinched it though since the concert was over...... but I totally forgot!! lol Glad you enjoyed my review :) Michael was awesome. Definitely at his best!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob 

I want to say kudos to everything that our wonderful friend Kathy said about the concert as mountain winery was a carbon copy. I am not so good with words as our friend Kathy, now for tomorrow night's concert. Wow we can't wait. Dad & Ashley Thank you Kathy


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