New Year Resolutions for 2014......with a completely NEW slant !!!

As Michael has supplied us with his Resolution for 2014 thought would get this thread underway and Michael's Resolution is.............. 

"My 2014 resolution is to spend more time in a state of gratitude for every moment I have and to especially show it for my family, friends & fans. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! LET'S MAKE IT GREAT!!"


........along with, I believe, a selfie which think has been taken whilst Michael has been out sightseeing in Galati, Romania.



Please feel free to pop in whenever you like to share with us your New Year Resolutions or, as Sylvie and I like to do, which is to set ourselves goals per month to try and achieve rather than the one for the whole year......a little bit of a variation on the theme and we have had fun doing it for over the past couple of years and hope 2014 proves to be as much fun and as they always say, the more the merrier, so please consider coming in and joining us.......everyone is more than welcome !!!! :)    BTW Sylvie and I also try to make it every Monday when we come in and compare notes but absolutely no restriction on when anyone prefers to come in....none whatsoever !!! :)

Believe the following, which Sylvie was sent, is more than appropriate to be placed on here and hope you all enjoy it !! :) 

The New Year       will suddenly appear on the horizon

The       Boarding on Flight 2014  Has been       announced.....
Your luggage       should only contain the best souvenirs from 2013
The bad and       sad moments should be left in the garbage....
The duration of       the flight will be 12 months.
The next       stop-overs will be :
Health,       Love, Joy, Harmony, Well-being and Peace
The Captain       offers you the following menu  Which will be served during       the flight :
A Cocktail of Friendship
A       Supreme of Health
A gratin of       prosperity
A Bowl of Excellent News
A Salad of Success
A Cake of       Happiness
All accompanied  By       burst of laughter
Wishing You and Yours  An enjoyable trip  On boardFlight       2014
May This Be Your Best Year Ever!!




Sylvie from Canada and Sylvia from Scotland.

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LOL Petra .....terrific one !!! :)

Picture Petra has put in is of an ostrich standing in field looking towards camera and it has its neck twisted into a huge knot......yeah, lest I forget !!!! LOL

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend.


Thought I would pop on here while I'm on as another Monday has arrived plus a new month and I haven't done a calendar for this one yet....will rectify that soon !!! lol

I have to say that I started the month in fine spirits because I went back to gym and got on okay;   have started to lose some weight again, not fantastic amount but at least in the right direction, downwards;   got all my kitchen cupboards cleaned out and just about filled the bin with rubbish and they are cleaned out so much that I now have a complete half, of bottom section of a larger cupboard, empty.....hooray !!!! lol.   Have also washed down some of the woodwork in my hallway and at the rate I'm going, I'll be meeting myself coming back soon !!!! LOL

Hope everybody else feeling a spring in their step seeing March has arrived and brings us ever closer to that beautiful season of Spring....the perfect start for everything new and hope it applies to all of you !!! lol   Hey, that rhymes;  a little poem for March completely by accident and eat your heart out Wordsworth !!!! LOL

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


I am so looking forward to spring...More than most times...This has been a hard winter here in the Mid Atlantic on the East Coast of the USA. OMG more snow today..State Gov't shut down..but we only got 4 inches this time in my part of the state of MD but down south they got it alot worse..that's nothing compared to the 18 inches with sleet on top we got over 2 weeks or so ago and the horrid ice before that..OMG.... LOL  Good for you Sylvia getting stuff done like that.


We have sooo many big trees down in our yard from the woods beside our yard...Will take months to get all the wood cleared and cut up. We won't be bored for a good long while till I get to another show the end of May.. It will make the time go by fast!!


You are only 2 months out from your concerts now..Wooo Hooo!!!! Getting excited for you!


Robin in MD:)

Hey Sylvia, I’m just catching up. Wow, glad for you that you’re being so productive and succeeded getting to the gym too! As far as spring coming, I’m with Robin, deep in the winter tunnel and the light at the end is a tiny little dot... Well on my side, it’s not exactly spring cleaning, but we finally got rid of excess furniture and breathed a sigh of relief here. Somehow, it’s hard to donate if you don’t have the means to transport. Projects are moving forward, though slower this week because of technical difficulties. Decorating the new guest bedroom might take a while, but I’m working on it. The only thing is that darn reading pile staring at me sternly, but the rest is being filed nicely. Can’t have everything, right? XP Guess that’s it for now. Good luck on the forward motion Sylvia and enjoy if you have any spring your way, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada

Glad to hear some things moving along okay Sylvie and when you see the end product always makes the effort more than worthwhile.  Glad too Robin that your snow, this time, didn't turn out quite as bad as before.....all we have seen this year has been one little flurry although about 15 miles up road from me on other side of the Clyde, Ben Lomond, is covered in snow and I mean covered from top to bottom and further north on the ski slopes like the Lecht, and Aviemore they have seen more snow than ever before and once they in actual fact had to dig out the chair lifts for the skiers to get up the mountain.....for such a small piece of land the diversity of our weather, this winter, has been more than peculiar and that is before you even start looking at all the flooding down in England.....they are still swamped and believe I will see plenty of it in May in my travels for they are saying it is going to take months to clear from the fields;  a darn shame for the farmers and the crop growers.

Talking and looking forward to Spring here is picture of a little pot of crocuses on my patio seeing I didn't do calendar picture: one for this month is an old picture of Michael in any case and once you've seen one you have seen them all.....don't tell him I said that !!! LOL  Of course has just dawned this picture will appear at top of post......still haven't sorted out those gremlins.   Sylvie the little pot is full and it is not only the early yellow ones that are out but the pale lilac and the deep purple and there is a fine mixture of each colour for they have made and made in their pot.  Have other pots with some out and have plenty of daffodils standing proud ....Spring is definitely springing here for my snowdrops are starting to finish and that is always the sign things are really moving along.

Just to say I am out of here now because I am being a good girl again and am going to get ready and visit my cousin and then, on way back down road, calling in at gym again for, as Robin says, only two months to go and there are a couple of blouses I need to get in shape for.....know what I mean girls ?????? LOL

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


LOVE the photo of the flowers Sylvia.. We have them planted here too and of course not time yet for the little flowers to come up and now they are burried under brush from broken tree limbs where we have them planted...Yours are beautiful...It gives me an idea to go get some fresh flowers and put in a vase here,  a little spring in the midst of the cold winter...

I hope your plans come together perfectly Sylvia.. Yes get those blouses organized..Especially the outfit for Glasgow!!!!!!! :)

It's zero degrees here this morning or close to it..BRRRRR Come on Spring!!!

Robin in MD  :)

Hi Robin, I wish you luck getting your garden together when spring finally comes. I need to get a new plant myself for the new room to liven it up if anything. We have the same bitter cold up here too and expecting a bit more snow today. Incidentally, Sylvia is going to the gym to organize more the contents of her blouses than the outfits themselves... ;D It's amazing how time flies and we'll be able to talk of her concert dates in a matter  of weeks and days soon. Well anyway, take care Robin. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D 

Hi Sylvia, thanks so much for the description of your flowers. Girl, I think pictures of your garden would be a great advertizing for your garden center. :D I'm glad for you that you're getting into the habit of going to the gym when you see your cousin: a great deed and a great reward in one package.  Sylvia, thanks for your "kick in the pants" inspiration: I'll take some reading to the dentist today. :D Take care and have a great week. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada

Nice history and nice photo Sylvia!

I love the spring! And particularly the summer!!! Do you know why? I have a dog! However, he does not like to go in winter!  Walks are a compulsion.

Now I can go for a walk again for hours with him and enjoy the nature.

Look, this is Chipsy. My dog from Austria! I took vacation on the farm. She was big as my hand. I had to take them at home! Sweet, or?

P.S. I do not like the autumn also any more! If Chipsy runs away I cannot find them in the autumn foliage (ha, ha)!



Oh yes, my motto for this week: Hold out! The next Friday comes certainly!
I wish You all a nice week. With or without snow!

Petra Christine (Germany)


Beautiful dog, enjoyed seeing your funny pictures too they make me smile.

I  wanted to say to you all I have finally learned how to text on my phone. LOL One step closer to my becoming a little more literate with all these computer things. Been walking on the tread mill too, only lost 4 lbs. so far. Could have said no to the piece of cake I had on Michael's Birthday. Oh well.

Have a Great Day!


Thanks very much indeed for your pictures of the name and he didn't half grow into a big dog from that little fellow in your arms Petra and could well imagine him loving running about everywhere especially if he sees any rabbits or such like !!! lol  

Thanks too for your "fun" picture and what Petra has put in Sylvie shows a desk top with part of a keyboard visible and a ruler lying on the desk and there is also a mouse pad and flat out on its back, on the pad, is a cat supposed to be sound asleep......its a hard life !!!!! LOL

Well done Kellie on losing 4lbs....anything better than nothing and I wish I had lost 4 but unfortunately, I felt as though I had, but when I stepped on the scales they told the true story !!! lol

Hope you got on okay at the dentist Sylvie and that you managed some of that reading there ?? :)

One piece of great news and it is that as I was doing final check before I went out and a little e-mail just fell down in the list and it was from Gigs & Tours to say that one of my tickets has been dispatched.  So looking good for them starting to get them out because last e-mail I got said they had not received tickets yet but hoped to start sending them out by 24th April but that is one on its way......yipeeee !!! :)   Feeling little bit of excitement now at prospect of holding that ticket in my hand for it will be the first MB concert ticket I have held for about 20 years and I can assure you, only way I ain't going this year is if I'm in my box and even then, may add a codicil to the Will, to keep me frozen and do a detour before I hit the crematorium....LOL  

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


I am glad very much for you, Sylvia! The first ticket! JEAAAHH! However, I am surprised: I had my tickets already 7 days after payment! Why is your ticket so long on the move? My tickets lie in the night small box. Every evening I open the drawer and look whether they are there still! Now we must not wait any more long, Sylvia!!!! Oh, and Chipsy runs not only after rabbit. It was the last time a roe deer! And I stood in the wood and shouted according to her names. In the interim she had run already alone at home!

Petra Christine (Germany)


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