Hello.  I've posted some new to me videos on youtube that you might want to watch :)   Here are a few links:


Michael on The Nanny:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uwx9KM-Ej1s


Michael on  Politically Incorrect part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93hdkLTq2s0 and part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mlinxd1zirE


and Michael on Charlie Rose part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KX6THlE6f0 and part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43gsUb5eOjc


Enjoy them for the first time or once again :)  Payten

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Yes Sylvie no improvement whatsoever on 2011 and in fact as I am 61 this year who knows what might happen because I am getting nearer to 6 and quarter and that is a BAD age !! LOL    Totally and utterly off topic.....I have always kept in touch with an old boss through Christmas cards with letters attached but this year I sent him one of the pictures from London and said I had gone down there, apart from Reception and my great-nephew Matthew's op. (which was why September not April) as my treat to myself for my 60th and he sent me a letter saying he just about fainted when he read I was 60 for he said it seemed like yesterday to him that I appeared in his door for my interview for my first job at 17 BUT he also said, thank God, it sounded as though, by my joking about being an OAP and getting my bus pass, I hadn't changed any so just think yourselfs all lucky that you haven't known me since I was 17 !!!!!! LOL.

Back to topic and in the little video of Michael where he sings in the church there is definitely a "frog in his throat" at one point so.................. !!!  Again, whilst it was a recorded show, the audience was huge and if it was, as it appeared to be, a lengthy show possibly nobody wanted to take the chance of having to re-record and re-record segments for it may have taken too long to have gained the perfection that some artists may have demanded when knowing it could be re-recorded...possibility for cutting out that probability ??? :)


Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend

Sylvia, wow, you tend to long-lasting relationships LOL

Who would mind MB to re-record? LOL I would welcome some "frog in his throat" if I had the chance to listen one more time LOL.Was it really a frog in the throat or was it MB's emotional participation? Do you remember the interview when he talked about being moved by this location and by Francis of Assisi who influenced it?

I remember Barbra Streisand and Luciano Pavarotti talking about the risks of singing live - live is life, life giving as well as threatening, and: no risk, no fun. I don't believe in perfection but in the honesty of the moment, that reveals the current state of a human being, and I will always honor that courage to stick to liveliness rather than to the perfection of a retort.

Barbra Streisand even refrained re-recording "I've dreamed of you", which she dedicated to her husband James Brolin, although her emotional involvement caused a little voice collapse, so what??

End of sermon, LOL. I have to return to work tomorrow, so I won't have time to spread my opinions again. LOL

Greetings from


That is the joy of being retired......one holiday all year long Astrid !!!! LOL.   Don't work too hard and don't forget where we are Astrid because we miss you when are away and I certainly need someone to keep in check !!!!!!! ROFL.


Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi Sylvie,

as a student I worked at a TV station and we had many live shows. Of course, sound checks take a lot of time (and time is money !) and very often the technicians prefered miming ("full playback", as we say in Germany), because it is less work and seems to offer less risks, but sometimes technicians loved to accept the technical challenges and artists who "dared" to sing live were highly appreciated. Yet, the instruction to prepare live performances or not came from the director, sometimes reflecting the artist's wish, sometimes not. Also, very often I was confused about the audiences' reaction. If a singer was "caught" lip-syncing, he or she was laughed at, but if he or she sang live, any deviation from the "original recording" provoked disparaging comments. Now what??? 

I remember watching on TV MB's live performance of SILYBIL on the former German TV-Show "Geld oder Liebe" (Money or Love). The host, Jürgen von der Lippe, announced MB with very appreciative words, esp. he said, that the whole team had  "full-body-goosebumps" during the rehearsals. Needless to say that I joined this experience a couple of seconds later, hearing SILYBIL live first time (btw, he wore "these" denim shirt and pants from the video, I guess LOL).    

Back to the HF-Show. I don't think that any performance was live. But it was a great show with dancing and acrobatic numbers. 

Watching again, I must admit that Peter Maffay improved his lip-syncing LOL. Nevertheless, as you said, he is a spontaneous singer and his variations are most enjoyable for his audience and I think for him too. Lately I heard one of his song writers say, that Peter Maffay is able to sing from a newspaper, and he still sounds good LOL.

And last: I have to correct my last comment on listening to MB's CDs after his concerts: After a while I started to listen to the CDs again, but it took months until I could enjoy them again like before the concerts, that is what I meant. Tststs, words don't come easy ... LOL

Anyway, I can not wait to hear MB live again, in Concert. I know, the longest way will be worth it.



Hallo Astrid, your knowledge, understanding and appreciation of music are truly a gift, thank you for sharing sweetie, take care. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Sorry ladies, but I can't resist adding my little bit to this discussion ... I would much rather watch any performer sing 'live' than lip-synch.   It's like listening to the creation of a new song.   It may not always work or sound as pleasant, but I've seen so many singers get in trouble trying to mime.  


Okay, that's my bit ... and thank you Sylvia for your description of Michael wearing just a long scarf.   I'm so glad you can't see the image in my mind now .... but it's extremely pleasant and likely to stay with me for some time ;)


Hugs to you all,

di (Scotland) xxx

Hi Diane,

welcome to "our" discussion! You nailed both topics with a few words - congrats LOL

Greetings from Germany


You know something girls if I ever meet Michael I hope he is not wearing a scarf !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ROFL.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

Thank you Astrid, I couldn 't say too much anyway, my mind's too distracted! :)


Sylvia I really hope you do meet Michael .... with or without a scarf!    Your face would be a picture! lol


hugs, di xxxx


My face would be a picture Diane...you have certainly got that right....you know how we say about a beetroot....forget it....aubergine comes to mind and I wouldn't be able to talk for bursting a rib !!! LOL.   Think I could see Michael's face if he ever met me for I am pretty sure it would be saying;  "OMG what have we got here ??" and at the same time he would be looking for the nearest exit and you know something....I wouldn't blame him !!!! LOL.

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


No .. Michael has a sense of humour remember ... and you are the famous 'wee Scottish friend' to us all :)   I think he'd look on it as a golden opportunity, although you'd never forgive Astrid and myself - sorry Astrid, but if I'm going down I'm taking you with me! lol


hugs from me,

di xxxx


Interview of Michael in Aruba:

Didn`t know if anyone had posted this video.




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