Welcome everyone to the 2014 Tour Review Thread.  The upcoming year is going to be exciting with so many concerts scheduled already around the globe!!! Feel free to share the details of your concert adventures, photos, videos etc.  This is the best time to be a Bolton fan with so many concerts and the MBC Charity Event which will most likely be held later in the year too. Michael has multiple projects in the works so we never know what will happen next!!!! I appreciate the opportunity to start a new thread once again for 2014 to give us all a place to share the best part of being a fan--- experiencing Michael in person doing what he does best-SING!!!!!! 

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing great times by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as I have in the past. 

Happy Concert Time in 2014 to all of you!!!

Robin in MD USA :)

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 MB in Germany, Essen, 05-02-2014


Hi BBs,

here we go. I hope you sit on comfortable chairs, because I’d love you to still tease you with details, so let’s go on step by step… LOL

Preliminary remarks:


… seats and friends, security and videos

As I wrote earlier, my mother, sister and best friend joined me attending this concert, looking forward to hopefully (you all know about the odds) enjoy a great evening with MB and band. And we did.

We had 2nd row tickets, end of the  right wing, with my friend sitting on the edge, a certain single step/stair to the stage next to her ankle… I’ve chosen these seats (about 90 minutes after ticket sales opened !), because seats on the left side were already sold up to row 7 or 8, and there wasn’t a center aisle. Knowing me wanting to walk up to the stage during the concert without asking so many people to get up, I thought it was the right choice. Little did I know, LOL. Martina already posted that the first row miraculously had disappeared, and, sitting with our knees touching the stage, we could have easily used it as a table if we were allowed to.

BTW, what we were allowed to or not: “Make as much noise as you’re able to", announced by MB himself, but we were not allowed to put anything on the stage, not even my flowers. Before the concert started, a lady in the center (our row) sat on the stage for a few seconds to be photographed, and she was immediately asked to sit down on her chair again. When MB entered the stage I, certainly, used my (new!) camera, but again, within a second I was informed that taking videos was not allowed and taking photos, please, without flashes, which made taking pictures senseless. Due to my exquisite front row seat any disobedience would have been discovered and I didn’t want to cause any trouble. So I disabled my flash and tried to use the stage light to take some pictures. I took me some time to acknowledge that I bought and brought my camera in vain. Concerning the security I have to admit, that they have been extremely polite, obviously wanting everybody to have a great time. E.g. during the break we’ve been told that we would have time enough to look for the bathroom or visit the merchandise table and that the next 100 minutes during MB’s appearance wouldn’t been interrupted for a further break. Nice and gentle people, even if I didn’t like what they said…

But I enjoyed meeting Martina and Christine. Just a couple of days earlier Christine told me, that she’d ordered  a hotel room to leave her six month old little daughter (cutest little girl!!) with her husband and have an evening off, but she had a ticket a few rows behind and Martina was sitting on the left wing, the piano in front of her. Nevertheless, we met before and after the concert to exchange our hopes and views. I was glad that they had a great time, too.


… sound, lights, stage

(due to some horrible reviews on eventim and ticketmaster, which referred to these aspects, I’d like spend some remarks here, too)

Even though there was a constant interaction between MB, Kelly, Amanda and J.P. on the one side and the sound engineer on the other side (Milo was hardly seen) concerning the sound, which made me feel there was something wrong, I just loved the result. As soon as the singers or J.P. felt the sound was, or perhaps threatened to be, distorted (I hope the term is correct), something must have been (re-)adjusted, but I have to say, I hardly heard something annoying or irritating (maybe because of the quick adjustments). But it was nice to know everyone took care.

Since I felt nothing annoying about the lights, I’d say the crew did a great job, too. We all know about the minimalistic, let’s call it an elegant understatement LOL, style for the stage. The screen behind the band offered, combined with lights, some abstract patterns which gently supported the music. No “highlights” so to say, as far as I perceived it, but nothing distracting from the important part, music and singing (hm, if I’m guilty of suffering from tunnel vision I apologize).


Merchandise Table

Of course, MB's CDs, were sold (signed ones for a higher price) as well as T-Shirts (Murder my heart) and a bag with a yellow butterfly, and his memoir The Soul of it All. No items of Shelly Bonet, but a flyer announcing that her CD will be out soon. That’s all I remember so far. I was told that after the concert Kelly and Amanda were signing autographs, but I missed them, because I met with Christine and Martina, and her friend Miriam.


… opening act: Shelly Bonet

You’ve might have heard it before, but I’d love to say it, too: she and her band really did a great job. Shelly was energetic, convincing in her rock songs as well as in the (few) ballads. I liked her voice, but had a little trouble to understand the lyrics. Even my 68 year old mother liked her, although, before the concert started she was deeply concerned that the sound of the close loudspeakers might hurt her (actually she said she hated me for choosing these seats, tststs ), but in the end she was absolutely fine with her seat (she had the one nearest to MB …). As soon as Shelly’s CD will be released I’ll check her out.


… audience

Lots and lots of couples, which means lots of men attending LOL. A lively, friendly and appreciative crowd across all ages, who loved to interact not only with MB, but also with J. P. who “chatted” with the audience via saxophone, so much fun!!!

So my dear BBs, I hope you enjoyed my review, even though I feel there’s something missing … oh well, the concert…. LOL


The main act (LOL)

What can I say?? The last song to bridge the time before the lights went out was Queen’s “It’s a kind of magic” which felt like a headline for me and possibly for a lot of other people in the audience too since they started to call out for MB vividly. When the intro (Go the distance, as you all know) started and MB and band entered the stage they were welcomed with vivid cheers right away. MB immediately started encouraging us to make as much noise as we can without hurting us and to sing along as often as we’d like to. No announcements concerning taking videos or flashes

Starting with To love somebody (no Soul Provider at all) MB had my mother and sister in tears within seconds. I know my sister hates me for confessing this for she was embarrassed, LOL., but we all love the Bee Gees and MB was touching. I couldn’t cry, because I had my little chat with security concerning video taking and flashes and I refused to cry for this reason.

Sitting on the Dock of the Bay was welcomed with an enthusiastic female scream which caused a short laughter before we were all having fun by chair dancing, clapping, and singing along. Said I loved you … was introduced by MB recalling the irritated reaction of the German/nonnative English speaking audience back then due to the (misleading) song title.

Neither misleading nor irritating was our reaction to MB’s performance. I was still shivering and having goose bumps long after the last note of his phrasing faded. My personal “momentum”.

He continued with You don’t know me (great J.P. saxophone solo, well deserved applause in between), Sweet home Chicago (sooo tough to keep seated, LOL), How am I supposed to live without (with Amanda Brown, who did a great job!),  Ain’t no mountain high enough (with Kelly Levesque; great vibrations, so much energy and fun), The Prayer (with Kelly; well deserved standing ovations). Before the song started someone from the balcony shouted something incomprehensive, and MB responded: “Don’t jump. It’s all getting better” LOL. I admire him for his quick-witted responses; I couldn’t react in a thousand years, LOL. – After The Prayer MB left and it’s “Kelly-time” (Medley: We’re not making love, I found someone, Forever), followed by Amanda (That’s what love is all about, Missing you now, When I’m back on my feet again, I loved her rendition!) and, if I remember correctly,  J.P.’s solo (including funny interaction with the audience. All of them did just great and we all responded with lots of cheers. J.P really made a lot of fun, e.g. “joining” Kelly and Amanda in their choreography during their background singing.

Then MB returned with When a man loves a woman, finally coming to the right side, which was a relief for our necks, already hurting from looking always to the left, since MB rarely moved from left/center. Everyone was excited and cheered him standing on their feet. As I already suspected, he returned to stage directly next to my friend and therefore finally my turn to present him my flowers (and receive a gorgeous smile, just for me, no one else had flowers or gifts etc.) And finally time to get up for almost everyone and enjoy some dancing and singing to: How can we be lovers, Time, Love and Tenderness. Steel Bars as ‘encore’ after introducing the band. The only one. It was tough to believe he didn’t do another one after receiving such a welcome, but a few seconds after leaving the stage the light went on. It took me a moment to realize it.


MB and his band rocked the house, even if there was some trouble with the sound which I hardly noticed. He seemed to be relaxed and not ill at all, although he did no “stage-running” and shaking hands as before. His voice/singing was touching and exciting. He performed a total of 12 songs, including 3 duets and one ‘encore’. No Soul Provider or Georgia, no Nessun Dorma. Was it enough? If a program like this keeps him balanced and healthy to go on I’d say yes. Sometimes less is more. Of course, everyone who was used to hear him years ago will certainly perceive the changes in his vocal range, timbre, sonority, breathing/lung power, and the number of songs, but, as far as I am concerned, as long as MB is able to touch my soul, and he did on Friday, I will always looking forward to the next concert. Many times I heard MB saying if he decides to leave the stage for the ultimate final bow he expects himself being able to perform “that high c” that evening too. Even though I appreciate his eagerness I wonder if it would be healthy to “de-identify” himself with just the high notes; he has so much more to give. I’m reminded of Placido Domingo, who changed from Tenor to Baritone in 2009 at the age of 68 to extend his career. He is still doing great and receiving great critics.

Anyway, I loved MB’s concert in Essen and I hope everyone is enjoying a great concert tonight (LOL) in Leipzig, now that is, LOL. To everyone expecting MB in the UK – have a great time, safe travels and come back with great reviews.

I hope you enjoyed my novel, all the best,


(Steel bars wrapped all around me ...) 


Astrid, thank you so much for your review!! It is awesome. You made me feel like I was there. So glad you had a wonderful evening!!!?
Sandy in MS. XOXO

"We're joined at the soul..." Thanks, Sandy. Have a great time, Astrid

I am finishing up on here before hitting my bed before my treck tomorrow and what a lovely way to finish it and thank you so much Astrid for a fabulous review and making me want Tuesday to be ever nearer....danke Astrid !!! :)

Thanks to everyone for best wishes and please remember I will be starting a blog on my profile page of my adventure so please feel free to pop in and view....thanks again everyone !!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Count me in, LOL. Safe travels, Astrid

Great review Astrid. You had an exciting time m I too felt like I was there. Thanks so much for sharing.

Robin in MD :)

I knew you could relate, LOL. My pleasure, Astrid

Assstrid what a beautiful review!! You are more patient than I by discussing the venue etc. I rush into the concert...almost...lol  So THRILLED you also "ended up" in front row!!! OMG!!! What a thrill :))) I am glad you had a super time!! Did Michael go out into the audience for WAMLAW?   I can understand MB not shaking hands as there are lots of germs out there!! That isn't a concern if you are 100% healthy but MB is certainly still fighting something so I understand him not doing that. Although...it is sad :/ Maybe he will change his mind by Glasgow??? I am happy that you also shared the concert with your mom :) I took my mom back in the 90's when Celine was his opening act. Oh she had a GREAT time!! Thanks again Astrid and don't stay away too long!! ;)

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Astrid you gave an incredible detailed review and I was smiling a lot while reading it and feeling your emotions all during the concert with you. I loved MB's reaction to the audience attendee just before The Prayer.....LOL.....I have heard him say that before at a concert I went to. Thank you for the set list and most of all very happy that you enjoyed yourselves so much despite a few unexpected disappointments :). You had fantastic seats and that makes the concert so very special and enjoyable. Hugs,

Kathy T. :)

Ah, so he's had rehearsels ...LOL, still funny. Good night from Germany, Astrid

Thank you for your review, Astrid.

I also sat in the 2nd row but right in the middle. So there was no cance for the security to keep me away from makiing videos.

But I also shot some photos. The advantage of the photos ist that you can not hear my voice as you hear it in the videos which were posted here :-))


Thanks so much DanielE for sharing your vids and photos. They are great!!!!!!! 

You are supposed to sing along at concerts!!LOL No problem!!! I do too!!

Robin in MD USA :)


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