This is for all you Pavarotti fans...and Bolton fans too!

Hey gang,


I wanted to share this with all of you (especially Sylvie who loves opera!), in regards to the "Duets" thread that we having been discussing.  This is a video from Youtube of Renato Zero and Luciano during the "Pavarotti and Friends" concert of 1999.  Don't know if this was the one that Michael was in or not (guess I need to look at youtube again).  Anyway, wanted you all to have an idea what Renato Zero looks and sounds like.  They are singing one of Renato's big hits "Il Cielo", which means The Sky in Italian.  Would love to see Michael connect with Renato and for them to duet together since Michael likes to sing in Italian.  I hope this is the right link...if not just type Renato Zero and Luciano Pavarotti in the Youtube search area and it will come up.  There are many video's of Renato on Youtube and even his website  Enjoy!





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Hi Helena, you're such a sweetie! I will definitely check it out tomorrow, I'm trying to get off this thing! lol The "Pavarotti & friends" special Michael was in was "for the children of Bosnea" in '95. There should be 4 videos of Michael's on Youtube related to that special. there's "Vesti la giubba", our beloved "nessun dorma", "The bridge is broken" (that did not air) and "Can I touch you there" that was only on the DVD and not the CD. Good luck finding them sweetie and I'll get back to you about Renato, okay? Take care and talk to you soon. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
I just watched the video of Nessun Dorma and you are right it was not the same year. I saw 2 other italian singers in the group with Michael that I know of Jovanotti (an italian rap singer) and Zucchero whom I've seen in concert twice in NYC. I've seen Renato in Italy 7 times. Will look for the other video's tomorrow, gotta get off this thing too! Stay well and will talk later... Hugs, Helena
Hi Helena, The concept of an Italian rap singer is a little, pardon the pun, foreign to me... :D I do enjoy Zucchero though. Hmm, you saw renato 7 times in Italy? Did you travel or did you use to live there? Renato is okay but I really enjoyed my buddy Luciano’s performance, thanks for sharing!
Okay, since we’re in an Italian mood, there are a few more videos I’d love to share with you. The first one is with Italian tenor Joseph Calleja in July 2009:
The second one is from July 2009 also, Michael is singing the song “Caruso”, I wish he would have had more time to learn the lyrics but I still enjoy it!
and the last one is the Italian version of his beautiful 2002 song “Only a woman like you”:
Solo una dona
I don’t know if you’ve ever heard the English version on the radio in your neck of the woods, but I was told that Michael did a great job with the Spanish version “Una mujer como tu” and I know he did a fantastic job at the French version “Une femme comme toi”! Well, there you go sweetie, thanks again for sharing Helena. I understand that even though you’re a fan of Michael’s, you might not have followed his career as closely as some of us, but don’t worry, we’ll help you catch up! Lol Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Hi there,

I went to Florence twice in one year to see Renato. First he started the tour in the Spring and I went to the 3 sold out shows. As the tour continued, during his stop in Perugia he fell while changing costumes and broke his ankle, so the rest of the tour was cancelled. When he recovered, my girlfriend called me and said his tour was back on and the last 4 dates would be in Florence. So off I went again and saw the end of the tour which was called "Amore Dopo amore and tour dopo tour". Renato's concerts are very theatrical since he wears different costumes and his performance on stage is pure magic!! Will see your video's later...I'm at work right now and have to finish my lunch. Talk later... Hugs, Helena Oh yeah Caruso...I have some of his records that belonged to my father. My dad loved opera, so does my older brother... Ciao baby!
The song Caruso was written by Lucio Dalla. I've seen him in concert too...but in NYC. Later Alligator....
Beautiul, beautiful, beautiful!! I know you didnt post these links for me Sylvie, but I am a huge opera/ classical fan too and really enjoyed these clips.

As most of you know, I am a classically trained singer (well I was before my wheelchair and I became firm friends and my only mode of transport) and really love and appreciate the classical voice.

I love Catherine Jenkins, Lesley Garrett, Pavarotti, Andrea Bocelli, Placido Domingo, Jose Carreras, Faryl Smith, Hayley Westenra, Aled Jones etc..

Thank you again for sharing theselinks Sylvie.

Love Jennifer X
Hey Jen, I posted them for anyone who enjoys opera and Michael!  You wanna talk opera? I enjoy a lot of different voices, in various ranges: my buddy Luciano will always be number 1, I adore Juan Diego Florez, Bryn Terfel, René Pape and Marie-Josée Lord. I also enjoy the 3 tenors, Angela Gheorghiu, Roberto Alagna, Natalie Dessay, Tracy Dahl, Kathleen Battle, Jonas Kaufmann, Joan Sutherland, Simon Keenlyside, Mirella Freni, Samuel Ramey, Rolando Villazon, Anna Netrebko and so on, both old and new voices. That’s very interesting that you’re classicly trained Jen. You had mentioned performing for large crowds before, have you actually recorded anything, aside for your family’s enjoyment? And, I know nothing but, in what way is the wheelchair hindering your ability to give recitals, for instance? Just curious. Well anyway, glad you’ve enjoyed the links Jen! Did you know Joseph Calleja? He’s performed at the Met in New York, I’ve heard him on the Met’s broadcast singing Hoffman in “Les contes d’Hoffman” last year. He has an “old timer’s” approach to singing opera, it’s interesting. Well, there I go again…  Take care Jennifer and anytime you want to discuss opera, I’m there! Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Hya Sylvie,

I have never recrded anything apart from for my family's enjoyment. I would love to be able to sing and record something, but the wheelchair problems is part of the problem.

Sitting down in the wheelchair squashes your lungs and makes it difficult to hold a note or be able to expel air with enough force to be able to sing the note true.

Also after having my cancer, my lung capacity has been greatly reduced too, so that is also an added problem.

I do still dream of singing on the stage at the Royal albert hall. I dont mind if the auditorium is empty becuase i jus twant to sing for my own entertainment. Perhaps when I'm backstage with Michael, his dressing room is right next to the entrance to the hall....I could just slip passed security and sing until they drag me off stage!!!

Incidentally, what are your feling or oppinions on Russell Watson? Personally, I'm not that keen.

Now Joan Sutherland is surely one of the greatest opera singers alson with Montserrat Caballe. Wow!! Her duet with Freddie Mercury will always chill me and excite me to the sore!!

I do know of Joseph Calleja. He's currently in Madama Butterfly in Housten Texas isnt he? The reason I know this is because a friend of mine saw it. I dont have inside information, promise.

What about Josh Groban and IlDivo? I love them both too.

All this talk of opera singers, has made me want to play my favourite opera singer of all time.....Michael Bolton.

Wow!! What a great topic we have here.

Love Jennifer XXX
Hey Jennifer, thanks for your response. You see, I hadn’t connected that if you’re singing classical, obviously you need more projection, I’m sorry… Yeah I guess your lung capacity and the muscles needed have taken a beating. Girl, God bless you for staying this spirited after going through all this! Lol you paint a nice picture Jen! Hmm, maybe you can get hired to be in the road crew and you test the mikes, that way you have to sing! Lol About Russel Watson, I don’t mean any disrespect but I think he’s just your garden variety tenor. I’ll tell ya, once on this PBS show, the spokeslady used the word “legend” speaking of him and I went:”What?!” I’d never even heard of him before that! I know they’re there to sell the product but they’re a little too loose with the term, if you ask me. OMG, I have this recording of “Turandot” with Joan Sutherland as Turandot, Montserrat as Liu and my buddy Luciano as Calafe: la crème de la crème! Girl, you haven’t lived until you’ve heard Montserrat Toss that perfect note and let it float weightlessly to a sweet pianissimo… in “Signor ascolta”…Oh wow, I didn’t know she sang with Freddie, I should look that up! Oh I’m not a huge Joseph Calleja fan, as I’ve said, I thought he’s interesting. Oh I adore Josh Groban and have all his CD’s, he has another one coming out in a couple of weeks, I believe. Il Divo are pleasant to listen too but I consider them “popera” and I can’t say I’m a popera consumer, although I know some people consider Josh as popera. I just think he has a wonderful voice. I’m just a fan of great voices and that’s one of the reasons I love Michael so much! :D Yes, I love this topic but I hope we’re not boring everybody else! Lol Nice talking opera with you Jen, let’s do it again sometime… Take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Hi again Jennifer, I just wanted to add one more of my favorites that I haven’t listed on here: Renee Fleming. I, of course, got to know her thanks to Michael and his duet with her of “O soave fanciulla” on “My secret passion”. She has a rich and supple voice and she’s absolutely breathtaking live… I usually hear her on the Met radio broadcasts, but I was fortunate enough to hear her live in 2004, at the MBC gala, because they had cheap tickets that year. She sang “O mio babbino caro” from Puccini’s “Gianni Schicchi” and “The air to the silver moon” from Dvoràk’s “Rusalka”. I particularly enjoyed when the MC, Joan London came back on stage after Renee had performed. She was describing watching Michael backstage, as he was listening to Renee, “savoring” her performance… That was really special and I wanted to share… :D Oh, going back to Montserrat Caballe, I’ve looked up her performance with Freddie, phew, I got the goosebumps too: Freddie was an amazingly powerful performer, thanks for telling me about it Jen! Okay, one last thing to share: Montserrat and Placido Domingo in “O soave fanciulla”. Now, Placido sings it like Puccini wrote it and I only found this out in the past year. I’ve always thought Puccini wrote it the way Michael and my buddy Luciano sang it. It’s still my favourite way to hear it, but this performance is all Montserrat is about. Listen to that last note and tell me about it.
Okay, I think if we have more to share, we should move this to “off topic”, because we’re getting away from the initial subject. Take care Jen. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Hi there Jennifer,
I was just humming your song today, and the kids were wanting to know what song it was. I told them I thought it was " The End Of You' and they cracked up laughing at me... I think you performe it so eliquently, that I can't get it out of my head!

PS. nice read here from you Helena and Sylvie, learned something new everyday! Thanks!!!
Aww bless you Kellie for singing 'my song'.

The proper title of it is (well it actually has two titles becuase it is featured in one opera and als oin the spin off up dated operetta).

In Carmen it is called 'Habenera' and it Carmen Jones it is called ' Thats love' but I can esily understand how you would call it 'the end of you'.

I absolutely adore the song and my Dad loved to hear me sing it as much as I loved to sing it for him.

I really honestly and truly appreciate your beautiful comments about my singing Kellie and I'm so happy that it gives you so much pleasure to listen to.

Love you and bless you, always,

Jennifer XXXXX


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