I've found out that the new tour books that can be bought at Michael's concerts now have a section of answers to some of the questions asked on the main page.  I have a list of those who's questions were answered..is there anyone who has this new tour book and willing to type up the questions and answers for us?  I've asked management but with all that is going on they aren't able to get it to me right now.  These are the people who's questions were answered:


Sylvia from Canada

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Me too ,pity our names werent on the list :-(
Oh my goodness Gail, well first, thanks for posting this! Second, uhm, this is where I’m going to be an annoying stickler about spelling and I’m sorry… :D You’ve mentioned (right on top of the list) a “Sylvia from Canada” and a “Sylvie”… I haven’t encountered a “Sylvia from Canada” but we all know there’s a “Silvy”, so I really hope someone comes through because it’s unlikely that I’ll get my hands on a tour book… Does anyone mind if I jump up and down anyway? Lol God bless you Gail and God bless Michael for trying so hard to be this close in touch with us! Wow, I’m dying to hear which questions he responded to! Thanks again Gail, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie or Sylvia from Canada, whichever suits your purpose… :D
I'm right there with ya, Sylvie! Total surprise at this! If you don't mind, I'll jump up & down with you! Thanks for letting us know, Gail...AND Thank You, Michael for answering our questions!

Anna :o))
Hey Anna, nope, I don't mind at all! lol Take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Thank you very much Michael, for taking the time to answer our questions, inspite of being so busy.
Thanks Gail for letting us know. I had no idea that the questions could be answered so soon and on a tour book!. It is a fantastic idea.
I would love to see the tour book. I bought two in London last November, but I don't know if the format of the present one is the same, with those questions and answers added, or if it is a completely new one.

I would be so thankful if some of you could post a pic here!!!.

Hi all, I’ve just had a quick run-down of the possible questions Michael could have answered and here they are, in order I found them and shrunk as much as I could:
-Shannon Michelle Warren asked if we could upload more than 100 songs, if the on-line store could be expanded, if he has vegys in his garden or just plants and flowers, if he still practices his Juish faith and related questions, aside from donating to your charity, is there anything else that we can do to help the fight on domestic violence? She also asked if he eats dairy, does he prefer coffee, tea or both and what’s his favorite tea, pointers on how to play Scrabble, top 5 or top 10 books he’d highly recommend, does he love and does he go see Broadway musicals, what was it like to meet Joe DiMaggio, will he go to a Yankees game this year, is he a begetarian or a vegan,would he record a tribute album to Otis Redding,
-Sylvie Boisvert (from Canada) asked him if he’d ever sing WIBOMFA again, has he ever attended any of the operas that he’s sung excerpts from? How did he feel when he met Ray Charles and what went through his mind, when was the last time he reviewed the instructions from his “dragon lady” as he was learning opera, why hasn’t he recorded an Andrew Lloyd Webber/Broadway album, are there any of his early collaborators he’d like to work with again, does he have a favorite cover of a song he wrote that someone else recorded, what music he listens to when he wants to switch off, how far along is he in the process of writing his autobiography, will all the duets he’s recorded over the past few years be compiled in a bonified MB album, why hasn’t he recorded with Orrin yet and what is he waiting for?
-Shannon T Duhon asked questions about fan club signed pics, M&G’s and song requests
-Pauline asked if he’d be a guest on “an audience with…” show in the U.K., what is it like to step out on stage and sing the first few notes and does he still get butterflies
-Christine Rathjen asked if he’d take Kenny G back to Europe and when would he record or perform a song in German
-Rocio asked if he’d consider making another aria album,
I would like to know a bit about the ranges vocal chords can reach; what is normal, what is "special" and what is "spectacular". I would like to know if that has something in common with what in Spanish we call "octavas": seis octavas... Terms like those... I would also like to know if a singer's range can be improved with work and a teacher, or we are born with our level of sound to speak and sing. I would finally like to know if you are the male pop singer with better vocal range and if you could show me some examples of other singers whose ranges you know.
-Sandra Jeffery asked if he drinks alcohol at all, also can any of his 3 daughters sing or play a musical instrument? When was the first time he visited the U.K and was it with Black Jack, will he record more pop/R&B albums in the near future, his fave song on the new album to perform, what’s his fave meal and how he combines a balanced diet,
-Helen Alicia Anderson asked why only one RAH show this year, would he ever grow his long hair back and his shoe size
-Linda asked what it would take for him to write with a nobody
-Silvy asked if her dream would come true of hearing Michael, Tony Hadley and Rick Astley in the same concert
-Katja asked What did you "inspire" to do something for charity and why did you choose to be engaged for especially this kind of social group.
-Helen asked what music he listened to, growing up
-Manel asked is there anything else you do in order to sing those high notes in such a wonderful way apart from singing from the heart?
-Anna asked if he has any special rituals before each performance
All right, if anyone finds the tour book with the answers, please let us know. Thanks in advance, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Wow!! Thank you so much Sylvie from Canada. XX Thats was a lot of typing for you!!

And thank you to Michael for answering some of our questions. You are an amazing guy and an absolute star!!

Cant wait to get my sticky mitts ona copy of that tour book!!!!!

Love Jennifer XXX
Hey Jen, are you kidding me? Looking through a list of questions including mine that Michael could have answered? I could have gone on for pages! Lol Plus there’s the magic of copy/paste and trimming the edges… The only question I didn’t find was from Bill. There was no Bill in the “submit your question…” blog, I checked it twice. I am just so overjoyed to know that Michael is listening to us… God bless him! BTW Jennifer, I don’t know if someone mistyped but as I’ve said in my initial post, as far as I know, there’s no “Sylvia from Canada” although there are 2 or 3 Sylvias on the forum and I’m the only Sylvie with this spelling… It's a little confusing... I guess it’ll be all cleared up when someone gets their hands on a tour book… Take care Jennifer. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
You are a blessing. Those above feel blessed ask away.

Hey How Cool is that!! I want to see these tour books in Nov!!! Great idea!!!
Robin :)
Hey Shannon, Gail’s list said “ Shannon” but there are 2 Shannons who posted on the blog. I’d say that the odds are pretty good in your favor with the amount of questions you’ve posted though! Lol Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Hi girls

if I understand good:

there is a new tour book. Is it out now?
in this new tour book there are some questions answered by Michael. Is it right?
maybe also my question!


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