New Year Resolutions for 2014......with a completely NEW slant !!!

As Michael has supplied us with his Resolution for 2014 thought would get this thread underway and Michael's Resolution is.............. 

"My 2014 resolution is to spend more time in a state of gratitude for every moment I have and to especially show it for my family, friends & fans. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! LET'S MAKE IT GREAT!!"


........along with, I believe, a selfie which think has been taken whilst Michael has been out sightseeing in Galati, Romania.



Please feel free to pop in whenever you like to share with us your New Year Resolutions or, as Sylvie and I like to do, which is to set ourselves goals per month to try and achieve rather than the one for the whole year......a little bit of a variation on the theme and we have had fun doing it for over the past couple of years and hope 2014 proves to be as much fun and as they always say, the more the merrier, so please consider coming in and joining us.......everyone is more than welcome !!!! :)    BTW Sylvie and I also try to make it every Monday when we come in and compare notes but absolutely no restriction on when anyone prefers to come in....none whatsoever !!! :)

Believe the following, which Sylvie was sent, is more than appropriate to be placed on here and hope you all enjoy it !! :) 

The New Year       will suddenly appear on the horizon

The       Boarding on Flight 2014  Has been       announced.....
Your luggage       should only contain the best souvenirs from 2013
The bad and       sad moments should be left in the garbage....
The duration of       the flight will be 12 months.
The next       stop-overs will be :
Health,       Love, Joy, Harmony, Well-being and Peace
The Captain       offers you the following menu  Which will be served during       the flight :
A Cocktail of Friendship
A       Supreme of Health
A gratin of       prosperity
A Bowl of Excellent News
A Salad of Success
A Cake of       Happiness
All accompanied  By       burst of laughter
Wishing You and Yours  An enjoyable trip  On boardFlight       2014
May This Be Your Best Year Ever!!




Sylvie from Canada and Sylvia from Scotland.

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It was just Gigs and Tours that were so slow with getting tickets out Petra and they advised you might only get a week before concert as that was there policy with tickets.  Must admit haven't liked the way they have operated and would definitely think twice about booking through them again.

Did Chipsy get any dinner that night when you were left shouting in the woods ??????? LOL.

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


No! Diet was a duty! Punishment must be!!!

By the way, women should always pay attention to the figure! This is also valid for dogs!!!

Petra Christine (Germany)

Hey Sylvia, well first, thanks for the description. Second, congrats on getting your first ticket! Now third, teeth are perfect as ever and I did get some reading done, yay! It's really encouraging when I'm able to read at least a few pages, which makes me want to read more. It ain't much, but it's a start. :D Take care Sylvia and thanks for sharing about your ticket: that should be an insentive too! :D Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada

Hi Kellie, congratulations on the texting! Sweetie, as far as I'm concerned, 4 lbs is a great start, but even more importantly, you're getting into a good habit, which will be better for you in the long run. I've gotten into the habit of walking 2 hours a day and when I can't for some reason, I really miss it. I walk 1 hour in the afternoon and 1 hour at night, sometimes more when I'm on the phone! lol As far as the piece of cake, to me, it's mandatory on  Michael's birthday, so you're absolutely excused. :D Good luck with keeping up with your good habit sweetie and let us know next month of what you learned in March! :D Take care Kellie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada

Hi all, I'll be busy today, so might as well face the music now. I've frankly haven't done much more reading than at the dental office, but I've had a busy week, being busy with the new guest room, my daughter going on a trip etc. Good habits are still in pplace, filing is moving forward and I'm proud of the progress I've done with the room, so aside from the reading: it's all good. Hope you've all had a productive week, even if it's only a bit of progress: the important thing is to keep going. Take care and hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D

Glad to hear some things going okay Sylvie and as long as everything doesn't come to a dead stop for, as you say, important thing is to keep going and I haven't half still been going and am actually playing catch up now on here today.

We have had one of the most beautiful days and the rest of the week has to be much the same with a couple of days a bit cloudier but no sign of rain until weekend......yipeeeeeeee !!!! :)     So....have a guess what.....I hit that garden running !!!!! LOL    Grass cut, front and back;  winter shrubs cut back;  first washing out and all dry and plenty of plans made for tomorrow !!!! LOL  

Last week I managed the gym twice;  got rid of an absolute stack of paper stuff which just did not have to be kept anymore;  washed hall and bedroom carpets and I lost 3 pounds in weight .......yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!!!!!! LOL   Another couple off and I will be back to what I was before Christmas when I piled it all on and would say looking good to achieve that soon !!! :) 

Could say, without doubt, I'm feeling good about everything and certainly a lot better than I did on Friday when coming back from gym,  just round corner from home at temporary traffic lights due to road workings I got stopped and then when I started to move off.....BOOM....bang, clatter, wallop....just managed to get past road workings and draw into side and got out and down on all fours...exhaust hanging off.  Not going to go into all details of what guy at garage believes happened but let's just say if I could get a hold of the boss of the gas board, who are doing the workings....WELL the air would be blue that is for sure;  seemingly a few people coming up with car problems because of things that are getting left lying about and when you drive up, past, or by, you are not seeing them and they are causing various problems because your tyres are catching them and throwing them up to hit various parts of your, this is one wee little old lady who is going to be extra careful !!!

So it is all go for me and maybe, if I get all this stuff done outside early, those railings may just get hit sooner rather than later !!!! LOL

Good luck everyone and hope week proves fruitful for you !!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Sorry to hear about your car Sylvia but glad the rest of your report was all good stuff.. We hope to get rid of the rest of the snow here by the coming weekend.  Lots of big trees to get rid of and clean up from the horrible ice in January.  We have a mess here on top of our usual spring chores..I was outside most of yesterday helping the hubby start on that and it was good to work outside in the sunshine!!!!


You will be fit as a fiddle for your shows!!LOL 

Robin in MD :)

Hey Sylvia, brag about your weather, why don’t you! Lol Hubby told me we should be expecting 30 cms of snow by Thursday... XP  Seriously, you’re cutting grass already? On a good year, our yard hasn’t even fully dried or thawed at this time yet. Out of all your accomplishments, I’m very impressed about you hitting the gym twice, kudos! :D I hope the damage to your car isn’t too serious. Well anyway, keep up with the forward motion Sylvia, you’re doing well! Take care and have a great week. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D

Hi Ladies...yes it is me...LOL...been awhile :). I like your pholilosophy, Sylvia, and wanted to share that in 2014 I am going to try to live life this way..."Life is not measured by the breaths you take but by the moments that take your breath away." One of those happened a few hours ago. I looked up from my desk and my 14 year old Sarah who lives in Kansas was almost running at me through the door at work with a huge smile on her should have heard my joyous moment....I WAS SWEPT AWAY from the surprise visit of her and mom and we had one of those special moments in time up the street at a Mexican restaurant. I love MB's resolutions and as for me, ladies, only to try and have alot of fun, fun and more fun as Sylvia would say in whatever I do and hopefully a few more precious moments spent with my grandkids :))) . Hope you are smiling as much as I still am :))). Hugs,

Kathy T. :)

Awww Kathy, I'm so happy for you sweetie! : ))))))) That's a good resolution to have  and it's certainly less boring than ours! lol Enjoy your visit sweetie, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D

Hello Sylvie! 30 cm of snow? Oh God! In Germany is since the last week spring! Today we have 18 ° and constantly the sun! How Sylvia I work for days in the garden! The birds sing very much loudly. They have certainly spring feelings. I also!!!!! I always wanted to take in Canada vacation. Now I know, not in March! I wish you the winter soon ends and also you can enjoy the sun!!!
And I wish you Sylvia furthermore a lot of fun by the gardening!!!
And Kathy a lot of fun with your grandkids!
All one a wonderful week (today without joke picture)!

Petra Christine (Germany)

You have all been busy on here, unlike me, who has just been busy outside and am only in because it has got dark !!!! lol   We had a good frost this morning and another one due tomorrow because of the crystal clear skies but it has still to last  BUT with the possibility of snow next week......LOL    I didn't half laugh when I heard the weather forecast tonight for this afternoon I actually sat out and had a wee cup of tea...11th March and have to admit, thought did go through my mind, we would pay for this terrific prophecy sounds as though it is going to come true !!!! lol   Sylvie, just to say, my grass is not dry.   Front was much drier today so got edges all trimmed but back is still pretty wet but had to cut because of way it had grown and moss is starting to take over well in places too so have to start preparing it for the moss killer and its feed in a few weeks.

Glad to hear Petra that you are getting chance to enjoy the outside too with having good weather... make the most of it !!! :)

Lovely to hear of your surprise visit Kathy and do hope you are able to enjoy some quality time together !!! :)

Don't know about me being fit Robin but you certainly will be chopping wood and think possibly for me by the time May comes I'll be exhausted and glad of a seat at all the concerts !!! LOL

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.



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