Hi everyone,


I’ve been meaning to start this thread for a while now. I’ve been reading since the beginning of this forum, many discussions started by fans who simply wanted to share their joy of being a Michael Bolton fan. We have threads to share concert reviews, some to share news, videos etc, but not exactly what I have in mind. I would like for this thread not to be about meeting Michael, but about MB related moments in our daily lives, that anyone can take part in. I’m sure we all have tons of fun stories about how the existence of our Michael made us smile today.


For example: I remember once working on the computer and being stressed out to finish a job, then I took a break and turned on the radio, SILYBIL was on and I felt like I’d been given a big hug! Also, I remember once reading on one of the old message boards, someone had gone to a thrift shop and found an MB T-shirt and it made her day! Another story of mine has to do with my husband driving with “The one thing” on, stopping at a light and the guy in the next car asked him who that was and said this was great music! Your anecdotes can also be about how you've converted a "non believer" or your child’s discovery of Michael and sometimes we have as many stories as we have kids! Anyway, I guess I’d like this thread to be kind of a Michael Bolton  “Vegetable soup for the soul”. :D I have a few stories in my own life like these and even started my own personal document  a while back and I thought: why not share our stories together? So there you go MB fans: share away! Take care and hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

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Those little surprises are some of the best, Sylvie, thanks for sharing. Hugs,

Kathy T. :-)

Hey Kathy T.

   I 2nd that! Now I want to hear more stories from you All, cause I have another one up my sleeve....but Not until I hear some of your stories! Guaranteed to make you LYBO:)!

Mary (meg's mom)!

I have a story I can share with you. My BFF Debbie had been going to see Michael with me for 20 years. Her goal was that Michael would remember who she was. He didn't even have to know her name, just know who she was. We had been going to see Michael in concert before she even met and married her second husband. Her husband was very jealous of her "dates" with Michael. So she didn't get to as many shows as she wanted.

About 2 years ago she found out she had endometrial cancer and went through 11 months of chemo and radiation. A few months into treatment, she was able to see Michael after a show and told him about her cancer and treatments. He told her he wanted to be kept up to date on how she was doing. About 6 months later she went into remission. And then Michael came to Dover DE, a local venue. Debbie was so excited about this show. He was coming to Delaware for the first time to do a concert.

The night of the show, we were able to get front row seats (seats were first come, first serve). Debbie had a backstage pass, during the show, she had her pass on and remarked to me that Michael was ignoring us. At the end of the show, he winked at her. Boy was she on a high from that. While waiting to go backstage, I took her over and introduced her to Doug James, Michaels friend and co-author of How Am I Supposed to Live Without You. She had been wanting to meet him for sometime, but she had a very complicated and stressful life and just hadn't been able to before now. The band all come from the stage to have their pictures taken with Doug so she was able to chat with them to. Kelly was really very nice and down to earth to talk with.

Going back stage, we were told it was to be quick because Mb agreed to do a CD signing in the lobby. When we walked in, Michael said to her, "I hear you have been doing better" OMG!! She lit up like a Xmas tree. She had her acknowledgement that he remembered her.  Before we were able to leave the room, Doug and his friends were ushered into the room and she was able to join in on Michaels visit with his old friend.

This was the first time in over a year, I had seen Debbie like her old self. Amazingly, her husband had even told her to have a good time when she left for the show! It was the first thing she said to me when we met at the venue.

3 days later, Debbie was back in the hospital. The hospital blew her off with having too much stress and she need to relax more. By Xmas she was back in the hospital and was told that her cancer had exploded. We got word to Michaels office that Debbie was not doing well. But he had just left for vacation. She was sent home after New Years with hospice. She got a card from Michael that her husband read to her. He said it even brought a tear to his eye. Michael told her he remembered their meeting and admired her strength and courage. I wasn't there when her husband read it to her, but he said that Debbie lit up, grinned and her eyes sparkled. Her family was so joyed at her reaction and at Michael for taking the time to do something so meaningful for Debbie.

A few days after receiving her card, Debbie passed away on 1/29. The day that Michaels book was released. She was only 50 years old.

I will always believe that our Good Lord brought Michael to do that show in Dover, just for Debbie. I will forever in my heart remember Debbie from that show and not as she was when she was in the hospital.

Thank you for letting me share my memory and Debbie.



Thanks for sharing that story Sally and I had heard and know about Debbie and so tragic and yet so beautiful that Michael did such a thing for her and I hope he knows how much his sweet, sweet message meant to her in her final days and how much it meant to her husband too....thanks for bringing Debbie onto these pages where she can always be !!


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Oh! Sally. Almost made me cry. What a lovely story&thanks ever so much for sharing. i remember when we 3 were @ the concert 11/17,03 or there abouts in richmond together. I'll never forget. :) R I P Debbie&may your memories live on. :(

It brought tears to my eyes as I was remembering Michael's card to  her.


Hey Sally. So glad you shared this here with everyone. I was thrilled and agree that show was meant for Debbie!!!!!!! Also was glad to be there in Chester,PA in January of 2012 to see her light up after you all visited with MB after the show. We all had a fun night at the show and cracking up at her funny comments the entire time..OMG we laughed didn't we!!! :)  I remember us all sitting and talking and listening to her chatting away and sharing the pic with MB etc...MB gave her alot of joy and I'm so glad she had the DE show last fall before she was in the hospital this last time.


Thanks again for sharing here. It's a wonderful story!!!!!! Debbie is smiling down on you for sharing it!

Robin in MD

Doug James was waiting for Michael after the show, they were to have dinner. So while MB was signing CD, we were able to chat with Doug some more. Debbie felt special because Doug told her some stories about him and Michael. During their song writing days, they were sent to the Bahamas to write and that Michael used to like and go play Black Jack. Doug's working on a CD and he was telling us about some of the process. He's working with Keith Mack, who used to be part of Patty Smythe and Scandal. (he plays one mean guitar). She felt the night was really a dream. It made me so happy to see her so thrilled with the evening.

Hi Sally, wow, thank you so much for sharing...  Sweetie, all I can say is that I’m really glad that Michael made Debbie's dream come true and made her feel as special as she was... Thanks again for sharing your story about your friend Sally, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

She really was a wonderful woman. If you could have heard her sons eulogy at the funeral. It was so beautiful about how his Mother taught him the struggles of being a single mother and the value of hard work. It was beautiful. For a young man of 20 to recognize that truly says a lot of Debbie.

She was actually my sisters best friend from kindergarten until about 10-12 years ago when they had a falling out. And we because closer friends. About 20 years ago, I was looking for someone to go see a Michael Bolton concert with and my sister said to ask Debbie as she liked to do that kind of thing. We did it ever since.

I've known her all my life and she spent a lot of time at our home. I imagine being 1 of 10 children, you can get lost in the shuffle. She always put everyone before herself.

Hi again Sally, I just wanted to say thanks again for sharing more about Debbie and helping us understand how so special she was  and how much she meant to all that knew her. I hope it warms your heart to share those memories, take care sweetie. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Hey Sally,

  First I would like to tell you that I am so sorry for the loss of your Best Friend! Now I want to say Thank You for sharing such a Heartfelt story! I have goosebumps! Cancer is such a terrible disease...and just when you think you have it beat...sometimes it does come back:(!

  Her MIchael & ours came through for her...He always does! And that is why we All Love him for having such a Great Voice..and a Great Big Heart:)! God sent him to that venue, to give you both a Memory that will forever live on:)!

   What was her most favorite song? That way when I play it, I will think of her:)!

Mary (Meg's mom)!


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