Hey Gang,


As I mentioned in an earlier thread back in June.....I belong to The Knight of Columbus (I'm a Columbiette) here in New York.  Twice a year in June and November, the Columbiettes have a Luncheon/Fundraiser at our council.  We raffle off many cool prizes, that the members donate and we also receive donations from various stores and individuals.  We raffle off money prizes, gift baskets, tickets to baseball games....just to name a few.  The money we collect goes to various charites which include St. Jude's Children's Hospital, MDA and others. 

Since Michael was nice enough to sign so many copies of "Gems", I was able to get an extra copy of it along with the T-shirt, to give away as a small prize for the fundraiser.  I was going to created a small gift basket with Gems and a few other MB items.  But then my wee friend Sylvia, was nice enough to volunteer to help me out with my idea and is sending me lots of goodies to go into the basket!!!  Now my little basket has turned into a big basket!!!!!   I have purchased a real nice size basket and have the cellophane wrapping paper as well.  Some of the items we are adding into the basket, include various CD's of Michael, the Lee Randall book, magnet, key chain and at least one 45 record to give the basket a "music" feel.  I have purchased a set of 3 scented candles....each candle is black with a swirl design and they each have one word on them "Sing", "Dance" and "Love".  Later on, I plan to buy some chocolates and a Christmas Beanie Baby to gift the basket a "Christmas feel" as well.  Sylvia is still in the works on sending me various items, so this basket will really look like a "Gem" of a gift when it's finally all together!!!! 

It is really fun and exciting....putting this Gift Basket together with Sylvia, and I hope the person who wins it is a real Bolton fan who will appreciate it!!!!!   I will take a few pictures of it once it's together (that will be in November), and post it here so everyone can see it.

Just wanted to share this with all of you!!!  And a big Thank You to the Wee one for all her help!!!!!    :)




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Very funny Wee one!!!!   Well my hair was flat, due to wearing a hat....it was a cold day, and I'm still not 100% better from being sick this past week.  Yes, some lipstick too....   Well, I have a few Christmas parties to attend, so will fix myself up and post some nicer pic's later on!!!   :)


Helena  xx

Awww Helena, thank you so much for sharing the  MB basket experience, what a beautiful mental picture! Just hearing about Paula and how she reacted gave me a big smile and fuzzy feeling: guess that’s the  MB ripple effect! :D I’m glad to hear everyone had a great time and congratulations to Paula! Thanks again for sharing Helena, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

How do u apply to try to win?

Hi Christian and WELCOME to the forum !!! :) 

Unfortunately, the MB basket was not for any competition on this website......it was for a chapel fundraiser held in Brooklyn, New York and it was held at Helena's chapel ......that is why Helena started this thread and has been showing us the pictures of the basket as she donated the basket to the fundraiser !! :)

It is a pity we cannot have such competitions on here but really do believe that such a basket would be exceptionally heavy to have to post out to the winner so I do not see the possibility of ever having such a prize for a competition on the website but a lovely prize it would have been !! :)

I hope that explains things to you Christian and I am sorry if we caused you any confusion !! :)

Take care and please come in and join us often in our discussions on here for everyone is more than welcome and what a wonderful way to spend your time discussing MB - PLEASE feel free to come in often Christian !!! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend. 

Well that sounds strange wee one...."Helena's chapel"....I'm not Mother Supieror...LOL!!!!  Christian, this was for the organization that I belong to....The Knights of Columbus, which is basically a Catholic organization with groups located across New York State and other parts of America.  Of course, a person does not have to be Catholic to attend the fundraiser.   :)



ROFL Helena.......Mother Superior.....hey if you are anywhere near that I will be nominated the first candidate for female Pope and the first non Cardinal too apart from the first non Catholic as well, in fact, nothing but a heathen ...LOL.....but you know, "Helena's Chapel" does have a certain ring to it....anybody fancy writing a little song....dah, dah, dah, da da, dah, dah, dah, doo, doo, doo, do do do.....you didn't expect musical notes, did you ???? LOL.


Sylvia.  Your very, very certifiabe again, wee Scottish friend.......when I was ever not certifiable ???? LOL

LOL!!!!   Well I thought you would like that response Wee One!!!!  Well, maybe Michael can write that song for me...he is a song writer, isn't he?!?!?   LOL!!!!    :)


Helena  xx

Certainly a far better idea Helena for Michael to write you a song for I have heard a rumour that he is slightly better than me at doing so !!!!!!! LOL.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

I just stumbled across this topic and I have to say that I like the idea of making a gift basket with items from Michael Bolton! This is really nice prize and I bet that it was really appreciated by its new owner?
In my free time I also do fund raising local organizations- most of the time for raffles! Sometimes it's a hard job! But last time I was very lucky because I got several christmas hampers for delivery in london!  This helped a lot! And everybody loved the prize  :) keep up with your good work!

Thanks Asha!!  Sylvia and I had fun (and it was a bit stressful at times), putting this basket together.  Yes, Paula who won the basket is a true Bolton fan and was thrilled she won!! 

Thanks for the compliments!!  :)

Helena xx

Thanks Asha for your kind words and as Helena says it was fun gathering the stuff and more fun for me for poor Helena had the job of putting everything together whilst I just sat back and looked at the beautiful pictures of the end product and just a little tip for a Michael Bolton Basket .....it is amazing what you can pick up on eBay of MB's !!!! lol.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.



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