Found this on Spotify. It is also on Google Music and Deezer.





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Wow what a beautiful song and THANKS so much Florin for finding and sharing ......thank you !!! :)  Have to say, Lindsey, is a lucky girl !!! :)   Just wondering if personal or, something else for a movie or, some such ???  Thanks again Florin !!! :)

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Hi Florin, well first, thanks so very much for sharing this, that's an awesome find! Second, I don't subscribe to any of those services, so I suppose that means I wouldn't have access? I have a sample of that song from many years ago. From what Gail told me at the time, if I remember correctly, this is a song that was commissioned for a sick little girl and that's all I know. Thanks again so much Florin, good to read you on here,take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Thanks for info Sylvie !!! :)   Was hoping something new but have to admit something in Michael's voice made me think not that recent   Thanks again Sylvie.

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


No problem Sylvia. Since I don't have access to those sites, I checked on YouTube and sure enough, found it:

The YouTube page mentions a Songs Of Love Foundation, so I’m guessing it has something to do with the release of the song. I hope that means the sales of it go to charity. Thanks again for the share Florin! Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Sylvie, this may be that song but can't remember the title. This says it was released March 28th by Songs of Love Foundation.  Also on for $.99 download...

Checking to see if I can get more info on it.

Ok..found this facebook page.  They are thanking Michael for recording this song for their project.

Songs of Love is honored to have recruited Michael Bolton to record a #songoflove for Lindsey! The song was written by Songs of Love songwriters Alex Forbes, Ralph Kotkov and John Beltzer. Special thanks to Michael Bolton for donating his amazing talents!

Thanks a million for all the information Gail......thanks !!! :)

Sylvia    Your wee Scottish friend


Thanks a lot for the info Gail, much appreciated. Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D


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