Michael is holding a talent show in Asia with entries coming from Malaysia, Taiwan, Thailand and Philippines in conjunction with Star World Asia and Fox TV. Here are posters, plus link to video, advertising show as well as an article which gives more detailed information of exactly what the competition involves, hopes to achieve and what is on offer.
Michael has held a Press Conference today, 31st October, in Singapore and 8 Days Magazine has shared a short video of Michael singing part of Jack Sparrow. Hope everyone can link in okay and hear because Michael looks good and is sounding good ?!?
Sylvia Your wee Scottish friend
Another very, VERY short vid of Michael singing WAMLAW at Press Conference in Singapore. There is a second vid attached and it is of him singing Jack Sparrow excerpt. Where you see arrow at right hand side on pic, click on that and it takes you into second vid and just click on pic and up comes the play triangle
Sylvia Your wee Scottish friend
Here is pic of merchandise bag which Subaru are making available on Asian Dream Tour which starts in couple of hours time in Manila. Have also posted this to 2017 Tour Review thread.
Bag is black shoulder/shopping bag and has pic of vinyl record in centre with spray of flowers through it and record is pale gold colour blending into green at centre. It has written in right hand bottom corner in lilac/purple and believe it says "Subaru Presents : Michael Bolton : in his Asian Dream Tour"
Sylvia Your wee Scottish friend
Have created an album in the Gallery for the Asian Dream Tour and here is link. Whenever add any new pics will repost the link.
Have also picked up a link to a YouTube video of Michael and Morissette singing HAISTLWY. There are also quite a few short vids which were posted to Twitter and have taken them over to FB page if you want to check them out.
Sylvia Your wee Scottish friend
Super vid that Mr. Tan of Subaru Asia has sent to Mild, who was runner-up in Bolt of Talent, with a message from Michael, Lance and Morissette. Video has been taken backstage in Manila and you can see Steve Milo working away, cleaning table, in background and Ruki standing at door. Michael looks well and so lovely to see.... hope you all enjoy !!! :)
Sylvia Your wee Scottish friend
Super article on Michael's Press Conference in Singapore to promote Asian Dream Tour. Many thanks go to Pilar for find and share, thanks Pilar !!! :)
Sylvia Your wee Scottish friend
Michael has sent below tweet with pic from Manila ...
This is what days off in Manila look like!! #golf #secondlove #ontheroad #asia #philippines… https://www.instagram.com/p/BbFonImlVOS/
Sylvia Your wee Scottish friend
Michael has sent below tweet with pic
Sneaky selfie Sunday ... what are u up to?! #selfie #sunday #workout #gymrat https://www.instagram.com/p/BbIHLYGFPD8/
Sylvia Your wee Scottish friend
Michael has sent below tweet with pic. Pic shows him by side of road taking a selfie and having over his shoulder scooters stopped either in traffic jam or by traffic lights and one of the riders is looking at him as though wondering what he is taking a pic of. Here is his tweet and sorry can't grab pic this time as appears to have been sent in a slightly different manner so hope everyone can access Instagram, through the link, and see pic.
They love their scooters in Taiwan!! #ontheroad #asia #tourlife #taiwan #scooters https://www.instagram.com/p/BbPhoWVFvch/
Sylvia Your wee Scottish friend
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