Welcome everyone to the 2014 Tour Review Thread.  The upcoming year is going to be exciting with so many concerts scheduled already around the globe!!! Feel free to share the details of your concert adventures, photos, videos etc.  This is the best time to be a Bolton fan with so many concerts and the MBC Charity Event which will most likely be held later in the year too. Michael has multiple projects in the works so we never know what will happen next!!!! I appreciate the opportunity to start a new thread once again for 2014 to give us all a place to share the best part of being a fan--- experiencing Michael in person doing what he does best-SING!!!!!! 

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing great times by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as I have in the past. 

Happy Concert Time in 2014 to all of you!!!

Robin in MD USA :)

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so much Sylvie for having translated the great report of our French girl :-) and thanks to Françoise! It is a great feeling! Merci et à la prochaine! Hugs, bisous à toutes les deux!


My pleasure Christine! :D Take care sweetie. Câlins, sincèrement, Sylvie QC Canada :D

Thank you Sylvie for posting for Françoise :)).

François what a lovely review and that smile and wink are to be treasured and I do understand your staying on that other planet ;). So happy for you that your concert was a very special birthday to be remembered. I will be looking forward to seeing your photos too. Thank you for the smiles you gave to me for you this morning, Francoise :)). Hugs,

Kathy T. :)
Hi Ladies,

I have a little story to tell from my first meet and greet last December while waiting on reviews from tonight's show. I have never shared that experience in detail here on the site so here goes. Moving to my turn in line that night with MB he turned to me with that huge smile and extended his hand to me and I to him. I took his hand and said "MB it is such a pleasure to finally meet you.... Bolton nut and the other BB'S on the site are waiting for my concert review and photos." He said "what?" I repeated it again....LOL....I really am laughing here as I write this...now of all the things I could have said I said that....totally unplanned....it was just what came to me to say sporadically :)). Okay so then we turned to the camera and our photo was taken. Then MB said "one more please." meaning another photo :)). Kat who was so gracious to make that meet and greet happen then handed me my handbag and the next fan in line was already talking to MB. I did not get to say the rest of what I wanted to but hopefully another day and concert. I took all of you BB's with me on my journey to that concert. Without you I am not sure I would have had the wonderful evening I did. Many of you helped in your own way to help make my dream come true :). We have a lot of new members here on the site as well as BB's who have been on the journey for a very long time and it is fun to hear everyones stories about your concerts and meet and greets....new ones and ones through the years. I hope Robin R. you do not mind that I mentioned you first to MB that night.....I never have told you about that ;). I hope more concerts are coming and I am sure MB knows we are all waiting. He has a huge job keeping us all happy all over the world. Best wishes to everyone waiting to see MB in concert and to meet him too :)) Hugs,

Kathy T. :)

Kathy, many thanks for your nice history!

Oh, if Michael knew how much he makes us mess! Really deliciously!!!

Petra (Germany)

LOL...Kathy T you made me laugh out loud...Boltonnut and the BB's!! He probably thought you were calling him a NUT!! I can see and hear him saying "what?" lol He said the same to Sylvia...omg...LOL Fun times and you just reminded me Kathy T!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Yes Kathy, quite a few times, the poor boy even gave up with that simple question but at least things were reversed for he, for sure, was the one calling me "NUTS"......LOL

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Kathy R. I wondered as well.......glad I gave you a laugh :)). I think he figured it out when I repeated what I had said because he made sure we got a great photo together :). Ohhhhh MB's huge smile, now that was a moment I will never forget :))))). Thanks for sharing my first meet and greet experience, Kathy R., it WAS super great fun !! :). Hugs,

Kathy T. :)

Hi Kathy...it would be a shame not to share THIS report with us..;)...I love the way you express yourself and write things. I can imagine the M&G scenario from here....too good!

Have a nice evening Kathy 

Christine in MUC! :)

Thank you, Christine. My heart was all over the place that night too, sweetie. I will always believe that is why the heart shape formed in my jacket and there is no greater gift than an unexpected one such as that :). Hugs,

Kathy T. :)
Kathy, that was so sweet of you :)) ... so sweet!! Lots of hugs - Nic

Hey Kathy, you’re welcome for Françoise’s review, I  enjoyed getting the scoop and translating it for her. :D  Thanks very much  for sharing your special moment with us sweetieand why shouldn’t you mention our Boltonnut? As long as Michael knows who it is! XD I’m really glad for you that you felt  our “Bolton family” encouraged you to grab that golden opportunity and I’m sure you’ll have another one and like Kathy R: be totally prepared next time! : D Now could I ask you to post this in my “Sharing...” thread?


I’d love to be able to keep it there, because I know that for you, the Bolton magic was hard at work in that split second your picture was taken... :D Well anyway, thanks again for sharing sweetie, take care and God bless. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada <3


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