Anyone familiar with traveling North (I am from the Jersey Shore area) by train to get to NJPAC in Newark?  Looks like I can go to Newark Penn Station and walk 5 blocks, but is the area safe?  Are there cabs waiting, should I just take a cab direct?  Then I read about connecting to the light rail that takes you right there across the street, but where do I get that?  Sounds confusing.


And on the way out of the concert at 10pm, will there be cabs around?  I don't want to be walking alone for 5 blocks then. 

Thanks for any help fron any one who commutes!

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Looking forward to hearing from you!!!
Love Eileen xoxox
Real quick hi to you and everyone! I will have to get back to you on Monday. I am off all day tomorrow and will have time to make my plans with the train schedules. With today being Halloween I was busy and now I am online filling out my 2009 Homestead Benefit Application for a property tax credit. Nov. 1st is the deadline......I am a big time procrastinator!!! So I now have less than 2 hours to get my paperwork done! Yikes!!!!
Love to you all.
Joy, how did you make out last night at Michael's show? Hope you got home ok.....give us your review too!!

Tonight is Rock of Ages! Dee Snyder from Twisted Sister is in it and Constatine from American it should be fun!!



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