Talent Show - BOLT OF TALENT with info on follow on Asian Dream Tour.

Michael is holding a talent show in Asia with entries coming from Malaysia, Taiwan, Thailand and Philippines in conjunction with Star World Asia and Fox TV.  Here are posters, plus link to video, advertising show as well as an article which gives more detailed information of exactly what the competition involves, hopes to achieve and what is on offer.



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Here it is folks ..... single written by Michael for Bolt of Talent.  Cassey gave me heads up and a share on mentions on my page in FB and a million thanks to her for doing so.  She is the one who has been nominated to publish the song on her page and a lovely, lovely, gesture extended to her.   Here is YouTube link


Here also is link Star World Asia have published on their FB page to video for run up to final which is tomorrow, 27th September.


Star World Asia have also just published this comment with written picture asking you to state which song you would love to hear Michael sing at your birthday party

Imagine having Michael Bolton at your birthday party, which of his classics would you love to hear him sing?

Watch Bolt of Talent Finale on STAR World Asia, WED Sep 27 at 9.30pm | 8.30pm JKT/BKK/VN #BOT #BoltOfTalent #MichaelBolton#finale

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Thank you Sylvia and Gail.  I am following this contest and my fav is Mild.  Good luck to both of them.  So exciting. Regards, Usha

Here is a good article about the remaining contestants :


Thanks for posting Gail for that is a good article, thanks !!! :)

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Star World Asia has asked the question if you would rather sing or eat veggie meal with Michael and here is their comment .......

Would you rather perform with Michael Bolton or have a vegetarian meal with him?

Watch Bolt of Talent Finale on STAR World Asia, WED Sep 27 at 9.30pm | 8.30pm JKT/BKK/VN #BOT #BoltOfTalent #MichaelBolton#finale

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend



Lance has won bolt of talent.
Hope link works okay and have to apologize for total difference in reporting but laptop not tooooooo well and am using phone.

Thank you Sylvia.  Regards, Usha


Still using phone so sorry for different way of doing things and although not too keen on phone thank goodness I have for laptop has bitten the dust...new one needed.

Above is link to complete FINALE episode of show and it also contains the NEW song Michael wrote for show "This Is Your Time". Gail has posted link of song to blog on main page so, if just want to hear song again and again bgo to main page. Will add to video section too and have pics to create a final album if behind the scenes of finale but please give me time to do for can hardly see keyboard on phone let alone punch right keys ....so glad there is an idiot spell checker along with it. LOL.
Enjoy video folks for it is super and just wish we could get to see all the other episodes... maybe one day!!!

Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend

Have mislead in above post for it is other new song Gail has added in a blog and here is link to just the song which premiered in Finale...."This Is Your Time". Should add I am saying that is title of song only because that is what it starts with but in actual fact haven't seen title written anywhere.

Video of Lance Busa in interview with CNN after winning show

Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend
MICHAEL has sent a tweet saying that they are thinking in calling album to be released with songs from Bolt of Talent, "RISE" and he has asked for comments.
For info he has also said in another tweet that he is at home right now enjoying spending time with family.

Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend

Link to album in Gallery of pics from Finale of show shared by Star World Asia and some I've picked up along the way !! lol


Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend



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