New Year Resolutions for 2012....with a completely NEW slant !!!

Following a request and suggestion from a very dear friend of all of ours on this forum, Sylvie from Canada, I’ve agreed to set up this thread on behalf of both of us and hope that you’ll join in the fun .

Sylvie's idea came from the age old New Year resolution pledges that we’ve all made and have often all broken, throughout the years, and hoped that by trying a "new sauce" on that "old turkey"  it could feel easier for us all and give us a chance to be able to "pat ourselves on the back" and proudly say we achieved our goal of following to the end our... "New Month"... resolution instead........ what do you think?

We both agreed that the month of January would be a "freeby" so we can share suggestions if any of our usual active forum members are interested in this project which, we both hope, will turn into something worthwhile and a lot of fun too.  So guys, if you’d like to take part, please feel free to share your ideas of what you think would be useful and fun resolutions for all of us to follow each month. 

Obviously this January is, apart from a "freeby" month, a trial month too so that Sylvie and I can see your interest in this and figure out what the majority think so that we can start February with a very firm idea of what our 1st Resolution will be.  Each one, thereafter, will be clearly displayed before the month begins and will be advertised with an MB calendar as is shown below for our "freeby" month of January.  We hope that each month we can all share stories, tips and cheer each other on.



If you’re interested please join in and give us your thoughts and let’s make this great forum even more of a fun place to visit where we can all come together as friends, thanks to our love and admiration for our Michael.


Sylvie from Canada and Sylvia, your wee Scottish friend.

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"Flaming" June has arrived.....too soon in my book for where have those other five months gone - soon be Christmas.....and why don't we all agree for this month that we keep up with our resolutions that were going so well in May and that hopefully by end June we will have succeeded in either completing them or certainly have discovered far more benefits in the keeping up with.....agreed ??????? :)

I have to say that over the next week I will not get chance to do anything towards resolutions and in fact will not be on here very much although will almost certainly keep tabs on everything and that will be dependent on whether or not I can get a hold of my laptop because I have my niece and her family coming up to visit for a holiday so I will be busy thoroughly enjoying showing them around my little corner of the world and too, her eldest son, my great nephew Matthew, is going to be staying with me and into his hands, I believe, my laptop will disappear and I will willingly let it walk into you all later on in June !!! :)    Have FUN !!! :)



Picture is taken in my garden and have positioned calendar page for June in amongst flowers on a broom plant that I have in a pot on my patio.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Hey Sylvia, keeping up with May or other monthly resolutions sounds good to me. I'm happy to report that I went into a listening marathon yesterday and finished my LP pile! Now all I need to do is braille label them and file them away. Maybe I'll do that while listening to at least one of the 2 tapes I was supposed to clear too. While I'm at it, I want to share that I was able to operate my USB turntable all by myself!!! I am so happy about that, you have no idea! Now all I need to do is practice, practice, practice so I don't need instructions any more. So I'll target another area for clearing this month and record more stuff with my USB turntable: that should keep me busy! Have a fantastic time with your family Sylvia and we'll be here when you get back. Take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada 

Congrats to you Sylvie!!! The Solver at work :)))

Sylvia...have a WONDERFUL time with the family visiting!! I know that is very special to you :)))) 

I will continue my walking :))))

see ya ladies...

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Thanks for good wishes from both of you and I can't wait for them all to get here.....early evening when they will arrive so still got some time to get rid of some house dust mites !!! LOL.   YOU think I am KIDDING....I ain't !!! LOL   Yesterday I had planned I was going to do this and do that.....sun came out, where did Sylvia you need TWO guesses !!! ROFL   As I say can't wait and especially too as Matthew is going to stay with me.....first time anyone will have stayed in my little house and it means a lot that it is going to be him.....yeah the little boy that shouldn't be here.....another one that has beaten the odds and thank God !!! :)


Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend.


Hey Kathy, thanks for the pat on the back, I needed that! I amazed myself yesterday: I never did watch my tape because my son came home early but I actually filed away 2/3 of my LP's and CD's, which is pretty good since my allergies were getting the best of me and the meds didn't help at all. It shouldn't be hard to finish today. Continued success in your consistency Kathy! Now Sylvia, since you've mentionned the dust mites being your buddies before, aren't you afraid they'll be mad at you for chasing them out for another guest? lol But seriously, I'm glad Matthew will be able to spend some time with you and continued health to him. \Take care girls and big hugs to both of you, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

LOL Sylvia!! I believe you about the dust mites for I have dang cob webs that appear over night so I can relate. And where else does one go but straight OUTSIDE when the beautiful sun appears??? A no brainer for I would have done the same...LOL 

How long will Matthew be staying? I sure hope you have great weather for his visit :) Again...have a wonderful visit!!!!

Sylvie have you ever tried Zyrtec for allergies? That is what I use and I find it works very well :) Just a thought in case you haven't heard about that med. 

Now I am off to clean up some more weeds since we have an overcast day sun

see ya ladies....

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Hi Kathy, thanks for the tip sweetie, I'll definitely keep it in mind. I used Reactin and for me, it took a long time to take effect and to be honest, I'm not sure if I didn't just fall asleep of sheer exhaustion. I thought I'd give it a second chance though and aside for a very occasional slight cough, I'm practically back to normal today! I dislike taking meds and only take them when I'm desperate... :D Take care sweetie and again, thanks for the tip. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Very welcome Sylvie. It is fast acting and is great for the runny nose and itchy eyes etc. It doesn't make you drowsy either. Also you can buy it now over the counter...used to need a prescription. I usually get the cough from the post nasal drip caused by the allergies :/ I try to catch it before that happens. It seems to be a high allergy season this year!  Take care....

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Catch up time now as I said on another thread as family have left .....oh dear......this little place is so, so quiet and I am not liking one little bit for Matthew and I had a fantastic time together and believe it or not I know I speak for both of us !! :)    Think he will be coming back up later on in year for a little holiday on his own .....can't wait !!! :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


How wonderful Sylvia!!! I know his visit meant a lot to you. May I ask how his medical issues are going? I am sure you have lifted his spirits a bunch and will help him with his recovery :) Very happy for you!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Believe Kathy by the way you have asked question you are thinking of Michael, my nephew, not Matthew, my great nephew,although both have been through the "wars" a little bit recently......Michael had the biopsy and all is well there as you know and it has been decided to "leave well alone"  and see how things immediate reason to remove anything so best left as invasive surgery could cause problems which don't exist and he is doing fine Kathy and still hope he may be able to make it up here for little break sometime this year but love life has kind of taken off so my importance has diminished somewhat.....thrilled for him and thrilled too for he is sharing with me and I am getting told all about it !! LOL     Matthew is great and he is so pleased he did have the cranioplasty carried out last September and it was great for me to able to see how well his scars are all healing for when I went down to London he had only been out of hospital a few days after surgery.   Matthew is the little boy who at 10 was given the prognosis of no longer than 17 years and he turned 20 this year, mind you, after his surgery at 10 his parents were told it was palliative care until his father fought just about everyone in the medical profession and got him on a programme to be used as a "guinnea pig" because he had nothing to lose and look what he and the medical profession have gained and all of us too .....immeasurable ! :)

Thanks for asking Kathy and at this point must give you all a laugh for yesterday I was catching up and reading local newspaper and there was an article about our Viking Festival that we hold each year in September and saying that the special show during the opening ceremony this year will be performed by a Typhoon piloted by a local boy who is in the RAF and I thought Matthew might enjoy that and as we had agreed that at anytime he wanted to come up for holiday just to let me know and so I sent him a message on FB telling him all about and saying he could think about it and if he fancied coming up then to see it all, no problem........he phoned me this morning.......has been on internet......found out cost of train fare as well as times of trains and time of his connection from Glasgow to Largs and even what platform he comes in at and which he leaves from and had even thought that he would have to travel on the Friday when Festival starts Saturday afternoon and he couldn't go back till the Sunday at the earliest because it is the Saturday night we have the firework display and the burning of the longboat.....I couldn't stop laughing and am still chuckling everytime I think about it and needless to say I asked him if he had his case packed already !! lol   Obviously I am thrilled because think you can well appreciate that although during week he seemed to be enjoying himself and when I asked I got told he was having a whale of a time BUT I still wondered in case he was just being polite so, therefore, to get that phone call this morning and the fact that he was practically tripping over his tongue asking questions and telling me all the information he had has certainly made me feel darn good and I just hope it can actually happen !! :)

After above monologue think I had better stop !!! LOL


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.



Awwwwww......that is great Sylvia!!!! I hope he can make it!! He gets an A+ for effort!! I am sorry I confused the two young men...and they both have names that start with M!!!! That for sure offers me NO clue for trying to remember who is who...LOL  Get the extra bedding ready just in case ;) Sounds like a visitor will be arriving!

Kathy and LAFD Bob


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