Hello.  I've posted some new to me videos on youtube that you might want to watch :)   Here are a few links:


Michael on The Nanny:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uwx9KM-Ej1s


Michael on  Politically Incorrect part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93hdkLTq2s0 and part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mlinxd1zirE


and Michael on Charlie Rose part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KX6THlE6f0 and part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43gsUb5eOjc


Enjoy them for the first time or once again :)  Payten

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Didn't read it anywhere Sylvie for you can see it is done in the same studio which I believe was Michael's own studio as Ronnie Milo is credited with doing it and he is also dressed and looks exactly the same; every single thing is exactly the same except what he is saying.   Also too likely they were done at same time for Pixel Project's campaign started in November but yesterday was first time I believe Pixel put post on Twitter containing video and Chideo kicked off around October; just using my powers of deduction.

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Thought this video definitely deserves to be over here not only because it is a new video for it is from show yesterday at Struthers Library Theatre, Warren, PA but because quality is pretty good and uniqueness is certainly there for it is not only vingettes from show but also still photos have been added in parts too.....as I say, pretty unique, with a well thought out concept very well used.  Should add that Petra firstly put this video on the 2014 Tour thread and all I have done is copied over.....danke Petra !!! :)

Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi all, I found a vintage gem of an old favourite, Michael singing DOTB acoustically in 1987


From what the host says, I’m guessing they hadn’t made the video for DOTB yet and they were using a previously recorded performance. In any case, it’s wonderful so enjoy! Take care and hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D



THE PUREST PLEASURE! A miraculous finding. Many thanks Sylvie!!!

Petra Christine (Germany)

Thanks a million for that one Sylvie for that was real special not only to hear but to see as well......gorgeous !!! :)    All the time Michael is sitting on steps on the stage with guitar resting on his knee and he has on suit with a red shirt and he looks phenomenal !!!! :)   Thanks !!! :)

Hope you don't mind if I add that one to the Video Section Sylvie ???

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi ladies, my absolute pleasure! :D I don't own the video Sylvia so knock yourself out! Good stuff like that is to be shared. :D Take care ladies. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada

P.S.: Thanks Sylvia for the description! :D

Oh Sylvie B.

Thank you, thank you, thank you! That was such a treasure to see & hear! Made my day...... I didn't see where it said 1987, did the girl announcer say that year? I was going to guess 1986. Don't know if I have posted on here the very first time I saw and fell in love with our MB, but this brought back that time. My hubby & I went to see either Heart or Neil Young at the PNC Art Center in Holmdel,NJ.(Was called Garden State Arts Center back then) I can't remember the main band we went to see, but I sure remember Michael! He came out first & played for only about 20 minutes. It was only him, another guitar player and I think a drummer, only 3 guys I know that for sure. Don't remember how they even announced him as I wasn't paying much attention until he started singing! The other 2 guys left the stage, Michael had a guitar and sat on the edge of the stage for his last song. He did Dock of The Bay, just like in this video you found! No one singer ever had such an impact on me, even to this day! I went out the next day to our local record store looking for anything by him. Remember back then, so hard to find things out without the internet!


Joy ;))))))))


Hi Joy, you just put a big smile on my face! :D The reason I said "1987" is that the host said that: "This year, Michael released his version..." and I know "The hunger" was released in '87. I know Michael did tour with Heart back then, so most likely, he was opening for Heart. What a fabulous memory that is, thanks so much for sharing Joy, take care. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada <3


If you know Michael toured with Heart back then, that's good enough for me! That answers that mystery for me, my husband couldn't remember either who MB opened for. (So long ago!) I did find a link on a Hearts website below. Now I wonder if it could have been 1985. I am thinking it was, because we adopted Kristen in March 1986 and I can say I am sure we weren't going to any concerts after we had her. So now my guess is this is the date! Would MB have sung Dock of the Bay in 1985?

Garden State Arts Center, Holmdel, NJ 9/6/85

Hi Joy, well I do know Michael toured with Heart for about 6 weeks in the 80’s. I had found a tour mug on-line, (that I unfortunately never bought), but I’m also sure I heard Michael in interviews say he toured with them for 6 weeks. As for the year, if he opened for Heart, you know it had to be before 1987. I’m pretty sure he was performing DOTB before recording it, he has mentioned it in TSOIA. I don’t know if you can remember what he looked like, but I think in ’85, he had more facial hair. :D I wasn’t there sweetie, so I’m sure you know better than I do. I just go with bits and pieces. That’s really cool that Heart fans have compiled that list! :D Well hope that answers your question Joy, take care. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D

Hi again Joy, I checked the thread Robin had started about first time concert experiences:


but your story wasn’t on it, though it sounds vaguely familiar. I’d love it if you would post it there, so many great stories on that thread. Well anyway, thanks again sweetie, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D

Thanks Sylvie for finding that, it's now 20 years ago for me this year..Time sure flies for all of us. Joy I LOVE YOUR STORY. I've been to that venue several times since to see MB but not as far back as you have. That is an incredible story.. Thanks for sharing!!!

Robin in MD :)


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