Being slow to know about Michael's new music can anyone tell me if Michael is doing something with Rihanna? Is there going to be a new CD in the future? I count on all you young ladies to keep me up to date because this old man isn't on here very much so any news helps me out of the dark lol. Everyone have a happy new year.

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Hi Jimmy and a Happy New Year to you to and hope you had a wonderful time and it proves to be the start of an equally wonderful year for you !!! :)

Only thing I can lead you to is a thread I started back in 2013 which I incorporated into one started in 2014 to do with Michael in studios and telling us about recording and working with new people on new projects but so far nothing substantial has been said.  I do propose to try and keep the thread as up-to-date as I can and add anything new we find out so if you want to start following that Jimmy then I hope I can fulfil a promise that I will add information about any new CD or just any new "musical" works we might get told about.  In saying that I have to admit the one thing I forgot to add to it was all the information we got about Michael's meeting with Rihanna and I will add that information today...promise !! :)

Here is link to thread I am talking about and please, if you find out any information, feel free to add to it and obviously anyone else who turns up anything ....please share !!! :)  Hope you do find it of some use and gives you some new information Jimmy.

Take care and all the very best to you !!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.



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