New Year Resolutions for 2012....with a completely NEW slant !!!

Following a request and suggestion from a very dear friend of all of ours on this forum, Sylvie from Canada, I’ve agreed to set up this thread on behalf of both of us and hope that you’ll join in the fun .

Sylvie's idea came from the age old New Year resolution pledges that we’ve all made and have often all broken, throughout the years, and hoped that by trying a "new sauce" on that "old turkey"  it could feel easier for us all and give us a chance to be able to "pat ourselves on the back" and proudly say we achieved our goal of following to the end our... "New Month"... resolution instead........ what do you think?

We both agreed that the month of January would be a "freeby" so we can share suggestions if any of our usual active forum members are interested in this project which, we both hope, will turn into something worthwhile and a lot of fun too.  So guys, if you’d like to take part, please feel free to share your ideas of what you think would be useful and fun resolutions for all of us to follow each month. 

Obviously this January is, apart from a "freeby" month, a trial month too so that Sylvie and I can see your interest in this and figure out what the majority think so that we can start February with a very firm idea of what our 1st Resolution will be.  Each one, thereafter, will be clearly displayed before the month begins and will be advertised with an MB calendar as is shown below for our "freeby" month of January.  We hope that each month we can all share stories, tips and cheer each other on.



If you’re interested please join in and give us your thoughts and let’s make this great forum even more of a fun place to visit where we can all come together as friends, thanks to our love and admiration for our Michael.


Sylvie from Canada and Sylvia, your wee Scottish friend.

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Thanks for trying to comfort me Sylvie in my murderous act toward my little house dust mite friends and console me that I wasn't really as horrible as I was but oh, I know I was, for the party the others had last night was definitely a wake for all I heard was "Danny Boy" getting sung over and over again !!!! LOL.

As for the Olympics the one thing I can come up with for exercising is that I sit and eat and drink all day while I am watching and then I will have to keep getting up to go to the loo you think that will be enough exercise ?????? LOL.   To be serious one set of exercises I am definitely going to do is upper arm i.e weights because I piled on the pounds a little while ago and thank goodness metabolism is now working to shift some and I am delighted with what I have lost but upper arms are starting to show age in that loss so they definitely need firming up or hidden.....I won't get away with kidding on I'm only 6 because everybody will be able to point and say not with arms like that your not !!! LOL.


Sylvia.    Your wee Scottish friend.


As we have arrived at is little picture to go with and Sylvie in this one I have made my official Olympic London 2012 shop bag the background with sitting on it my little Olympic flag plus the official Olympic symbol of 2012 which I have as a pink fridge magnet and then the calendar picture of Mr. Bolton for August which, more than appropriately, shows him in his softball uniform .....sports all the way !! :)   Sorry my little flag is a little crushed but it has been in the bag since I came home from London in September after buying all my goodies at the Olympic site.....have got a mug too but couldn't get that in the picture !!! LOL.



As for what resolutions to follow this month......I haven't a clue Sylvie other than to promise myself to get those jobs done outside and also to GET FIT and start with very, very serious exercising and I am actually thinking in going along to our Vikingar, where they have a gym, and making enquiries about for I quite fancy riding on a little bike and pushing some weights instead of at the moment a couple of jars of pasta sauce.....yeah that is what I have been using as my weights but as I am going to have pasta for my dinner tonight, that is one of my weights gone !!! LOL.   Will let you know what comes of gym for it does obviously depend a great deal on cost of joining but will pop in tomorrow and check on and maybe, just maybe, they will do special rates for OAP' having paramedics standing by just in case with oxygen cylinders etc. !!! LOL.


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend still playing catch-up today !!!! lol.


Hey Sylvia, funny that I was thinking about this thread this morning and after reading your catch-up comments, I thought your resolution would be to keep your sanity this month! lol Well, personally, I think I'll resolve to wash my windows this month, while I still have my boys to keep an eye on me... :D I've been able to do it in 2 days in the past, but my ankle isn't feeling quite steady enough yet, but I'll do it slowly. God willing, the humidity will go down to a bareable level soon. I hope for you that you get a half decent summer soon sweetie, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hope you got your windows done and if you have you can pop over to Scotland for funnily enough I hate cleaning windows....anyone surprised by that statement ??? LOL   It is a wonder I enjoy having a shower and more that I love lying in a bath for about 2 to 3 hours reading a good book but of course it has its downside too when you have to clean it after !!!! lol.

To be serious, in fact, to be very serious, I went to gym and enquired about joining and I got all little leaflets about and this little lady is going to go at beginning of next week and join....maybe even as soon as tomorrow !! :)    Have one or two questions still to ask but because I am an OAP I can get what they call an "Access Card" which only costs me £5.50 for the year and because I am entitled to that card I can take advantage of their "Pay As You Go" Scheme and that works out that each time I go to the gym I only pay £2.50 ....yipeeeee !!:)    Because I would be a new member I do have to go through an Induction Course where you get shown round all the facilities and shown how to use all the facilities and also a one-to-one with an instructor who draws up a programme just for you on what you hope to achieve and how he thinks you can go about it and for that I pay £15.   They also have a reduced Multi-Use Annual or Monthly Subscription which I would be entitled to take out if I want where I would then have access to swimming pools, saunas, skating rink and exercises classes they hold; PLUS, PLUS, golf course and you think I should take up golf and join somebody else on the greens or, in the bunkers, more like ????? LOL.    So, I am all set for I have the leggings and I am pretty sure I can find a t-shirt that is long enough and baggy enough to hide EVERYTHING but I don't have trainers so will need to ask about shoes because obviously for bikes and walkers they may recommend trainers....but.....I will ask.   

Watch this space for updates on this wee lassies latest adventure and I am convinced now that we can forget life beginning at 40 for 60 is now the new age to get it all together......just look at me for 2010, just before 60, bought first laptop and still getting stuck in to learning this computer lark and now at 61 joining a gym....OMG the world is my oyster for my third adventure and maybe I should make that one learning how to use a vacuum cleaner and a duster or, maybe I should be more realistic and make it something more achievable, a first Michael Bolton concert !!! LOL.


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hey Sylvia, are you kidding me? I have all month to do that! lol But seriously, I'm just hoping for bareable weather for a couple of days. The atmosphere is heavy and sticky and the 2 5-minute thunderstorms we got today were no help at all. It usually takes me 2 days if I do it alone: I have 14 windows here. Well my goodness, so the Olympics are inspiring you Sylvia? :D Good for you joining a gym girl: I will expect a weekly report missy! :D Your gym's rates sound reasonable and I like the  "pay as you go" policy. Let us know when your actual training plan is set so if you need cheering on, we'll be here. So any sign of summer in Scotland yet? I hope so, for your sake. I was telling your compatriot Diane that I was sorry North America hogged all the summer there was... :D In any case, keep us posted sweetie, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Quick little up-date.....I applied for and have now got my card that I need for the Vikingar Leisure Centre to get my concessions because I am an OAP and I went along today and have got myself booked in for an induction course, for the use of the gym, for tomorrow going well it looks as though my first serious effort in a gym will take place on Thursday morning  and if I don't appear back on here in the next few days you will understand that the Wee One will be lying flat on her back somewhere trying to recover from the shock !!!!! LOL.

Have got to share this with you too for, oh boy, do I feel GOOD...yeah, for when I went in today and asked about induction course the girl asked me if I had become a member and I explained that I had got my concession card and I was going to use the pay-as-you-go facility for just now to see how I got on and she said that is only available to OAP's and so I said; "Yes, that's right !" and she then said; "but you are never an OAP !", did I feel good, yeah, yeah, yeah !!! LOL.   I actually ended up showing her my concession travel card that you get in Scotland for free travel on the buses when you are an OAP and she was still looking at me and especially too when I said to her that I am in fact over 61, next birthday I will be 62.....she was laughing and still shaking her head for she was still doubtful.....thought she was maybe going to ask me to produce my birth certificate .....I thought of saying to her wait till you see me after first session on Thursday for there will be no doubting then !!! :)

Can't wait for it all to start and will keep you informed of how things saga in the Wee One's escapades coming up !!!!!! LOL


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


OMG Sylvia, good for you sweetie! So who should we call if we don't hear from you on Friday? lol Maybe you should go to bed Thursday with your laptop on your lap or your phone on the bed in case you need reenforcements! lol Just teasing Sylvia, I'm sure you'll do great if you just remember to ease into it and remind your trainer you're OAP... :D On my side, I'm putting finishing touches on my latest masterpiece so should start on the windows by the end of the week. Funny how August sneeked up on us and I haven't seen it go. I guess it's always the case with summer, isn't it? I'll look forward to hear how your first session went sweetie, keep us posted. Take care and break a leg! Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada :D

I have survived the induction course and in fact thoroughly enjoyed it !!! :)     I expected bikes, walkers, weights and rowers but the amount of different machines they have in the lost track of how many I was shown and apart from one, I tried them all out and can't wait to get back and do for real and seriously on my own and so tomorrow I am going back there for sure and the instructor that showed me everything said she is on tomorrow again and so will look out for me and help me with whatever I want to try out.    I was delighted too because I didn't feel self conscious and there were quite a few people there and I knew that was going to be a huge hurdle to overcome and even although I forgot how to get on a bike, think I thought I was climbing into my bed, I didn't feel embarrassed once and in fact managed to have a laugh at my stupidity and the instructor said she had experienced the same thing although to some extent in reverse, just a little while ago for she went to get on a bike and couldn't and everyone round about her was laughing and saying what on earth is wrong with you for you work with bikes all the time but as she said, the ones she is used to are stationery, not ones that move every time you go to get on I felt a little better !! lol.    Can't wait for tomorrow and I really do think I will be making use of that place so much so I think I will be cheaper taking out a monthly membership but I will give it a few goes and see how I get on first and I will report back tomorrow but it is looking pretty good for one resolution to be achieved and maintained and that is for serious exercise for the Wee One and the next one is to make sure that the weight I have lost stays off this time for remember at beginning of year I lost weight well I put it all straight back on when Justine and family were up visiting.....two full meals a day, all the rubbish in between and then the alcohol; didn't stand a chance....BUT over last two months I have managed to lose 8 pounds and as I would still like to lose about another 8 have some ways to go.....but, I am getting there and I feel by the time I hit 62 it will be a knew me that will rock the world.......just have to win the Lottery so that I can afford a face lift and then I will really be rocking !!!!! LOL.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


IF I only needed to lose 8 pounds....Oh My!!! You go Wee One and enjoy the gym :)))) Thanks goodness I am walking or else I am certain I would have gained 8 pounds by now!!! That is ok because I won'r be deterred as I continue on. As I say it took me years to look my portly self so I need to allow much more time to lose it if I want it to stay off!!! No matter what is nice to be healthy!!! And good luck on your window cleaning Sylvie. I did hose mine down the other day!!! At least the screens got cleaned. The air drying isn't so great  Oh well....I will work on that job also...LOL

Kathy....with lots to work 

For goodness sake Kathy, what do you mean "your portly self";  don't you mean your "cuddly, friendly, little self";  yeah, cuddly definitely, forget portly and you wait, for all that walking will pay off  and I bet it has started to already.   I will admit I probably do need to lose more than 8 pounds but I am going for that first and then I will see how the face is fairing because if it starts to clamp in and go south, I don't care what the rest of the body looks like, I am stopping at whatever weight I am at ..... you can always hide a lot but, unfortunately, unless I start wearing a burka, the face is out there for all to see....... when I seriously think about it like that, wearing a burka might not be a bad idea, after all !!!! LOL.

As you can see I am in here tonight so I have survived my first wee session in a and what a good wee session it was too...I thoroughly enjoyed it and am heading back tomorrow morning.   Must admit the way I felt at end, or at least when I knew I had to stop, I seriously thought that possibly during today I would either seize up or muscles would be sore but I am fine for once I had recovered and was able to breathe again and I got over the exhausted, sweaty, racing heart beat stage I felt great.....mind you the fact that that took about 7  hours is totally irrelevant  !!! LOL.   I actually used 5 different machines and reckon for total length of time I was there I probably was on the machines for a total of 1 I didn't think that was too bad for first time and will see how I get on tomorrow and I also remembered how to use the machines and there was only one that I had forgotten how to adjust the bar that goes across the legs for it was the machine for upper thighs I was using and a very nice fellow who was there helped me....enough said !!!! :)))))))))))))))))))


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.



Hi Ladies and the Wee One has to admit this morning that she used muscles yesterday that ain't been used for quite a while so, have a guess what, gym is out the window today as I don't believe I could lift a bag of sugar over my head let alone push and pull a machine with 4 kilos of weight attached to not stopping completely today for I will do some gentle exercises at home like picking up a book to read and will also go for a little walk....maybe attempt the garden path and back....LOL.   Will get back into harness next week and will have to for don't know how things will go after 30th August for great nephew Matthew is coming up for holiday then for just over a couple of weeks so, apart from possibly less gym time, will not be on here as often for laptop will be hijacked again and must look at long range weather forecast and start planning all wee excursions for the two of us;  so watch out Glencoe, Edinburgh and a trip for sure on the Waverley the last sea going paddle steamer and something too I know Matthew wants to do and that is a trip on a ferry so might just go across the little stretch of water from me and get to the Isle of Cumbrae and the little town of Millport and they hire out bikes on there and the Wee One is seriously thinking of it for her next escapade and I think it is somewhere akin to about 48 years since I have been on a bike so watch out world and keep tuned on here for you might just see a picture that will go to prove it all !!!!! LOL. 


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.



Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi girls, well first, Kathy, God bless you for keeping on keeping-on! Getting into good habits is not easy and it seems you’ve got that one down pat so good for you sweetie! The main idea is to get healthier, the weight loss is just parsley on your plate! :D Now Sylvia, I was waiting for your day after impressions and though I’m tempted to snicker, I’ll applaud you for going through the first step and resolving to not keep still! Now you’ll have to show your nephew what you’re made of  and that his aunt still has a lot of fight and stamina in her and he’d better watch himself! How’s that for a pep talk? ;D I just want to wish you well for staying active while he’s around. As for me, since I’ve finished my latest art project, I’m packing up the dustmites to camp, on a slow boat to Scotland so they can join yoursSylvia and they can all have fun together, wherever they’re going. The windows will need to be done after. The allergies are pretty bad so want to take care of the dust first. BTW, I’m building back up my own endurance with my ankle and can walk now for over an hour but then I have to stop because it really hurts but at least I’m making progress. Chute, I just thought of something: Sylvia, would Matthew be able to help you to varnish your door? We keep being reminded that fall is coming, while we’re trying to squeeze as much summer left as we can... All right girls well good luck to us! Take care and big hugs to both of you, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada :D


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