New Year Resolutions for 2013......with a completely NEW slant !!!

Hi folks and as we are now into 2013 and I have managed to get into MB's (couldn't last night - problems with laptop) have decided, whilst the going is good, to get this thread kicked off for another year.

Sylvie and I still believe we should follow same pattern as for last year with us setting ourselves targets of what we hope to achieve each month and of course, any number of resolutions can be followed each month as well as any number being carried over into the following month where it may end up becoming something that we want to achieve throughout the year but the main thing is that, what we set ourselves, we attempt to achieve and we lend our support to each other in trying to reach our goals.

Please consider joining us for a little bit of seriousness but Sylvie and I hope too, a huge lot of laughs throughout the year because that is, without doubt, the #1 Resolution of this thread, to have, FUN !! :) 

We also believe that we should extend a very warm welcome to our very own "boss", Michael, for he has given us, so far, three of his own resolutions which he hopes to achieve this year and so we invite him to share with us on here how he is getting on achieving his goals and also, if he just wants a little bit of encouragement to keep going with his aims, we are here to support him and we want him to know that.   Also if he decides, at some point in time throughout the year, to set himself another goal he is more than welcome to share it with us on here and again, we will give him all the support he needs !! :)  Believe, more than appropriate to place Michael's 3 Resolutions on here along with pictures he sent and so here is the first........................


"New Year Resolution #1.  Spend lotsa time with Millie & Gwenny! MB" and the picture is a beautiful one of Michael standing at a patio door, at home in Westport, holding Amelia (Millie) in his arms and it was taken at same time as the beautiful one he sent of himself sitting at table working on book with Amelia dancing in background and in this one Michael is facing camera and he is holding Amelia, who is in profile, but the beautiful thing is she has a little back-pack strapped on and she has an arm up going across strap as though showing the world; "this is mine and your not getting it" or at least trying to keep it on her shoulder for it does look a little bitty big !! :)




"New Year Resolution #2.  Enjoy more golf with great buddies like Bruce & Dan. MB" and in this picture are the three of them along with, I believe MB's caddy, for it is an older picture and I am sure it is taken at one of the golf competitions and they are standing on one of the greens of the course.  I will check it out and find out exactly when taken once access into my files is a little bitty easier, safer and more guaranteed than of now !! LOL. 




Now for Resolution #3........

"New Years Resolution #3.  Keep the reciprocal inspiration going with amazing artists like Melanie!" and this picture is a beautiful one of a close up, from waist, of MB and Melanie Fiona and Michael's smile is one of the widest and happiest that he gives and equally too, so is Melanie' is a beautiful picture !! :)


Here is #4......"New Year Resolution #4 continue to revel in all the greats who paved the paths. MB" and in this picture Michael is, I believe, in the Motown Museum for there are a couple of pictures on the wall and you can see a couple and I think, one is of Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell and the other is of The Temptations and am now changing that thought for sure as I believe now it is in fact of Quincey Jones.....could be totally wrong, nowt new there then....and Michael is standing looking up towards what I would imagine is another picture you cannot see and at his back you can see part of a piano and that is what makes me think it is the Museum and it is the piano that was originally used in a lot of the Motown recordings and which was restored last year.



 Now I believe we will have to wait for #5 and I am pretty certain there is going to be one and I wonder how many there could be in total.....7 ????? lol.    Must say that I do hope Michael isn't celebrating his 60th birthday this year by pulling a joke on us all with these resolutions date.....there have been 4 and we have another 56 days till the 26th February....56 + 4 = 60......coincidence ??????? LOL.    Obviously if anymore do appear I will place on here !!! :)

.........and #5 has just popped up and it is..............."New Years resolution #5 Dream bigger & bolder than ever!!" and the picture that goes along with is a wonderfully, stunningly, beautiful one and a view to get lost in anytime of the year !! :)    It is looking off into the horizon and is taken at sunset and you can see a little strip of land which is dark with palm trees on and there dark shadows creep up into the sunset and just before horizon is a strip of water and you are not half way up on the picture for the following section takes you onto the horizon where the sun is setting and what is captured there would stand alone as an absolutely beautiful picture for the sky is on fire and you can feel the heat, if any could be generated from it let alone the tremendous light shining out....I know I am letting my imagination run riot but I don't believe there would be many who wouldn't see something like that looking at something so beautiful.....and then the top half of the picture is of clouds appearing dark because of the sunset and they are of all various shapes and sizes with little whispy white ones too and in between them the brilliant blue sky shining through and in some respects it is like looking at day and night in the one picture for you have the brilliance of the sky above the clouds still bathed in sunshine with the land below entering night.  It is truly, truly gorgeous !! :)



We await #6 and I do not know how MB is going to top that one with the next photo !!! lol.

Hope you will all join in and more importantly, that you all enjoy this thread and cheers to you all for 2013 and may it prove to be one of the best years ever for us all with plenty of "Bolton Adventures" for us to share !! :)  


Sylvie from Canada and Sylvia from Scotland.







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Thanks very much for saying my garden is beautiful.....thank you very much indeed but remember though Kathy that was pictures from last year it could be a dump this year !!!!! LOL.    I am actually going to take some pictures tomorrow and post on FB in my album there for, even though I will say it myself, there are some parts that are looking rather bonny now.

Ended up not getting any staining of door done today......think you will have to come over Sylvie.....instead of just little showers when the rain came on it forgot to go off !!! LOL   There will definitely be NO photo of me first thing in the morning;  OMG I frighten myself when I look in the mirror let alone displaying a photo to frighten everyone else !!!! LOL.

Hope you will manage to come in sometimes Kathy for although we have set ourselves a Monday to catch up with everything any day that suits you we would be delighted to have your input and more than pleased to see you on here whether it be once a week, or once a month, be lovely to hear from you !! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.



Thank you Sylvia so much. I hope your garden is as lovely this year, wishing you great weather for it too. I think spring came late here this year and tomorrow and Thursday record high temperatures here, :-\ , I may switch to hibiscus only this year, LOL......they thrive in heat better.
Thanks again, ladies, for the invite, I may pop in here and there and I wish you both well with your projects. I always love popping in when I can here on the site, thanks for a bit of fun yesterday ;-) Have a good evening!!! Big Hugs,

Kathy T. :-)

Thought I would pop on here quickly before I get caught in other things for away along to garden centre today for bird food for OMG you should see the little ones I have got ....they are eating me out of house and home and want to get a few other plants to put in little pots on patio and hope to put them in when I get back for today isn't too bad here.   I want to get that covered today as tomorrow I hope to move onto another outside venture FOR I have my storm door completely and utterly finished......yipeeeeeeeee....and it is looking fantastic so much so that one or two people passing by have said to me that I have done a darn good job there after which I have had a little bit of a problem getting my head through the gate at end of garden path !!!!! ROFL.   Seriously, the satisfaction I feel every time I look at that is nothing short of terrific for, even though I say it myself, I have made a good job of it.....far, far better than I at first thought I would be able to do.....time, love and patience has paid of on that door !!!! lol.   Next "venture" I am on is to get wall round front garden painted and have already got in my masonary paint in preparation isn't looking too bad but needs a good freshen up but what I also want to tackle is paint work round door and windows for it is starting to crack:  know I can do as far as scrapping off and applying new paint but the problem is being able to reach for, apart from me being "wee", my flower beds in front of are pretty thick and full and I do only have step ladders so positioning of them will be, to say the least, tricky but I will have a bash at and see what happens:  do know for sure I will get door done okay it is just round windows that is going to be problem so if I am not back on here by next Monday, send out search party !!!! LOL

On the weight front nothing has moved and I suppose fact hasn't gone up any I should be pleased at for know I have indulged in the "wrong stuff" just a little bit  !!!!! LOL    Am going to try and get back on track this week.

Right I am out of here folks for I need that last little cup of tea before I head along road and time is getting on.   Do hope all of you have been successful during week with all your endeavours and have managed to stick to some of your resolutions if not all and I am pleased that the one of mine, in hoping to making my property look nice and pretty, is coming along fine and hopefully next week the one on the weight loss will start moving again toward that end goal !! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hey Sylvia, well first, a big congratulations on finishing up the varnishing job! I’m not even going to make jokes about how long it took, because your pride in your accomplishment is just bursting off the page here! :D No offense Sylvia, but if some people have noticed how well it looked, I think it was just about time you did it... Now, can you tell me  what kind of birds do you get in your garden? Just wondering. Now about your painting, don’t they sell telescopic or at least longer handles in your neck of the woods? In any case, be careful out there! Well, all I can say about the weight front is that you know what the problem is, now how do you solve it? At least, the weight hasn’t gone up, so you must have been moving enough. Well on my side, still walking and still filing, some days more than others, but I’ve made a filing journal to keep me on the right track. I don’t want to jinx it, but I’d say I’m about ¾ done. :D The box set was a little harder to achieve: I listened to a book this week, 4 out of 5 CD’s. I find it’s easier to read books, 1 CD at a time and spread out,  as you’re doing something else, than to sit and listen to a full opera in 1 shot. I was very organized this past week, but had an unexpected glitch. Overall, I had a pretty good week so hope to keep it up! I’d say you’re doingwell on your outside work, weather permitting, so I’ll wish you luck on the weight tackling Sylvia and stay away from the bad stuff! :D Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada

Glad to hear things going okay for you Sylvie and things definitely going okay for me for got all my plants I wanted and have them all potted up and when I was along in garden centre, have a guess what I spotted.....the shrub whose picture is over the page and it is called one mystery solved !!! :)

Thanks Sylvie for not making any jokes about my door for I wouldn't have been that kind and I did say it was in such a mess and not surprised that people who generally pass by couldn't help but notice the change for it was starting to look as though it was mahogany with streaks of cream/white having been added  for there truly was that much flaking off and on some parts I didn't put on varnish remover I just started scrapping and a lot fell off but at least that is it done hopefully for the next few years and will try and get into the way of giving it a freshening up coat each year.

On the birds in garden I have a whole host for I can get visits from magpies and I always have rooks coming in and I have a pair who have started to bring their two little ones and still on larger birds I also have a host of collared doves.  The next step down I have plenty of starlings and blackbirds but with the starlings being a migatory bird their numbers come and go throughout the year and then I have plenty of little house sparrows along with blue tits, great tits, chaffinches and greenfinches but just now I don't have so many of them as they obviously nest in more secluded areas and you might just see a couple during the day flying in for some nuts and then they disappear but they come back in numbers over winter.  I also have robins and dunnocks and the wee dunnocks are a laugh when they suddenly pop out from under a shrub and then they disappear away under another one.  Have also had wrens in the garden but because they are so small and dance about so quickly they could be there and I might just not be seeing but haven't seen any for last couple of years which is the same with little coal tits for have seen one of them dancing about but am pretty sure there are more but they move too fast.....quite a good variety and I love to sit and watch them and especially just now with the wee ones and feeding and showing them what to do and certainly at times it is better to sit and watch them than anything on the telly for it is far more interesting !!!! lol.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.



Hey Sylvia, phew, your garden certainly seems busy! At least, I have some idea of what some of these look like. It's always fun to hear their chatter and chirping too: I'm partial to mourning doves and especially chickadees myself. Well glad you've solved the mystery of the nameless shrub! :D Thanks for sharing Sylvia, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada

Hi Folks and just popping in before I start work to let you know that that resolution I made last year and carried over to this is just about, finally, coming to being achieved for I have completed paintwork round windows, varnished window ledges I have below window frames and have painted actual wall window ledges and now today I am going to paint rone pipe at front and also do back ones too and that is just about my little house looking a million bucks.   Next outside task I am setting myself is to strip rust, prime and paint gate and railings round property and then you will hear a huge, WOW from will take me quite a while to do railings but am going to take my time and do properly and if I can get finished by end July I will be more than keep watching here for updates .....LOL

The other main resolution I set myself for this year, let alone each month, of losing weight is paying off too for I have now lost a total of 10 pounds since I started; only 4 to go and first stone will be needless to say all the stops are being pulled out to get there and at end of I may just turn into a little bunny rabbit munching on my lettuce !!! LOL.

Away to get that paint brush moving because have to complete this morning as Wimbledon starts today and those who know me know this is the time of year when Wee One's eyes become square and her head bounces about like a little dog's in back of car to share with you that, in fact, I dress all in yellow for it so that I look like a tennis ball.....well I am kind of squat and you think that is going just a little OTT ???? LOL  Okay, to be honest, I don't dress in all yellow......I put on the shortest mini skirt I have and the skimpiest t-shirt.....yeah.....ROFL.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Hey Sylvia, well aren’t we bursting with pride and rightly so! I’m glad you’ve found a way to deal with those tricky spots and kudos on completion! The way you’re going, it doesn’t sound like you’ll need luck to finish the railing because you are motivated! Kudos on being 2/3 done on the weight loss resolution too, then it’ll only be maintenance. On my side, walking is still good and I’m nearing the end on E-mail filing by being consistent so by next week, it’ll  be finally done! Then I’ll attack my saved reference links and friends folders on the actual computer. I’ll tell you though: the E-mail filing will be quite a load off my mind. I did manage to finish my book and file an additional box set so hope to keep that up. I even have my resolution ready for next month so we’re all continuing in forward motion! Have fun with yourtennis watching and pom-pom flinging Sylvia! Lol Have a good week sweetie, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada

Glad to hear you are getting through everything you wanted to is a darn good feeling, isn't it ????   I got all the rone pipes painted today and as our weather hasn't to be too bad this week think each morning before tennis starts I'll be at those railings.  The pom-poms were certainly getting tossed in the air today what with Andy and Roger and that man was playing like a dream....fantastic to watch !! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


July has arrived so below is little calendar picture for this month and I have taken a picture of Jill sitting on her favourite seat in kitchen "holding" calendar picture and the picture of Michael in the July page is the one from the cover of "One World, One Love" where he is sitting on the couch with leg crossed under other and guitar resting on knee whilst he strums and those bare feet ......yeah !!!!!! LOL.  You can't see bare feet in that picture but they are there in full photo, honestly !!!! lol


Not a lot to report for this week for I got absolutely nothing done on house as we only had one day that was in anyway good and I had to take opportunity to tidy up garden and cut grass etc and just as well I did for we have had nothing since and grass is needing cut again.....this is what is starting now with us as it did last year for it is only days we are getting that are good and as I say you have to use those to catch up with the "normal" stuff that needs done outside let alone getting the little "luxuries" done and this week is not fairing any better as today is sunshine and showers and so far, it is living up to that and rest of week has to be have just started school holidays here so weather always predictable when that happens so maybe have to wait till they go back to get real chance to get anything this space !!!! LOL.

Nothing else for week except watching tennis and obviously more than delighted that the two Brits are through to this week with Andy Murray and Laura Robson and they are both playing today so what an afternoon of tennis it is going to be and will have to start July off with hoping that my resolution of, if not finishing, at least getting started on some of those jobs I still have to do outside, can be fulfilled and of course that my weight loss continues but even that skidded to a stop last week making the week one of a virtual disaster with the only blessing that Jack and Jill got their boosters done and their little check ups and both have lost weight....yipeee...and their little heart murmurs are no worse with toothy pegs looking a little bit of good news and didn't have to call up my bank manager !!!! LOL.

See you next week !!! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hey Sylvia, well, nothing you can do when the weather isn’t cooperating, is there? We had the same crummy weather here too. Well at least, someone lost weight! :D Glad your kitties are doing better Sylvia, but heart murmurs? That doesn’t sound good... I guess all I can wish for you is to have some good weather, (before the kids go back to school)  and at least to stay away from the bad stuff if you can’t find a way to get some activity in... Well on my side, I did file a box set away, this great book called “This is your brain on music” by Daniel J. Levitin. I had read it before but since it wasn’t labelled, I wasn’t sure I’d finished it. I’ll have to take notes at a later date: fascinating stuff. So filed a couple more CD’s too. The E-mail filing is practically done, but now I have to get down to replying to a pile and that should take a bit longer. I just need to make myself do it every day. My big project for July will be the closet in my “she cave”. I need to clear out my daughter’s stuff elsewhere and move in art supplies and my opera treasury, so it might take a while... I want to keep up filing 1 box set per week and just keep on with forward motion and not standing still. Speaking of which, I’m still walking also. :D That’s about it for now Sylvia, good luck just getting something done this week girl, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada

Glad to hear things going okay for you Sylvie and it almost sounds as though what you are trying to achieve inside is equal to my outside !!! LOL.   Sun came out here and showers disappeared but of course far too late to start anything because by that time tennis was well and truly on and that is all I have done is sitting in front of a box and I am still doing for I am just on here trying to take a break and get my eyeballs out the square mode and onto a smaller square...OMG, and one thing I can say for sure is I am certain I have corns somewhere and it is not on my feet !!!!!!!! LOL.   At least it was a good afternoon although little Laura got beaten;  she was playing brilliantly but just got a little too excited but she will learn as she gets older and I am sure a future Wimbledon Champion she will be as well as champion of a few other competitions too but Andy Murray is through with another three straight sets so I am more than pleased and to think that this time next week it will all be over for another year !!!


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.



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