I got this info yesterday but we had a terrible storm with a tornado come through and I've been without electricity and wasn't able to post...so sorry but wanted to let you know Michael took part in this event today:






Coalition to Host Major VAWA Rally in DC during National 10 Days of Action Campaign

VA Tech Shooting Survivor Colin Goddard and other advocates to tell Congress: Stop rollbacks and protect all survivors of sexual/domestic violence

WASHINGTON, DC – On Tuesday, June 26, 2012 from 11:30 am – 1:30 pm, a national coalition of national, tribal, state, territorial and local organizations, as well as individuals, committed to securing an end to violence against women will gather at the United States Capitol in support of provisions in The REAL VAWA (S. 1925 - Violence Against Women Act reauthorization).

Supporters of The REAL VAWA will call on Congress to solve their procedural differences and begin working on a bill that resembles S. 1925 in full, with all of the provisions included, before the elected officials take their July 4th vacation.  The REAL VAWA will better serve ALL survivors and contains NO rollbacks to the current VAWA.


Capitol Hill Rally during National VAWA Days of Action


National Task Force to End Sexual & Domestic Violence Against Women: A coalition of national, tribal, state, territorial and local organizations, as well as individuals, committed to securing an end to stalking, and sexual and domestic violence against girls women, boys and men.

Speakers include: Colin Goddard, survivor of the April 16, 2007 Virginia Tech mass shooting; The Honorable Daniel K. Akaka, Chairman, Senate Committee on Indian Affairs; Dr. Avis Jones-DeWeever, National Council of Negro Women; Juan Carlos Arean, Casa De Esperanza; Terry O’Neill, National Organization for Women; Juana Majel, National Congress of American Indians; Rabbi David Saperstein, Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism; Michael Bolton, Musician, Singer, Songwriter; and many more.


Tuesday, June 26, 2012, 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.


U.S. Capitol, Area 9, Enter site at the intersection of 1st Street and Constitution Avenue NE


As more and more legislation is stalled due to Congressional gridlock, we need Congressional leaders to hear our strong and united message once and for all: your work on VAWA is not over.

We have too much at stake and doing nothing is not an option. Supporters will stand strong during the National 10 Days of Action as we fight to push VAWA over the finish line!

MORE INFO:           www.4VAWA.org  |   Twitter: @NTFVAWAFacebook link                                           #ReauthorizeVAWA  |  #RealVAWA  |  #VAWA  


The National Task Force to End Sexual and Domestic Violence Against Women (“NTF”) is focused on the development, passage and implementation of effective public policy to address domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking. The full membership of the NTF is comprised of a large and diverse group of national, tribal, state, territorial and local organizations, as well as individuals, committed to securing an end to violence against women. Included are civil rights organizations, labor unions, advocates for children and youth, anti???poverty groups, immigrant and refugee rights organizations, women’s rights leaders, education groups, and others focusing on a wide range of social, economic and racial justice issues. For over a decade, the NTF and its numerous subcommittees have been an important vehicle through which to promote our shared public policy goals.

For more information on ntf, please visit: 4vawa.org.

P.O. Box 75177 | Saint Paul, MN 55175 US

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Michael, thank you, thank you, thank you!!! All the work you do for woman and children that are at risk! It means so much to me! Being a victim of domestic violence as well as a survivor myself! This work that you do I hold so very close to my heart! Thank you so much for everything! Continue the great work! You are my #1 hero Michael! Thank you so much!!! Xx

Michael Bolton Comes to the Capitol

June 26, 2012 |  12:25 p.m.| Leave a Comment

Michael Bolton--yes, that Michael Bolton--made a surprise visit to the Capitol on Tuesday.

Bolton attended a news conference with with Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., as part of a group of people affected by the Violence Against Women Act. Bolton heads a charity working against domestic violence and child abuse and represents the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence at events.


"I am surrounded by women," Bolton said. "They basically own me."

Bolton added a touch of celebrity to the event, at which Murray said she would oppose any version of a bill reauthorizing anti-domestic violence programs that excludes provisions only in the Senate version of the bill.

Murray's stance deepens the impasse between the two chambers.

Murray said any compromise version of VAWA that lacks Senate-passed provisions expanding domestic violence protections to Native Americans, and gay and transgendered people would be "unacceptable."

Celebvocate: Michael Bolton against domestic violence

 Michael Bolton on Capitol Hill on Tuesday. (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

An occasional look at the big names who grace our nation’s capital for a cause. Tuesday’s crusader:Michael Bolton

Venue: The lawn outside the U.S. Capitol.

Cause: The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), which strengthens legal protections for victims of domestic abuse.

Bona Fides: More than 50 million super-smooth records sold, longtime domestic violence activist.

Backup: Senators Daniel Akaka and Patrick Leahy, and Rep. Gwen Moore.

What he wants: For Congress to pass the bill.

How he looked: Black pinstripe suit, but those shoulder-length locks from the “Said I Loved You But I Lied” video are long gone — keeps it shaggy but short these days.

How he sounded: Stern and serious. “I’m here to talk about men, the 31 men in the Senate who oppose VAWA,” said Bolton during a four-minute speech. “Why are they not willing to help immigrant, native women, and GLBT victims of domestic violence and sexual assault?”

Soundbite: “On that note, I would just like to say, [singing] when a maaaaaan loves a woman, they do the right thing.”

Gail, thank you so much for posting this! The link for your second post is not working though!! Xx

Not sure which link you mean...I didn't put a link..just copied the stories...you don't see them?


No that's what I meant sorry! On the 'Reliable Source' I clicked on it and it would not work, but is working now! Thank's Gail!!! Xx

Thanks for sharing this Gail..I am glad you are ok!!!

Wow, Thanks Michael for your tireless efforts on behalf of victims of domestic violence and fighting for the VAWA!!

Robin in MD:)

WAY TO GO Michael!!!! Will those 31 men in the Senate do us a favor and just RESIGN!!!! This country has got to move FORWARD. Thank you Michael for speaking for and giving a voice to the voiceless. That is what a REAL man does....hint hint Senate!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob

http://www.michaelbolton.com/profiles/blogs/singer-michael-bolton-r...  Here are some more links to stories and pictures from the event.  Gail

Thank you so much Gail!!! Xx
I cannot believe that legislation continues to exist in the USA which blatantly supports such inequality! All people should have the right to be protected from domestic violence. This is the 21st century isn't it? As a recent new follower of the website and not someone familiar with what MB has been doing all these years in this regard (mostly because I don't live in the USA), I take my hat off to Michael for his ongoing efforts in trying to help these people. I don't know how Michael decided to become involved in such a cause in the first instance but it is quite apparent that through his efforts and status, he is making a huge difference to many peoples' lives. It is so good to see that someone as talented and gifted as MB is also humble enough to help reduce, if not eliminate, domestic violence in the USA. The man who wrote "Soul Provider" is a real soul provider for victims of domestic violence and possesses a kind soul. There is hope after all.

Glad you are safe Gail...boy what a difference a few days make!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob