Hello.  I've posted some new to me videos on youtube that you might want to watch :)   Here are a few links:


Michael on The Nanny:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uwx9KM-Ej1s


Michael on  Politically Incorrect part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93hdkLTq2s0 and part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mlinxd1zirE


and Michael on Charlie Rose part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KX6THlE6f0 and part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43gsUb5eOjc


Enjoy them for the first time or once again :)  Payten

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Hi Christine, you know it's funny, as I turned off the computer yesterday, I started wondering: so when has Michael been to Poland anyway? That was really out of nowhere... Well, thanks again for sharing it sweetie, take care. BTW, go ahead Christine, milk it for all it's worth about being Michael's pink lady: you have the proof on your ticket! lol Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hi, sorry for butting in Christine ......Michael did the concert in Warsaw either on 2nd or 3rd July Sylvie (I have started to loose track of the dates) and it was a huge open air concert and it was the Warsaw Symphony Orchestra that was backing and the link I put of Kenny G was also at the same concert !!  There are also a couple of other videos of a girl Dolores O'Riordan performing at the same show - couldn't find anymore and I still haven't got any further on with that composer - oh no !!!! LOL.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

Hi Sylvia, Dolores is from the Cranberries: she was in the "Pavarotti & friends for the children of Bosnea" concert with Michael and others. I had found those too videos too, so I figured this must have been some benefit or tribute event of some sort. I wonder if this means this will be  televised later on, or has been or will be on DVD, hmmm... This is bugging me now... I've sent it to my friend and waiting to hear what she says. Talk to you soon sweetie, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

P.S.: I've just listened to it again and it sounds pretty clear to me so chances are this was professionally recorded. Gail, if you find out anything about it, please let us know.

Yes Sylvie forgot to mention that it was recorded by a television channel, well I believe it was, as there was a little black box in the right hand corner with lettering and I think that generally denotes a channel and also too forgot to mention no denims or t-shirts, immaculate was the order of the day - could have taken him anywhere !!!! lol.


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.

I wondered if the second clip is with Kenny G might the Vienna Waltz by Strauss isnt it which is one of my particular favourite pieces of music.


Thanks for sharing these clips.






It looks as though the recording might have been a bit of a surprise to Michael because he was reading the words off of a sheet on a music stand in front of him and had to literally read every line of the song.


Poor Michael must have been petrified. At least if it was on auto cue, the lyrics would have appeared on screen at the right speed tempo, but reading them of a sheet would be really hard to follow.


He did an amazing job though. Love the song. What a great find Tine.


Thanks for sharing.



Hi Jennifer, on the Kenny G piece, it is very pretty indeed, but I think it might have been a medley or a suite. BTW, you weren’t too far: it’s not the “Vienna Waltz” but there’s definitely a part of “Tales from the Vienna Woods” in it.


Now about the recording for the show, maybe Michael didn’t have much rehearsal time. It would be great if he did get more comfortable with it and record it, it’s a fantastic sounding song! Take care Jennifer. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hi all,

although the melody resembles to be a classic one ( I immediately thought so too LOL - Chopin was my favorite) it seems that it is a contemporary composition, at least I could not find a hint to references to an older or classic composition.

The composer Richard Rynkowski (born October 9, 1951 in Elblag) is an awarded Polish singer, composer, pianist and actor.

As far as I could research the song is about to choose the right way and contains a warning not to be fooled by false diamonds (Gems LOL). I read some comments on the song which reflect the intense meaning for e.g. students to leave high school or university. It seems to be very much appreciated in the Polish country and I found hints that the text has been (slightly ?) changed several times and was written in 1987 or even before (source: Wikipedia) . It seemed to be often used in the Polish "x-factor" shows.

This is the Polish version (there are various others on youtube, sung by men and women too):



Also I found this announcement:

Concert on the occasion of Polish Presidency of the EU Council
01.07.2011 at 21:00, Main Stage at the Plac Defilad, Warsaw                              (Sorry Sylvia LOL)
Polish National Anthem
The Anthem of the European Union "Ode to Joy"
Andrzej Kurylewicz – soundtrack excerpt from the polish TV serial: Polskie Drogi
Jan A.P. Kaczmarek - soundtrack excerpts from the movies: Finding Neverland,
Emmanuelle, The Look of Love, Chopin’s Nocturne
song of Kenny G,
polish songs: Niech żyje bal, Szczęśliwej drogi już czas, Sen o Warszawie
Wojciech Kilar - Orawa
Sinfonia Varsovia
Leszek Możdżer – piano
Chris Botti – trumpet
Kenny G – saxophone
Michael Bolton - vocal              3 names that sound familiar ... LOL
Adam Sztaba – conductor            MB has been working with this conductor on several occasions before: 


Michael Bolton, The Members of "Star Academy" & Adam Sztaba Orchestra - "Love Somebody"


(there was WAMLAW too, but I can't find it anymore :((( )


Michael Bolton & Adam Sztaba Orchestra - "New York, New York" (Warsaw, 11.12.2007)



Michael Bolton & Adam Sztaba Orchestra - "That's Life" (Warsaw, 11.12.2007)



Greetings from


Oh Astrid thanks a million for finding all of that information and thanks too for the correction of the date - see what getting to 60 does for you...that is my excuse for everything I get wrong now !!! lol.

Thank you too for all the links you have put in for they are fantastic - thank you so, so much Astrid !! :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

Hi Christine - was ich immer so finde - musst Du gerade sagen ...LOL Kannst Du die Videos downloaden??? Ich bekomme immer nur das Audio!!!

Hi Sylvia and everyone else,

I did not know that these videos have not been posted before since they are a couple of years on youtube. I will again try to find WAMLAW because it is a wonderful rendition - very passionate (in my ears LOL), so I saved an audio. If it is not available anymore - I believe in the happiness of sharing ...



Hi Astrid, well how fortunate that I believe in the happiness of sharing too! lol Take care sweetie. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

WOW !!! Astrid, Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Nicolette xx


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