Welcome everyone to the 2014 Tour Review Thread.  The upcoming year is going to be exciting with so many concerts scheduled already around the globe!!! Feel free to share the details of your concert adventures, photos, videos etc.  This is the best time to be a Bolton fan with so many concerts and the MBC Charity Event which will most likely be held later in the year too. Michael has multiple projects in the works so we never know what will happen next!!!! I appreciate the opportunity to start a new thread once again for 2014 to give us all a place to share the best part of being a fan--- experiencing Michael in person doing what he does best-SING!!!!!! 

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing great times by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as I have in the past. 

Happy Concert Time in 2014 to all of you!!!

Robin in MD USA :)

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Hi Kathy R, yep, that’s about as speechless as I can get... :D Kathy, as I’ve said before, you have a true gift for writing and as I’ve told you in my PM, you captured your millisecond so well in your words that all I could do was bask in it. I feel you’ve communicated in your description, to me anyway, that you completely grasped the difference in sensory perception, without having experienced it: you really had a privileged moment one should feel blessed to have lived and I’m just glad you shared it. :D Take care my friend. Big bear hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada <3

That s a big MB Roman :-) ! what an event! thanks for sharing your big adventure with Robin R....<3, Christine

Hi Christine.....glad you enjoyed my review!! Now you have me curious...what is a MB Roman? Sounds very interesting :) I am thinking perhaps it means a big MB moment? Just wondering....and ENJOY your concerts coming up!! WooHoo!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob 

Hey Kathy R, "roman" is the French word for "novel". Christine is multi-lingual and  my guess is that your review overloaded those brain circuits and came out that way! lol Take care sweetie. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada XD

Oh wow Kathy thanks so much for that review....absolutely wonderful !!!! :)    I just love all your descriptions and especially "Crabby Pants" for I can actually see her quite clearly and I just hope to God there is none of them in Glasgow;  mind you you could probably get away with saying you don't understand a word they are saying and you probably won't be able to either !!! LOL   It is amazing to think that your next concert is going to be in Glasgow....can't wait for I certainly think I am going to be taught exactly how to chair dance !!!! lol. 

Thanks again Kathy !!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


I have finally recovered from my Easter gathering :)) Getting old!!! I will certainly use the lack of Scot speak should there be any crabby knickers security folks in Glasgow!!! LOL Girl you will learn chair dancing from a pro!!! Lots of experience here!! lol Glad you enjoyed my review!

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Hi there Kathy R.....no, no....no getting old, girl :(. You are very active on here this morning ;)....good to see you here too!!. Looking forward now to your and Sylvia's upcoming concert :). I am going to a concert of someone else tonight but when I exit the first thing I happily get to see is a huge poster of MB on the wall as a reminder of the 2010 tour :). Sweet memories from that one too:). Missing MB in Tulsa....hoping maybe again soon but in the meantime looking forward to everyones concerts coming up where ever you are attending and all have a fantastic time :)). Hugs,

Kathy T. :)
I have just been on another GREAT BOLTON ADVENTURE with you all Kathy R. ;). I cheated a tad..."me bad" as Robin R. would say...Robin and I talked a week ago ;). First I want to say I think often about your comment on the gift of sight since I joined this site....Sylvie and Robin R. are the first blind friends I have ever had. I admire their courage and others who have never known the gift of sight. That was sooooo sweet of MB to give you the guitar pick and then you to give the guitar pick to Robin and I know that will always be a special concert memory for you both....I am glad you got that seat next to Robin....it was meant to be...sweet of Drew to give you the drumsticks too....what a fun evening !!!!:)))). I am happy, Kathy, you are back going to concerts and little Pam is too ;)). Thanks so much for sharing your special fun with us :)).

Happy Easter to you and to everyone on the site.....Hugs,

Kathy T. :)

Hi Kathy T...thanks for your kind words. I strongly believe there are no coincidences! I was a teacher of orthopedically challenged children so I am sensitive to others with special needs and all similar folks who have daily challenges. That was a fleeting moment in my life at that concert but the message will last a lifetime :) It sure put the collection of the physical items into perspective for me. It was an intense night on so many levels and no concert will be like that one :) Of course each Bolton Adventure is ALWAYS a blessing for me and each one is special and different :)

See ya...

Kathy and LAFD Bob


Майкл Болтон: "В моем сердце останутся только самые лучшие и прекрасные воспоминания о Баку" - ФОТО

9:39, 20 апреля 2014 Trend


В субботу, впервые в Центре Гейдара Алиева в Баку, с потрясающей сольной концертной программой выступил всемирно известный американский певец Майкл Болтон.

Певец и композитор, который прославился на весь мир прекрасными рок-балладами, исполнил в этот день для азербайджанских зрителей свои самые популярные и новые песни. После концерта Майкл Болтон дал интервью Trend, в котором поделился впечатлениями от концерта и пребывания в Баку.

- Добро пожаловать в Баку! Поделитесь своими впечатлениями от первого вашего концерта в столице Азербайджана и нашей публики.

- Концерт прошел на очень высоком уровне. Перед выступлением я еще не знал, насколько азербайджанцы хорошо владеют английским языком. Я очень люблю общаться с публикой. Но потом увидел, что все меня прекрасно понимают, и поэтому концерт прошел великолепно. Хочу поблагодарить за теплый прием и высокую оценку моего творчества. Хотелось бы особо отметить грандиозную архитектуру и дизайн (как внутренние, так и внешние) Центра Гейдара Алиева. Здание Центра Гейдара Алиева я считаю настоящим произведением высокого искусства.

- За день до концерта вы побывали в древней части Баку - Ичеришехер - и сделали фото на память, которое выставили на своей странице в Facebook со статусом "Прекрасный день в Старом городе в Баку. Шоу будет завтра вечером!". Фотография всего за пару часов набрала более 50 тысяч "лайков" и около одной тысячи перепостов. Поделитесь своими впечатлениями от пребывания в столице Азербайджана.

- В Баку мне подарили шарф с национальным орнаментом - бута, который я возьму с собой домой на память. На протяжении двух дней своего пребывания в Баку я увидел, какая здесь древняя архитектура, как бережно относятся жители города к своему культурному наследию. Как правило, во многих городах я выступаю только с концертом, но здесь мне настолько понравилось, что я решил сфотографироваться. Причем выбрал такой ракурс: исторические домики Старого города сочетаются с огненными башнями "Flame Towers", виднеющимися на заднем плане. Такой уникальный вид меня очень удивил! Это, на мой взгляд, показывает гармонию древнего и современного Азербайджана.

- Во время концерта вы часто прикладывали руку к сердцу и благодарили зрителей. Какая память останется в вашем сердце после отъезда из Баку?

- Этот жест свидетельствует о том, что, когда я вижу на концерте счастливых зрителей, которые по достоинству оценивают мое творчество, то таким образом я выражаю им свои искренние чувства и признательность. В моем сердце останутся только самые лучшие и прекрасные воспоминания о Баку.

Translation with Google-Translator:

Michael Bolton: "In my heart, leaving only the best and most wonderful memories of Baku" - PHOTO
9:39, April 20, 2014 Trend

On Saturday, the first time in Heydar Aliyev in Baku, with a stunning solo concert made world-famous American singer Michael Bolton.

Singer and composer who became famous throughout the world beautiful rock ballads performed on this day for Azerbaijani viewers their most popular and new songs. After the concert, Michael Bolton gave an interview to Trend, where he shared his impressions of the concert and stay in Baku.

- Welcome to Baku! Share your impressions of your first concert in the capital of Azerbaijan and our audience.

- The concert was held at a very high level. Before the show I did not know how Azerbaijanis speak good English. I love to communicate with the public. But then I saw that all I understand perfectly, so the concert was great. I want to thank you for the warm welcome and appreciation of my work. I would like to emphasize the grand architecture and design (both internal and external) of the Heydar Aliyev. Heydar Aliyev Center building, I think a real piece of high art.

- The day before the concert you've been in the ancient part of Baku - the Old City - and took a photo on the memory, which put on his Facebook page with a status of "A beautiful day in the Old City of Baku. Show tomorrow night!". Photo a couple of hours gained more than 50,000 "likes" and about one thousand census. Share your impressions of their stay in the capital of Azerbaijan.

- Baku gave me a scarf with a national ornament - buta, which I'll take home as a souvenir. During two days of his stay in Baku, I saw what kind of ancient architecture here as protective of city residents of their cultural heritage. Typically, in many cities I speak only a concert, but here I am so pleased that I decided to take a picture. And chose this angle: the historic houses of the Old Town combined with fire towers "Flame Towers", rising above the background. This unique view I was very surprised! This, in my view, shows the harmony of the ancient and modern Azerbaijan.

- During the concert, you often put a hand to his heart and thanked the audience. What memory will remain in your heart after departure from Baku?

- This gesture shows that, when I see the concert happy viewers who appreciate my work, so that I offer them my sincere feelings and appreciation. In my heart, leaving only the best and most wonderful memories of Baku.

Petra Christine (Germany)

Thanks for that one Petra and what a lovely interview.....danke !!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


 Thanks Petra for the interview in Russian!!



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