Has anyone received their VIP package tickets yet? Mine arrived today but didn't have any details of what the plan for the evening is scheduled to be. Is the meet and greet before or after the show? Does anyone know? 


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Hi Folks and just to say I have received e-mail notification concerning VIP Package and below is section from e-mail which gives very definite instructions and I should imagine this will be the format for all venues:

"Your VIP laminate will be available for collection from the box office prior
to the start of the show, to collect them you simply need to give the name
your booking was made under. Please don't worry if the person who booked the
tickets is not attending, this isn't a problem.

Your meeting with Michael takes place after the show, so once it ends please
remain seated with your VIP laminates on show. You will be collected and
escorted to the meeting location, the signed photo and merchandise will also
be received here.

A professional photographer will be in attendance to capture your meeting
with Michael, details on how to access the photo will be provided on the day

Please note, personal cameras and photo-taking cannot be permitted in the
meeting, photos will either be taken in your booking groups or individually.

Michael will sign each individual photo in advance to ensure time is spent
meeting you and not signing, because of this no other items may be

Hope it helps to clarify things and at least too you can all rest assured that Gigs & Tours are sending out the e-mails on VIP Packages.

Hope you all have fantastic concerts and if anyone travelling a distance, safe travels to you !!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi ladies, I'm just reading the message from Gigs & Tours and it makes me nervous and I'm not even going, so I can imagine how you might be feeling! I wish you all a wonderful concert and a memorable meeting with Michael! Safe travels and hope you all come back on the forum to share reviews. :D Take care and hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D

Woooooo hooooo! Got my email too. Xxx

Oh super news Jill and it does seem as though they are getting quite a few out for have heard from ones on FB too who received theirs and when you read it it makes it so real.....it is actually going to happen....yipeeeeeee !!!! lol.

Thanks Sylvie for your good wishes and it doesn't half seem strange to me people wishing me a good concert and I believe you know I will be back in with a review......ROFL.

Hi Petra and one I have VIP Package for is Glasgow where I'm going to the concert with KathyLAFD from CA and that is on 16th.

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


I have received mine too.  As its now less than a week away I was getting a little worried but it's actually happening now.  6 sleeps to go!!!!!

So pleased you have got yours Carol and it is terrific how it makes it all become so real now.....oh, what a lovely feeling and I've got only 3 sleeps till I see him on stage now.....yipeeeee !!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


I know Sylvia, its very exciting. I've waited a very long time for this and still can't quite believe its actually going to happen. Yours must be the first of the UK tour, cant wait to hear all about it.

Hi Carol and yes my first concert is Cardiff and I am so looking forward to it.  I head off on Monday morning giving myself plenty of time to suss out everything to do with theatre before show !!! LOL.  I am then going to Wolverhampton, Bristol, Glasgow, Southend-on-Sea and  then Bournemouth and after that you will find me sitting in a puddle of my own tears !!!! lol.

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


You're off on tour too, hope you have a safe journey.  I may see see you at Wolverhampton or Southend, My last one is the RAH. Lets not think about the tears afterwards, I will be the same.

Hya hope you had a great time. Who is supporting Michael please? Xx

Hi Jill, Sylvia went to the Cardif concert and the VIP package seems to have worked splendidly. Check page 179 of this thread for her review:


I hope you have a fantastic time in Liverpool Jill, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D

Hi Jill, Carol and Sylvie I have arrived and settled in Wolverhampton and thanks because I did have a fantastic time in Cardiff.....he was wonderful and on top form, singing, joking and everything else !!! :)   On support act Jill there is no one so what is happening with Gigs & Tours they are sending out e-mails on day of concert, I have just got mine for show tonight, saying there is no support act and telling you the time that Michael will be on....for Cardiff it was 8.15 but for tonight they are just saying about 8.00.  I had gone into the venue in Cardiff in afternoon and was told then as well but what they also did later on was posted notices on all their entry doors because I forgot about that bit in my review for as I walked toward St. David's and saw all these white notices stuck on each door I thought OMG don't tell me it is cancelled....first thought is always the worst with me !!!! LOL   

Hi Carol and for tonight's show I am in row D seat 11 and do not try and look for someone that resembles anyone in the pictures you have seen of me for I have got my hair cut.....couldn't stand it anymore and when I saw pictures, oh boy for I'm dreading seeing one with Michael especially with my wee red shiny face as well...ain't got a lot going for me have I, think I should invest in a black bag and put it over my head and sorry girls for I know a lot have said they liked but I didn't, so have got literally a short back and sides.

If don't see you at Wolverhampton Carol have a super show and an absolutely wonderful time  !! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.



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