Hello.  I've posted some new to me videos on youtube that you might want to watch :)   Here are a few links:


Michael on The Nanny:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uwx9KM-Ej1s


Michael on  Politically Incorrect part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93hdkLTq2s0 and part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mlinxd1zirE


and Michael on Charlie Rose part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KX6THlE6f0 and part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43gsUb5eOjc


Enjoy them for the first time or once again :)  Payten

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Hey Robin, I keep a list of favorite threads and that thread has been in my favorites since 2010. :D Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D

Hey Robin,

I thought I put my "first time" story on the link, but I guess not. I will do it soon. Yes, it was 27-29 years ago! So cool if I can figure out the exact date. But unlike you and a lot of others, I was busy raising my daughter, working, etc. I bought all his records, cassettes, CD's etc. but I never saw him in concert again until 2009. Then I started going to as many as I could! So I missed out on the 90's and his long hair days and lot's of crazy concerts I am sure. So I do love reading about everyone else's good old days! But I was always a huge fan over all the years.

Joy ;)



I think I told you the story in a pm a long time ago! I will post it on that link once we decide if I have actually figured out the exact date! And I will try hard to go back in my mind 29 years and come up with a few more details!


Joy ;)


Hi again Joy, ah, that makes sense! Joy, I don’t have to tell you how fortunate you are to have been able to hear Michael in the mid 80’s... I’m guessing you weren’t the type to keep ticket stubs or programs back then... You know sweetie, the exact date isn’t going to make much difference, except for your own satisfaction. The exact year can help to situate it in everyone’s minds though. Have you ever visited Jan Goldberg’s “Sound and video” page?


There are a few vintage mp3’s that might jog your memory on there. All I can say is good luck sweetie, but the fact that this video  did make the memory bubble up to the surface is a good sign! :D Take care Joy and I’ll look forward to read you again. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D

Hi Sylvie,

I will check out Jan's link to jog my memory a bit more before I write my first time story! It really was sooooo long ago. I probably did keep the program or ticket but have no idea if I still have it or not. It's possible. I have boxes of photos & scrapbook stuff that never got into scrapbooks! It's possible I actually have it, but who knows when I might find it. I now have some boxes in storage and lost others in the Sandy flood. Anway, I am going with that date. But your video find is a real treasure for me!

Thanks again,

Joy ;)


Hey Joy, glad to hear it sweetie and I'll look forward to your account. Take care. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D


This video has just been uploaded to YouTube so thought would bring over and it is Michael and Barry Mann singing "You've Lost That Loving Feeling" in 1989 and the video is introduced by Herbie Hancock on Coast to Coast.   What I noticed was that the uploader has said they have uploaded for Florin so I do hope you have seen the video Florin ????


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.




This has been on YouTube, but in case some of you didn't know I thought I'd post this. Also interesting that someone wrote about it just a few days ago!
Joy ;)
michael bolton
Daily update March 21, 2014
If you haven't seen Michael Bolton's softball tutorial video you haven't lived
Remember back in the '80s meant that being a pop star meant that you could do whatever you want? Including having your own amateur softball team ...

Hi Joy,  it's interesting how some people have a lot of time on their hands and nothing to do... I think Sylvia transfered  the video to the video section of this site. You know, there are so many things on YouTube, I'm surprised noone uploaded "This is Michael Bolton" in its entirety yet. I know, I keep checking! :D Anyway, thanks for the mention sweetie, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D 

Hi Sylvie B....Ahhh  "lots of time on my hands and nothing to do"......I wish for that quite often!! I have just the opposite, but I also like keeping busy most of the time! LOL! Hugs....



Not MB, but a  Portuguese boy singing WAMLAW on a TV show. Apart from his horrible wig, not a bad job. I'd love someone to cover SILYBIL, to make it a true classical too.


Bernardo Dimas | Michael Bolton (When A Man Loves A Woma


Thanks so much Astrid for finding and sharing that for indeed he is a great wee singer and thoroughly enjoyed it especially the hair and the suit...Michael down to a tee !!! lol    Lovely to see and thanks again !!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.



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