New Year Resolutions for 2014......with a completely NEW slant !!!

As Michael has supplied us with his Resolution for 2014 thought would get this thread underway and Michael's Resolution is.............. 

"My 2014 resolution is to spend more time in a state of gratitude for every moment I have and to especially show it for my family, friends & fans. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! LET'S MAKE IT GREAT!!"


........along with, I believe, a selfie which think has been taken whilst Michael has been out sightseeing in Galati, Romania.



Please feel free to pop in whenever you like to share with us your New Year Resolutions or, as Sylvie and I like to do, which is to set ourselves goals per month to try and achieve rather than the one for the whole year......a little bit of a variation on the theme and we have had fun doing it for over the past couple of years and hope 2014 proves to be as much fun and as they always say, the more the merrier, so please consider coming in and joining us.......everyone is more than welcome !!!! :)    BTW Sylvie and I also try to make it every Monday when we come in and compare notes but absolutely no restriction on when anyone prefers to come in....none whatsoever !!! :)

Believe the following, which Sylvie was sent, is more than appropriate to be placed on here and hope you all enjoy it !! :) 

The New Year       will suddenly appear on the horizon

The       Boarding on Flight 2014  Has been       announced.....
Your luggage       should only contain the best souvenirs from 2013
The bad and       sad moments should be left in the garbage....
The duration of       the flight will be 12 months.
The next       stop-overs will be :
Health,       Love, Joy, Harmony, Well-being and Peace
The Captain       offers you the following menu  Which will be served during       the flight :
A Cocktail of Friendship
A       Supreme of Health
A gratin of       prosperity
A Bowl of Excellent News
A Salad of Success
A Cake of       Happiness
All accompanied  By       burst of laughter
Wishing You and Yours  An enjoyable trip  On boardFlight       2014
May This Be Your Best Year Ever!!




Sylvie from Canada and Sylvia from Scotland.

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Hi Sylvia and everyone, well a day late, but here for my report. I haven’t made a whole lot of progress this week, but I’m inching along with my goals. I’ve managed to finish up  fixing my doll and started on my last one, did flush a couple of things off the computer and at least sent one holiday message to my forum friends, which is definitely a start! :D I want to get my physical cards dealt with ASAP as I get the ground work done to put up decorations next weekend. I hope everyone’s holiday preps are going well and at least some mini-goals, like not going nuts over it are being achieved! :D Take care and hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Hi there and think this thread has gone to pot, or something, or someone like me is just making excuses for never being on the ball and forgetting when Monday's arrive......that one is serious because yesterday I kept thinking it was still Sunday !!!! LOL

Think, if I'm truthful, I've given up completely and utterly following any of my resolutions or trying to achieve any goals that I set myself which I haven't got there yet with this year although really don't think I have done too bad when I think about it for I did get everything done outside that I wanted to this year and most things done inside too for only thing I want to get done is to decorate this room I'm sitting in right now, my little indoor conservatory but as Christmas is looming, I think that will be a task carried over into next year and that sure ain't a long way off now!!!   Need to start thinking about Christmas decorations for have done nothing with them but am pleased have got all parcels posted and most of my cards written and posted and nearly finished with buying presents but got to start thinking on Christmas dinner now....oh no !!!!!! LOL At least on that score I have table cover and napkins sorted out as well as Christmas pudding bought....always a start and better than nothing !!! LOL.

Hope everyone else starting to get into the festive season and looking forward to all the FUN it can bring as well as all the headaches, anxiety and stress but hope all that comes in wee, wee bundles with the biggest packages being filled with nothing but smiles and laughter for everyone !!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi Sylvia, I read somewhere that life is like a roll of toilet paper: the closer you get to the end, the faster it goes! Lol I think it applies to the calendar year too. :D I think the problem these days is that we’re so busy and routine is often disrupted, so it’s harder to keep track. I agree that this year, I was pretty impressed with everything you’ve achieved outside Sylvia: what with the painting, the cleaning and especially the major overall you did to your garden. When you mentioned decorating the room, I thought you meant for Christmas...  At least, you did get your Xmas shopping done! I’m surprised you bought the Xmas pudding: you strike me as the kind of person who would make it from scratch. :D Well as for my side, I did finish up my dolls early last week and did get a few things off the computer. Got started on the cards but most importantly, my tree is up and all decorations are too. I just need to finish up putting up the Nativity scene. Even my Xmas music is out! :D I really need to finish up the cards though. Well anyway, I think if we do a little every day, we’ll reach Christmas on December 25th like everyone else. :D Take care Sylvia and break a leg with the rest of your preps. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Hi all, just for the novelty of it, I thought I'd post on Monday this week... ;D  I'm happy to report I've made a dent in the "to do" pile on the computer and I'm almost done with my Xmas cards. I'm just waiting for an address and need to braille a couple and they'll be off tomorrow! Not quite as early as I'd hoped, but not late either. Shopping is done so just need to wrap up. I hope everyone is keeping their sanity in this busy time and good luck to everyone reaching  their pre-Xmas goals. Take care and hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Just remembering here again as we are nearly at end of year......where has it gone ???? lol   In actual fact I can't quite believe that the week has disappeared in between Christmas and now....oh dear goodness and to be perfectly honest I had better get up early tomorrow and hit those shops or my brother and nephew are going to get a hotch potch of a New Year's

Hope everyone is looking forward to the New Year and are happy about everything they have done in this, nearly, old one and I have to say I am contentedly happy with the way things all turned out during 2014 especially with the obvious......not to keep on about.....but.....meeting Michael:  highlight of the century, let alone, year and definitely something I was beginning to think might and would never happen so, just goes to prove, keep hopin' and a dreamin' and some might just come true and so that is what I plan on doing during 2015.....keeping those dreams alive !!! lol

All the very best to everyone when the New Year dawns where you are and I hope you have a peaceful, healthy and contented one...see you all in 2015 !!! :)

Picture I have put in is of a Christmas tree dancing, including his roots and around the top it says: "T'is the season to be jolly...." and around bottom it says: "Fa La La La La La La La....." and if he works way he is supposed to he should be singing but even if he doesn't he looks pretty jolly, festive and cute !!! lol

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.



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