New Year Resolutions for 2013......with a completely NEW slant !!!

Hi folks and as we are now into 2013 and I have managed to get into MB's (couldn't last night - problems with laptop) have decided, whilst the going is good, to get this thread kicked off for another year.

Sylvie and I still believe we should follow same pattern as for last year with us setting ourselves targets of what we hope to achieve each month and of course, any number of resolutions can be followed each month as well as any number being carried over into the following month where it may end up becoming something that we want to achieve throughout the year but the main thing is that, what we set ourselves, we attempt to achieve and we lend our support to each other in trying to reach our goals.

Please consider joining us for a little bit of seriousness but Sylvie and I hope too, a huge lot of laughs throughout the year because that is, without doubt, the #1 Resolution of this thread, to have, FUN !! :) 

We also believe that we should extend a very warm welcome to our very own "boss", Michael, for he has given us, so far, three of his own resolutions which he hopes to achieve this year and so we invite him to share with us on here how he is getting on achieving his goals and also, if he just wants a little bit of encouragement to keep going with his aims, we are here to support him and we want him to know that.   Also if he decides, at some point in time throughout the year, to set himself another goal he is more than welcome to share it with us on here and again, we will give him all the support he needs !! :)  Believe, more than appropriate to place Michael's 3 Resolutions on here along with pictures he sent and so here is the first........................


"New Year Resolution #1.  Spend lotsa time with Millie & Gwenny! MB" and the picture is a beautiful one of Michael standing at a patio door, at home in Westport, holding Amelia (Millie) in his arms and it was taken at same time as the beautiful one he sent of himself sitting at table working on book with Amelia dancing in background and in this one Michael is facing camera and he is holding Amelia, who is in profile, but the beautiful thing is she has a little back-pack strapped on and she has an arm up going across strap as though showing the world; "this is mine and your not getting it" or at least trying to keep it on her shoulder for it does look a little bitty big !! :)




"New Year Resolution #2.  Enjoy more golf with great buddies like Bruce & Dan. MB" and in this picture are the three of them along with, I believe MB's caddy, for it is an older picture and I am sure it is taken at one of the golf competitions and they are standing on one of the greens of the course.  I will check it out and find out exactly when taken once access into my files is a little bitty easier, safer and more guaranteed than of now !! LOL. 




Now for Resolution #3........

"New Years Resolution #3.  Keep the reciprocal inspiration going with amazing artists like Melanie!" and this picture is a beautiful one of a close up, from waist, of MB and Melanie Fiona and Michael's smile is one of the widest and happiest that he gives and equally too, so is Melanie' is a beautiful picture !! :)


Here is #4......"New Year Resolution #4 continue to revel in all the greats who paved the paths. MB" and in this picture Michael is, I believe, in the Motown Museum for there are a couple of pictures on the wall and you can see a couple and I think, one is of Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell and the other is of The Temptations and am now changing that thought for sure as I believe now it is in fact of Quincey Jones.....could be totally wrong, nowt new there then....and Michael is standing looking up towards what I would imagine is another picture you cannot see and at his back you can see part of a piano and that is what makes me think it is the Museum and it is the piano that was originally used in a lot of the Motown recordings and which was restored last year.



 Now I believe we will have to wait for #5 and I am pretty certain there is going to be one and I wonder how many there could be in total.....7 ????? lol.    Must say that I do hope Michael isn't celebrating his 60th birthday this year by pulling a joke on us all with these resolutions date.....there have been 4 and we have another 56 days till the 26th February....56 + 4 = 60......coincidence ??????? LOL.    Obviously if anymore do appear I will place on here !!! :)

.........and #5 has just popped up and it is..............."New Years resolution #5 Dream bigger & bolder than ever!!" and the picture that goes along with is a wonderfully, stunningly, beautiful one and a view to get lost in anytime of the year !! :)    It is looking off into the horizon and is taken at sunset and you can see a little strip of land which is dark with palm trees on and there dark shadows creep up into the sunset and just before horizon is a strip of water and you are not half way up on the picture for the following section takes you onto the horizon where the sun is setting and what is captured there would stand alone as an absolutely beautiful picture for the sky is on fire and you can feel the heat, if any could be generated from it let alone the tremendous light shining out....I know I am letting my imagination run riot but I don't believe there would be many who wouldn't see something like that looking at something so beautiful.....and then the top half of the picture is of clouds appearing dark because of the sunset and they are of all various shapes and sizes with little whispy white ones too and in between them the brilliant blue sky shining through and in some respects it is like looking at day and night in the one picture for you have the brilliance of the sky above the clouds still bathed in sunshine with the land below entering night.  It is truly, truly gorgeous !! :)



We await #6 and I do not know how MB is going to top that one with the next photo !!! lol.

Hope you will all join in and more importantly, that you all enjoy this thread and cheers to you all for 2013 and may it prove to be one of the best years ever for us all with plenty of "Bolton Adventures" for us to share !! :)  


Sylvie from Canada and Sylvia from Scotland.







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Allo Françoise, je joins Sylvia pour te soutenir dans ta résolution : merde! Puis-je te demander comment tu vas t’y prendre pour y arriver? As-tu de l’aide de l’extérieur, une amie qui fait un régime en même temps ou un programme d’exercice? En tous cas, c’est tout un défi! Je te souhaite le meilleur des succès, parce qu’on passe toutes par là un moment donné. Rendez-vous le 1ier février,, mais si tu as besoin de soutien moral, fais-nous signe! Fais attention à toi et bonne chance! Câlins, sincèrement, Sylvie du Canada

Translation :

Hi Françoise, I’m joining Sylvia to support you in your resolution: break a leg! May I ask how you’ll be going about it? Do you have outside help, a friend who’s dieting at the same time or an exercize program? In any case, that’s quite a challenge! I wish you the best of success, because we all go through it at some bpoint. See you here February 1st, but if you need moral support, flag us down! Take care and good luck! Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

P.S.: My translation is not litteral, but I assure you all it means the same thing. :D

Merci Sylvie pour tes encouragements . Malheureusement je suis seule et je n'aurai d'aide que par vous toutes . En plus je suis diabétique et lorsque je fais des hypoglycémies, je dois me resucrer et la confiture et le sucre n'ont jamais été trop indiqués dans un régime amincissant !!!

Enfin je me lance, merde  aussi Sylvie . Prends soin de toi . Françoise, 2ème Boltonette de France lol !!

Rebonjour Françoise, wow, tu as tout un défi devant toi! Tu sais, après que j’aie accouché de ma première fille, il y a plusieurs années, j’avais évidemment gardé un excès de poids et j’ai fait appel à une diététiste pour m’aider. Je ne sais pas si les diététistes sont facile d’accès en France, mais comme ta santé en dépend, je pense qu’un peu de support professionnel pourrait t’aider. Par exemple, elle pourrait peut-être te donner des suggestions pour ton hypoglicémie plus nutritives mais moins néfastes pour ta santé. Bonne chance ma belle! Câlins, sincèrement, Sylvie du Canada


Hi again Françoise, wow, that's quite a challenge! You know, after I gave birth to my first daughter, many years ago, I obviously had a bit of excess weight and got help from a dietician. I don’t know how accessible dieticians are in France, but since your health depends on it, I think a little professional support could help. For instance, maybe she could suggest alternatives  for your hypoglycaemia that would be more nutritious and less damageable for your health. Good luck! Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Bonjour à vous toutes,

Trés bonne année encore à vous toutes, ne croyez vous que Michael Bolton est treize résolutions, j'ai vu que vous vous êtes engagés dans vos nouvelles résolutions, je vous en félicite, j'ai vu aussi que ma boltonette (Française) s'était engagé avec vous, elle est remplie de volonté, et je crois en son engagement.Donc, si je résume, pour Sylvia perdre 3 kg/mois+ gym+refaire ta cuisine, du moins les peintures, pour Sylvie, si j'ai bien compris rangement et organisation 

et Françoise et pour moi également, perdre 3kg/mois et je me rajoute+ quelques abdos quotidiens.

Je portes un trés grand intêret à vos engagement et je vous souhaite beaucoup de volonté et de courage

tendrement à vous mes jolies Sylvia, Sylvie, Françoise



Coucou Katia . Toi aussi, tu te lances et bien cela me donnera du courage pour continuer . J'ai trop mal dans le dos pour les abdos donc je compte sur la bonne volonté de mon corps  lol !! A plus tard et bon courage .

Merci Katia pour vos aimables paroles et je vous souhaite plein succès dans vos tentatives pour perdre du poids ! :) Merci d'être venus sur ce fil et en apportant votre soutien à Sylvie et moi trop. J'espère que vous continuerez à suivre le fil et voir ce que nous avons tous obtenez jusqu'à et bien sûr aussi continuer à nous faire savoir comment vous progressez avec vos résolutions ! :)

Francoise has told us that she is diabetic so although she wants to lose weight she obviously has to be very careful in what diet she follows but she has wished both Sylvie and myself good luck in following our resolutions and Katia has come in to wish us all good luck and to let us know that her main desire is to also lose weight and I have thanked her for coming in here and giving support to this thread and wished her well in her goals and hope that she will continue to post on here and let us know how she is doing.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Katia translation:

Hi all, a very happy new year again to all, (now I think she incorrectly worded asking if we believe Michael has, and not “is” 13 resolutions) I see that you’ve vowed to your new resolutions, I congratulate you, I see that my French Boltonette has joined you, she is full of will and I believe in her commitment. So, to sum it up, for Sylvia, lose 3 kg/monthly+ gym+ redo your kitchen, at least the paint, for Sylvie, If I understand correctly, filing and organization

And for Françoise and me too, lose 3kg/monthly and I add for myself a few daily stomach crunches. I’m very interested in your commitments and I wish you lots of will and courage. Tenderly, to my lovely Sylvia, Sylvie, Françoise



Réponse À Katia :

Merci de ton encouragement et merde à toi aussi! :D Je ne crois pas que Sylviaait mentionné vouloir perdre du poids, mais elle est très sérieuse à-propos du gym et se garder en forme. Je vous souhaite à toi et Françoise que vos buts soient atteignables et au moins, vous avez votre soutien mutuel. Bon courage à toi aussi et merci de participer à notre discussion. Fais attention à toi. Câlins, sincèrement, Sylvie du Canada

Translation :

reply to Katia,

Thanks for your encouragement and break a leg to you too! I don’t think Sylvia mentioned losing weight but she is serious about the gym and keeping in shape. I wish for you and Françoise for your goals to be attainable and at least you have mutual support. I wish you courage too and thanks for participating in our discussion. Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Katia is right Sylvie for I did say I need to lose weight and that is somewhat of an understatement !! LOL  

Katia est Sylvie droite car j'ai dit j'ai besoin de perdre du poids et qui est en quelque sorte un euphémisme ! LOL


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.



Well here goes for the "numpty" to make sure she doesn't prove again just how much of a one she really will all take note please that I am only calling myself names.......not dragging anyone else into it even although they may have followed or, better still, have led me down the wrong path in that for the past couple of weeks we have been reporting and carrying on a discussion in the wrong thread for we forgot to move on to 2013 and remained in the past in 2012.......oh dear......some things are just hard to let go of just like stupidity and I am going to hold onto mine for as long as I can and I don't care who knows it, or calls me it, for a fact is a fact is a fact and there ain't much you can do about it except grin and bear !!!!!!!! LOL.


First off kitchen still isn't scrapped completely......just about there !!! LOL.   Secondly I haven't hit that gym yet......still promising myself I am going to !!!! LOL  Thirdly ......I lost weight last week..... yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.......yeah, a whole pound came off  !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ROFL.   In actual fact, all joking aside, that is good for me for my metabolism is so slow that it generally takes sometimes about three weeks after I start cutting down for even a pound to come off so I truly am pretty pleased as long as it continues to head in the same direction and too, knowing full well that there is still plenty of cuts I can make to shift it, I am a happy wee bunny !!! :)      So at least one resolution for January has been getting stuck to and will try and follow others........sometime !!!!! LOL


Hope everyone else who set themselves resolutions and targets to reach for January are finding it easy to stick to them and feeling the benefit of whatever they have been doing and remember Spring is just round the corner for, totally off topic, I have little snowdrops coming out in my garden and you will notice I say "out" ....yes, they are flowering, not just growing.....couldn't believe it when I saw them and I have crocusses and daffodils all shooting up in pots too .....Spring is round the corner; forget the fact that the hills surrounding me are covered in snow ....immaterial !!!! lol.


Good luck everyone and here is hoping I can stay with this thread and don't drift back in time again !!!! LOL.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Hey Sylvia, well congratulations are in order: first you came in to the right thread and second, you did take a baby step in the right direction, so yay! Lol As far as staying in the right thread, if you check my post from January 9th, which was last Wednesday, I put in a “P.S.” that no one acknowledged about sticking to the 2013 thread! ;P Now, if you don’t think you can trust yourself to stay in this one, lol you have the option to close off the thread, I think. I’m not sure if only Gail can, but I know she’s done it before, so I’m just throwing it out there. Okay, now to my weeklycheck-in... Well, since my daughter’s been here, my days are really full and I’ve only been able to walk 4 out of 7 days, but I guess it’s more than half so that’s a start! :D I have been working on my squares though and doing well. Remember I’m not gluing, I’m sewing so it’s more time-consuming. In the filing department, we’ve just bought those trusty Rubbermaid containers and some stuff has been filed away. I just need to take care of the second bin this week so I will have accomplished something. One baby step at a time and I’ll get there too! Keep up the good work Sylvia: so this year is a little slow to start, but a pound is a pound! :D Take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Bonjour à Sylvia et Sylvie,

Je vois que pour toi Sylvia, tu as dû mal a demarrer en fanfare, mais des fois il faut du temps au temps comme on dit en France, même si tu dis n'avoir pas perdu assez, tu as quand même perdu du poids, donc tout reste positif, et pour le reste de ton organisation cela va venir, j'ai confiance. Pour Sylvie, je vois que tu te concentres sur le cadeau pour Michael si j'ai bien compris et cela doit te prendre du temps, et puis apparemment il y a tes enfants, pur ma part c'est moins 2,5 kg, donc je tiens bon , sachez que je pense à vous trés fort



Allo Katia, tu as tout compris! Je n’ai pas réussi à marcher autant que j’aurais voulu, faute de temps car ma plus vieille est en visite. Le cadeau pour Michael avance bien, mais je couds, alors c’est plus long.  Alors tu as perdu 2.5 kgs? Bravo Katia! Puis-je te demander ce que tu fais pour y arriver? En tous cas, ça marche pour toi donc continues! J’ai réussi à prendre ma marche aujourd’hui, en écoutant un film, pendant que ma fille était sortie, alors la semaine commence bien. Bon courage Katia et continues ton bon travail! Faisattention à toi. Câlins, sincèrement, Sylvie du Canada


Katia has understood our posts and is cheering us onand has told us she’s doing well and lost about 5 pounds so far! I asked her how she does it and told her to keep up the good work! That’s it for now. Take care and hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada


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