As we are now into 2015 thought would start a new thread for our resolutions/hopes and dreams/desires and needs or, whatever we want to share with each other, each week on here. Hopefully we will be able to give each other the support we might seek in trying to get all those little "wants" done whether we intend to take a week, a month, or even, the whole year, to achieve whatever it is but that we can be assured of support from each other as well as, without doubt, a laugh along the way.....what would life be without some of that good stuff that costs nothing but is worth much more than a pot of gold !!!

Picture above is one Michael sent us on New Year's Day of himself surrounded by falling balloons of all different colours and with his arms outstretched as though welcoming in the New Year.

Sylvie in Canada      and

Sylvia in Scotland.

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Hi Sylvia, thanks for checking in. Glad to hear your brother enjoyed the card and did get into the spirit. :D Good for you braving the cold for the cause! Did you know you apparently burn more calories in the cold? Apparently, breathing in cold air and I guess the effort you put into it in the cold does the trick. I hear you about the cold: -36 C with windchill this morning and blowing snow, so glad I didn’t have to go anywhere. BTW, thanks for pic description and reminding me I had to change my own calendar... XD Anyway, break a leg for next week Sylvia, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Hi Sylvia and everyone, well I was about to get off the computer and realized we were Monday, for a couple of more hours anyway, so thought I'd pop in. I could probably copy-paste my progress report from last week, about keeping up with my logs, except for the sleep. I actually went a bit overboard because of the Grammies last night. :D I'll try to do better, that's all I can say. I hope Sylvia that you've made some progress since the last time you posted a progress report  and same to anyone attempting a resolution or goal and do feel free to share. Take care and hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

I'm playing catch up and forgot all about here yesterday for was chasing Mr. Bolton round the internet trying to find either pictures or a video of him at the Grammy's for he had been seen and he was there but I couldn't find anything and had another quick look this morning and am giving up.

I've absolutely nothing to report and I haven't even lost any weight this week....haven't put any on but haven't lost any and I have been being pretty good too although not as active as would like so maybe that is a factor.  Just have to see how things go and keep up the good work so far and maybe eventually it will make a difference.....hopefully !!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi Sylvia, just wanted to say: break a leg on all counts! It didn't make sense to me that Michael had been to the pre-Grammy brunch and not to the Grammies. I also thought he might have gone to the "Tribute to Stevie Wonder, songs in the key of life" show that was taped yesterday, but Gail hasn't heard anything. The special airs next Monday and I was going to watch it anyway, so guess we'll see. Take care Sylvia and again, break a leg (not litterally) and take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Remembering it's Monday and getting here quick !!!! LOL   Only trouble is nothing to report again except some bad news......I've put on weight !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't dare put on my usual "LOL" but think I should or I'll start crying.   Know I was naughty and bad over weekend but that is it now for no more cutting out and cutting down it is serious time for serious diet and purchases were made today at supermarket......serious, serious, serious times ahead, from today !!!! :)

Hope everybody else has done better than me at sticking to their hopes and dreams on whatever you are wishing to achieve.

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi Sylvia, oops, dropped the ball on that one, sorry to hear that... I thought you had gotten back in the habit of walking, didn't you? Well as for myself, I've been keeping up with my logs, doing pretty good with the computer and still trying on the sleep thing. Sweeps month on TV should be done soon, so I won't have a good reason to stay up late! lol Well all I can say is break a leg on all counts Sylvia and anyone else working on a resolution and/or goal. Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Back to another Monday again and this time don't feel so bad coming in here for diet has worked and I have lost weight I put on plus a little bit extra so have a guess who is sticking with it this week.....ME !!! LOL   I was pleased when I stepped on those scales for I honestly didn't think I had lost anything, just goes to show how wrong you can be and I will confirm, scales did get a good check over, to make sure they were not at fault....LOL  There were also a couple of days last week when weather wasn't too bad that I did take myself out for a good walk so maybe that made a little bit of difference too.  Don't know how this week has to progress, weather wise, but certainly not looking too great for thinking about walking anywhere right now but at least we haven't got the snow and ice they forecast, although don't know what like inland for our weather is just cold, wet, windy and darn right miserable today and was all weekend, so it was this laptop, a good book and Mr. Bolton and that was how I past my time and am just going to get head stuck into book again....wee cup of tea and Jo Nesbo....who could ask for more !!!! LOL  Oh....wait a minute....Mr. Bolton has just walked in the that is the cream on the coffee and talking about coffee I had better go and make him one !!!! LOL  Think I've been on the coke lately and not the diet stuff either ....LOL 

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi Sylvia, well congrats on getting back on the right track! I’m  sure your walks did you some good and every little bit helps. I heard on the radio last week that our Qc winter has been so far 4 degrees lower than the rest of the planet, aren’t we lucky? XD I don’t mean to complain and I know the winter is brutal all over this year, but it’s been particularly cold. Somehow, I’m not sure you would have finished your post properly if Michael had walked in... ;D Well anyway, the stars must have been right for us all this past week, because I made some headway too. The logs are still doing very well and I’ve finally figured out what to do about more sleep. I rearranged my walking schedule to tucker myself out! Lol So far, it’s worked pretty well and despite the fact that I want to finish this or that project, here I go nodding off in front of the TV. Let’s just hope I keep it up. So, keep up the good work Sylvia, thanks for sharing and  until next time, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D  

Glad things working out for you Sylvie and as for your weather I have heard from my cousin up by Niagara and yeah, pretty grim to say the least just hope Spring starts springing for you soon.

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Hi Sylvia, well as long as we get March 10th and 11th being close to the freezing mark, that's all I ask for now... ;D I wouldn't expect spring quite yet, but I know I'd gladly welcome -7 C for a max, to start scraping off at least one layer of snow. Anyway, thanks for the sympathy. :D Take care Sylvia. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D 

Now into March so here is calendar picture which is one of Michael from his Honda commercials and it is one of him standing on top of the car singing with his camel coat and tartan scarf on and it looks as though March is a pretty busy month for Michael as though all the others that have gone before have not been !!! :)  I've placed picture in amongst a vase of yellow roses I have in house.

Unfortunately, to start this month I have to say that it is exactly the same as ending of last month....nothing to report.   No weight loss, no nothing !!! LOL   Our weather over last week has been fairly dismal with snow, hail, sleet, rain, some sun, wind and freezing cold so not a lot of opportunity to get for walks and right now no chance either as our forecast for next couple of days is snow and at the moment it is trying it's hardest to do just that.  Do believe somewhere, not too far away, is definitely getting it for here it keeps on with flurries of snow which then turn to hail and sleet, stop completely, and then ten minutes later back comes the snow.  It is so wet everywhere that it is not standing a chance of lying as over weekend we had horrendous rain and I was out driving on Saturday and boy, oh boy, wasn't I glad there was a four wheel drive in front of me for I could follow all the flooding and avoid or slow right down because I could see quite clearly every time he hit a bit and some of it, OMG, he created waves on the was bad !!! lol  

Hope anyone else who is popping on here and having a look is having a better time and more productive time than I am although I suppose catching up on books by authors I love isn't too bad a way to spend time for, at least, I'm enjoying the books so, isn't that what life should be about, enjoying !!! :)  Have to say there does seem to be a desertion of the website lately, not too many people about at all.....has everyone disappeared over to the "dark side" and gone to FB and has no time for anything else ???  A pity if that is the case but I sure would say I'm picking up something is definitely "wrong"....wonder what ????????? 

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi Sylvia, oh sorry to hear you’re at a stand-still on the weight loss, but as I always say: at least you haven’t gained any! The picture sounds lovely and thanks for the precision so I can tell hubby where it comes from. :D Wow, your winter is particularly wet this year, isn’t it? Sounds like driving conditions aren’t that great either, which would make it hard to try and get to the gym. I’m very fortunate to have a long living-room and that’s where I walk, still while  listening to the TV, music or books. :D Funny you mentioning books because I’ve just re-read “The soul of it all” for the 3rd time last week and I have a few more interesting prospects this week, to keep me busy. Well on my side, I’ve been doing well with my logs, although I need to remind myself, but I still do it, even if it’s late. To be honest, the computer filing/flushing I often do on Sunday nights (before I have to post about it), lol but at least it’s done. I’m also happy to report that I’ve kept up with my new resolution to get more sleep, so I’m happy with myself. Now about the site desertion, I think it’s busier during extended tour periods. I’ve noticed that the admin blogs are pretty busy though. Aside from that, it’s the dead of winter and since most of Michael’s future projects are long pending, it’s not as easy to find something  to get excited about, aside from his scattered TV appearances. Obviously, I’m just guessing. Well I hope you have better lucknext week Sylvia and that also goes for anyone else who has goals/resolutions/ projects etc. Take care Sylvia. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D


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