Hello.  I've posted some new to me videos on youtube that you might want to watch :)   Here are a few links:


Michael on The Nanny:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uwx9KM-Ej1s


Michael on  Politically Incorrect part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93hdkLTq2s0 and part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mlinxd1zirE


and Michael on Charlie Rose part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KX6THlE6f0 and part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43gsUb5eOjc


Enjoy them for the first time or once again :)  Payten

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Hi Christine,

congratulations for finding the first easter egg on youtube!! LOL

Thanks for sharing


PS. For those who are new and don't own the Blackjack material: Here is one of my favorite Blackjack songs

Southern Ballad (just audio and visuell effects of the CD box covers)


Thank you for that Astrid.   I don't own any Blackjack but this is one I wish I did.   di

Thanks Astrid and I too love the "Southern Ballad" even wish MB would cover it now and Diane what you should look for is "Blackjack Anthology" for it contains "Blackjack" from 1979 and also the album "Worlds Apart" from 1980 which contains some beautiful songs too and I actually bought my copy from Amazon.....don't know if they still sell it or not but can assure you it is well worth having !!! :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi Sylvia, are you saying you bought the Black Jack anthology from Amazon or an Amazon seller? Just checking. I've had the Japanese version for years and I do have to say that yes, it's definitely worth it. I love the texture and tone of Michael's voice on certain songs and the way he delivers songs like "For you": and "Stay":


Sorry Diane, I couldn't find "for you" but I just love it. I know I picked 2 ballads, but the rock songs are great too. Thanks for the tip Sylvia, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hi Sylvie, I went into my Amazon account to check and I bought it new from them - thought I had - they do still have and they have used ones as well for sale !!  The one  they have is actually a remastered one that was brought out in 2009 and I got the heads up about it I think, if memory serves me right, from Christine and if it was someone else I apologize and also too I was quite surprised to see it was April last year when I bought it.....I would have said just a few months ago not a year....OMG time is marching on !!! lol


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Thank you all for your help.    I've ordered 'Anthology' from one of Amazon's sellers.   Had to check on HMV first to make sure it had Southern Ballad on it.   That makes 2 songs from the Bolton Brothers (30 years apart!) that reduce me to tears!


Thanks for the link Sylvie to 'Stay' ... also on 'Anthology' ;)



Hey Diane, you'll get all Black Jack songs: 2 albums in 1 on the anthology. To my knowledge, that's all they released. But who knows, maybe one day we'll find hidden tracks by them too! :D Take care sweetie and do let us know how you enjoy it. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

So glad to hear Diane that you have managed to get a copy for I am sure you will thoroughly enjoy it !!! :)

Sylvie can I ask you something for in the sleeve of the CD it gives Discography for Blackjack and lists their singles and then albums but it does not say "Blackjack" what it says is "Hard Finish Long Playing"  and "Worlds Apart" but nowhere else does it mention anything other than "Blackjack" or was "Hard Finish Long Playing" going to have been the title before they used their name as the title......don't quite understand where it comes from or why it appears where it does and wondered if you knew answer to ??? :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Hey Sylvia,  to my knowledge, the 2 albums have always been refered to as "Black Jack" and "Worlds apart". "Long playing" is for LP but I have no idea what they mean by "hard finish"... What is that, as opposed to "soft finish"? XD I have those on record girl and don't think they say anything else, I haven't seen anything else anyway... XD Take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

The words "Long Playing Hard Finish" are written as a title for an album released in 1979 Sylvie along with "Worlds Apart" released in 1980 and it doesn't mention an album called "Blackjack" .....that is the groups name not the title of the album.......another mistake like "Bolotkin" !!! LOL.


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Sylvia & Sylvie,


I found Hard Finish, Long Playing  (Artist: Blackjack) for sale at this link  ...



It says the release date is 1990 though.   Does that help? 


hugs, di

Hi Diane, thanks for the detective work! :D I've searched the page but still don't know what they mean by "hard finish". I was just trying to help Sylvia. As I've said, I have both albums on LP and on CD, but it's good to know they're still available. Thanks again Diane, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada


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