We may start getting a few promotional appearances for GEMS now.  The first will be June 8th on the Loveline with Dr. Drew from 10 p.m. to midnight.  You can find a station here:




Also it looks like you can listen live or on the website either after but you have to be a loveline member. 








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Love that place in Pittsburgh too, Star Light Amp..Got great fan club seats there back in the day.. Made a few trips out there, I think the venue name changed some over the years back then.. Fun times at that venue!!!

Robin in MD :)

I've only been to the Starlight Amphitheater once. I was in the 10th row then, I think or 7th. Not sure. I'm glad Robin you had good seats. This was before I knew any BB'S. Boltonnut from L. A. CA who loves life&Michael Bolton :)



Love the Star Lake...that's not the name now.  Has changed the name  3 or 4 times but the same place.  Had second row seats there once.  Just can't complain about that.  But, also had lawn seats near the very back....can't complain about that either,  That was mu first concert ever and was just to darn glad to be there,  Had a great time....every time.  Take good care.,




Yeah, I knew Starlight changed its name from time to time. I remember 8/12/92, I didn't have good seats but we were there&we went through hell& back to get there to&from but we got there. Whew. Boltonnut from L. A. CA who loves life & Michael Bolton :) &yeah, Donna, was another Donna 8/30/96, I do believe that was the date.

Ok girls, tomorrow is the day at the Kentucky State Fair...Rascal Flatts as you all know will be there...and for the 2nd year, we are going to push "Love is Everything"...the Sign is ready...and we are soooo ready...plus my 81 yrs. young mom will be going with Us..this should be interesting! The weather is supposed to be great, and that's why I wanted my mom to go this yr....We will do our Best....so keep your fingers crossed one of those guys will see Us and say hey look someone knows about that song:)! For the record I will take you All w/us in spirit:)! And Sylvia we will have a Corn Dog for you...since you don't even know what they are...LMBO:)!

Have a Great Day!

Mary (M&M's)!

HI Mary, 


Have a great time when you see Rascal Flatts.  I know you will enjoy the concert.  They are to be in Pittsburgh, PA on September 1, but I didn't get tickets,  Have tickets to a football game and the only one I would miss a football game for is Michael Bolton.

Enjoy yourself and would love to hear all the details of the concert,,,,every single, little detail.




Donna, I misread&wrote Star Lake. I thought it was Starlight&I should have read it better. Oops. My bad. Boltonnut from L. A. CA who loves life&Michael Bolton :)

Hey Mary, you can have two Corn Dogs for me......one of these days I am going to taste a Corn Dog because I am definitely looking for a recipe and going to make them.....can't have you Americans having one over on the Brits, definitely not !!! LOL.

Have a blast Mary and I hope your mum has a fantastic time.....go for the picture with Rascal Flatts and get it up on here for us all to see....go on !!!!! LOL.   Get them holding up your sign with your mum in the middle and I'll take it over to piZap and get MB in it too !!! :)

Enjoy your whole day from Rascal Flatts to Corn Dogs to just being with your daughter and your mum .....have a terrific time Mary !!!! :))))))


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Well said Sylvia and I agree with wishing Mary the best day ever. We KNOW dreams come true and I hope you got your moment with the Rascals!!!! lol

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Awesome Mary. It's tonight now. have a KA good time. :) boltonnut from L. A. CA who loves life&Michael Bolton :)

Hi girls, to my knowledge, Mary is going to the fair but not the concert: she just wanted to hang out by the bus, unless she changes her mind. I just wish Meg could upload a pic of those signs you're so famous for! Anyway, I'll wish you break a leg Mary and don't forget "Gems" and your sharpee! Hope you all have a great time and can't wait to hear all about it. :DHugs to you all, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Yum. Corn dogs. Love those things. That would be cool if she or they were able to get to their bus. Would love it if they could go to the show&awesome mom's going as well. Go mom. :) Boltonnut from L. A. CA who loves life&Michael Bolton :)


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