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Oh no....now boasting about the tshirt....go right ahead!!!!!!! See if I care!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

Kathy and LAFD Bob

I have heard a report that there has been spotted in the California area somebody starting to turn Green - they are not too sure if it is the return of the Hulk or the Jolly Green Giant - but beware !!!!! LOL.


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.

Woops, it couldn't be my shadow being cast all the way to California, could it? In case you didn't know wee one, "Boisvert" means "Green wood"! ;D Have a nice weekend girl, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Oh Sylvie I got a laugh with your response but I think Kathy's response will be something coming straight across the pond !! lol.  Do you want a laugh, a real good laugh, do you know what my name means in its dictionary definition - brave and valiant....OMG and here is me surrounded by yellow and it starts with a big streak right down my back !! LOL.


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.

Hey Juliet, did you just make that up? lol Well you know, 50 is the new 30 and with the shape you're in, I'm sure you could give a lot of 30 year olds a run for their money! :D Take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from  Canada

Well ladies my name means..... roses :) So ..no Sylvia not green but bright red from holding my breath waiting for my GEMS!!!!! A rose shade of red!!!! And yes the green is emanating from patient Sylvie :) But we will survive right Solver??? Even if Sylvia's new avatar is her wearing her GEMS tshirt :) lol BTW Wee One....which part is brave?? and which part is valiant??? 

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Hey Kathy, thanks for letting me know we'll survive... If I haven't proven myself with what I'll do for Michael, I don't know what will... :D Take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Obviously Kathy because you are in such a state of something or other you have had to take your glasses off or you think you are still over in Facebook because my avatar does not show the Gems t-shirt but the BOLTON BOMBERS shirt with my little New York Yankies bat and ball and my New York cap, so there !!!!!!!!!! LOL.  As for my name I would have to get a hold of an old Germanic Dictionary to find out if the definition gets broken down or not because that is the origin of the word from old Germanic; Norse; Vikings - my dad was blonde and blue eyed and my paternal grandparents and ancestors came from the Isle of Wight where a lot of the Vikings settled - history lesson for today !!!! LOL.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

Yes Sylvie... we are troopers :) How is that dang strike going over in your 'hood???? lol

Sylvia Sylvia Sylvia.....LOL....you know how competent I am on this dang computer!!! In fact ...digression...I just got a new Droid phone and I am stressed over the inability to even figure out if I missed a call!!!!! Of course I was still on FB mentally....which annoys me to no end!!!!!

Signing off as an overwhelmed tech illiterate!!! :/   Dang it all !!!!!!!   :/

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Hi Kathy, well first, the strike has been over for about 10 days sweetie, but they’ve only been accepting incoming packages since last Monday and they’re not doing overtime to get rid of the back log. Plus they’re working on 2 speeds: slow and slower… Did I mention I was expecting it for my birthday? X( Now Kathy, why do you do this to yourself about buying more technology? Lol Well, take this with a grain of salt my little pussycat, but that’s what you get for joining the “dark side”! lol Good luck with your phone! :D Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

I am sinking deeper and deeper into the dark side Sylvie!!! Guilty as charged!!!! LOL  This is a sure way to insanity for me!!!!!!! LOL My oh my!!!!! Well glad to hear the strike is over. My Canadian paper has been held up as well so I didn't realize that ;) Are you ready to scream in unison upon GEMS arrival??? Counting on ya!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Hey Kathy, don't worry, everyone will know when I get it, including people who don't give a rat's tail! lolTake care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada