the only Michael bolton song i liked was "Fools Game" yes he was a rock star in the beginning  in the 80's i loved that song. Too bad he cut off his long hair :(

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Hi Melody,


WELCOME to the Forum and you have more than a few of us who agree totally with the sentiments you have expressed - how about "Carrie" - that's my favourite and if you love the "rock" have you heard him in the days of Blackjack or just plain Michael Bolotin with "Love Me Tonight" or "Lost In The City" and that photo you have put in - one of the best !! :)  

Hope you will have a look through all the threads we have on the Forum and come in and join in all our discussions about everything Michael - pleased do Melody and, of course, the one that is very much alive just now is the 2011 Concert thread where we have all the news about up-coming shows plus reviews from members of the Forum who have attended concerts and then too we have a thread of Favourite Photos of Michael - that sure is worth looking at and a lot, lot more besides !! :)

Welcome again to you Melody and as I say, please feel free to join in, anywhere !! :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi Melody, welcome to the Forum.

I too love the song "Fools Game" and have the cd version of the album "Michael Bolton" with this track on....I also love the other tracks on this one.

How about Desperate Heart and Call my Name from Everybody,s Crazy?  these are great rockin tracks also.

Sandra x



Nothing, but nothing can beat "Rock me baby" as a 'rock your head off' song.


That song does the most amazing things to me and if I could get up out of this chair and dance I would dance like nobodies ever danced before.


Ha Ha Ha!!


Love Jennifer XX


PS welcome to the forum Melody. XX

Hi Jennifer,

Love the rockin' kitty!  Are you trying to out do me?

Only it!

"Iconic" Joy


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