Whatever happened to the video replies Michael had planned after we submitted all those questions a while back?  Maybe with the tour, new CD and promotional performance it was delayed, but I hope it was not forgotten!  It was something I was very much looking forward to.

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Hi Jackie,


Just got to hope that Michael gets round to answering some of the questions sometime - so far haven't heard anything and he is going to be pretty busy for the next little while so I would think if he ever manages anything it will be into the autumn almost before we hear - maybe proved a bigger task than what was at first envisaged !!


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.

I imagine that answering fans questions is far from the top of his list of important jobs t odo! Ha Ha!!


If  he is anything like me, he will make a list and some jobs get pushed further and further down the list until they are over the page!!


Poor guy has just sat and signed a 1000 CD covers, so he needs a rest after that feight!!


I wonder if he could carry a small video disctaphone with him and record one or two answers if he has spare time on a plane or after lunchtimes. Hey, I'll send him my spare one over, he can just drop it round to me after he's finished!!


Love Jennifer XX


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