Welcome everyone to the 2014 Tour Review Thread.  The upcoming year is going to be exciting with so many concerts scheduled already around the globe!!! Feel free to share the details of your concert adventures, photos, videos etc.  This is the best time to be a Bolton fan with so many concerts and the MBC Charity Event which will most likely be held later in the year too. Michael has multiple projects in the works so we never know what will happen next!!!! I appreciate the opportunity to start a new thread once again for 2014 to give us all a place to share the best part of being a fan--- experiencing Michael in person doing what he does best-SING!!!!!! 

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing great times by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as I have in the past. 

Happy Concert Time in 2014 to all of you!!!

Robin in MD USA :)

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Согласна с Петра, что теперь будет трудно вам, Сильвия. Но у вас было потрясающее путешествие с большим количеством эмоций! Желаю вам это все пережить! Я завидую вам:-)

Translation of Elena's post:

"Agree with Petra that will now be difficult to you, Sylvia. But you have had an amazing journey with lots of emotions! I wish you all survive! I envy you:-)"

Hey Sylvia, I’m sure most of us can only imagine how you’re feeling right now. I’m just really happy for you that you were able to fully enjoy this last concert and not actively letting it set in your mind that it was the last one. Cool for you that both times you couldn’t get to the stage, it worked out for the best for you. I’m starting to wonder if Michael is trying to wean us off “Nessun dorma”... I hope not. The midway banter sounded like a lot of fun though! Lol  Did he sing or just play “Rock me baby” this time? Somehow, evenaway from the stage, sounds like you had your “special moment” with Michael during CITYT Sylvia and though not physically, he did “touch you there”... XD At the end of sucha mind-boggling first Bolton adventure, I think it was a choice of either crying or exploding! Lol Sylvia, it’s great that you were able to say your goodbyes to the band and sounds like you’ll have an  entire physical album of pictures from it too! Sweetie, stay on that cloud for as long as you can: you’ll need a lot of time to process the past couple of weeks anyway... ;D Take good care and travel safely home, God bless. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada <3

Happy for you your last concert was full of more lovely MB moments, Sylvia. You have a lot of sweet memories to take home with you and oh what an MB adventure you have had :). Safe travels home and very lovely photos here to.....thanks for posting and taking us on your Bolton adventure with us. Safe travels home !!. Hugs,

Kathy T. :)

Sylvia, I'm so very glad to have spotted you, I now have another Bolton Buddy!  It was a good concert, perhaps not the best I've been to, in terms of content, the songs I really enjoy hearing live, but still absolutely wonderful.  Michael was on top form dealing with a very unruly audience; all very relaxed, and lots of laughs.  He changed the lyrics of "Dock of the Bay" to mention Bournemouth instead of 'Frisco, which caused a roar from the audience.

The M & G was a bit strange really. Us "VIP"s (never been called that before!) waited in our seats to be gathered up by Security, then were moved into a corridor - where we waited, and waited, and waited. Jason and Nelson (with his son) came out to chat.  Three ladies with purple passes (Access All Areas, apparently) were ushered forwards.  We waited.  We then were moved into a large room, where the photographer was set up, and we waited again. The BIC security staff kept coming and going, no-one seemed to know what was happening.  Steve Milo popped in, looked concerned, then disappeared.  We waited some more.  Luckily, I was with Anna and Jo, so we had time to catch up; it's been a long time since I've seen them, loads to talk about. The security staff were really lovely.  We eventually found out that the building was being scoured for others with Access All Areas passes, who had not turned up (are they MAD???) as they needed to be introduced first. In the end it was decided that they weren't anywhere to be found, so Michael joined us, and we all queued up for our 30 seconds, over 40 of us.  I told Michael it was a privilege to finally be able to say a proper Hello, then the photographer took a couple of shots and I just got time to turn and say "Please don't ever stop singing", to which Michal replied it was not something he intended ever to do - so we can rest easy, he's not about to retire yet!

I didn't get a chance to have a catch up with Jody, Greta, and PJ because it was so late by the time we had finished, but I did manage to speak to June and Don in the foyer beforehand.  Michael concerts are not a lonely place, and I have no qualms about traveling on my own.  I saw Sylvia again, scurrying into her hotel, but she was too far ahead for me to get her attention.  Another time ( and I am sure there will be one) we will have a drink together.  I hope your journey home went swiftly, and that you are beginning to adjust back to "real life" - I'm just off to do the washing!

Love to everyone,

Margaret in Kent.

Hi Margaret, thanks for sharing about your M&G. So nice you met up with  some BB's. How are June and Don? I met them 12 years ago at the fan reception, lovely people. Take care Margaret and thanks again for sharing. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D

Hello Sylvie

June and Don told me they were both keeping well.  They are indeed both lovely people, who kept the news flowing about Michael in those "lean" years when he didn't tour in this country, through their Bolton Bulletin.  We have a lot to thank them for.

Best wishes

Margaret in Kent

Thanks so much for your touching review Margaret!! So glad you met up and caught up with other Bolton Buddies and that you finally got to see MB in your homeland. He is always worth the wait :)) 
Kathy and LAFD Bob

Thank you so very much for sharing your BoltonAdventureTour, Sylvia!  It has been a great pleasure to travel with you.  Lets hope for many more Michael shows in Europe :o)  Have a safe drive home, B

Thank you girls for all kind comments and Спасибо Elena !!! :)

Have to say I really don't feel as bad as I envisaged I might for I really do believe it was so spectacular a few weeks and outdid even my wildest dreams from day one with the Cardiff show to last night and everything I did from going to a Michael Bolton concert to meeting the man and talking face to face; getting picture taken with and shaking his hand in person and also at the stage, twice; being in a position to be able to call out to him and then to wave and get one back; meeting other band members and especially the fun with Jason; meeting some of the crew and thanking them and especially too meeting Milo as well as some others and being able to say hello and thank them for all they do was extra special because I never thought opportunity would arise and each and every time it was as though it were being handed to me on a plate ...it was just terrific !!! :)    Not one ounce of regret even though I know if I have opportunity again to meet it will be different because I won't freeze or forget what I was going to say but I have no regrets at what happened at M&G's because I know it was me who went forward and shook Michael's hand and not someone I was pretending to be and that is all you can ask of yourself to be honest to who you are and also too, of course, absolutely no regrets of playing with scarf and getting smile or of my wee comment which brought laughter.....no.....no regrets folks, only a stack load of happiness and hey Mary on where the tears came from when CITYT started, Kathy LAFD suggested tears of joy and I would be inclined to agree, not only for song but for the past three weeks !! :)

On "Rock Me Baby" Sylvie only sang a few words and didn't even play as much of it as previously for he did the band introductions then whereas those he had done, at other shows, earlier on but it was still fantastic to hear him play that guitar again and I can tell you he made it sing on "Sweet Home Chicago"...he went for it and got it !!!! :)

As tonight is my last and as this place is buzzing because the Wheels Festival is on in Bournemouth over weekend and the weather has been glorious today I am going back out to listen to live band and see firework display  and grab a fish supper as my dinner and then kind of early to bed for an early start in the morning for this one back home is going to be my longest single haul and as it is a holiday weekend roads will likely be busy especially if weather stays good so might not get chance to check in again until Tuesday...see you than folks and so glad you all enjoyed being on my Bolton Adventure with me for that was how I hoped you would all feel !!! :)

Totally off topic, here is a picture of some little beauties I made friends with today, for I visited the Aquarium and for Sylvie and Robin R it is a picture of some gorgeous sharks and I couldn't believe my luck that so many came into area I had my camera focussed on at the one time and plus that my picture is in focus for have to say that no pictures from last night's show for some were just absolute rubbish and others I will only keep for myself because they are not in focus.  Believe seating wasn't solid enough and there was too much vibration going on with movement by other people in row and couldn't hold camera steady enough......investment in new camera going to be made for next Bolton Adventure !!!!! LOL 

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hey Sylvia, well what can we say? First,  glad to hear you’re not sad it’s all over, it’s really been a fun ride for us too! :D Thanks for the added info and thanks for pic description. Take your time and travel home safe, take care Sylvia. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D

Thanks for sharing Sylvia, sounds like you are having a fun day. Wow the sharks are interesting. I loved them when we visited the Baltimore Aquarium. Fascinating animals. Great pic.  Be safe driving back home. All the fun memories will get you there in no time!!!!

Robin in MD :)


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