Welcome everyone to the 2014 Tour Review Thread.  The upcoming year is going to be exciting with so many concerts scheduled already around the globe!!! Feel free to share the details of your concert adventures, photos, videos etc.  This is the best time to be a Bolton fan with so many concerts and the MBC Charity Event which will most likely be held later in the year too. Michael has multiple projects in the works so we never know what will happen next!!!! I appreciate the opportunity to start a new thread once again for 2014 to give us all a place to share the best part of being a fan--- experiencing Michael in person doing what he does best-SING!!!!!! 

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing great times by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as I have in the past. 

Happy Concert Time in 2014 to all of you!!!

Robin in MD USA :)

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 Hi Sylvia,

even though I can follow your thoughts I wouldn't take it for granted that this announcement is a general one. Regarding all reviews posted on the forum and my own experiences there might be different agreements concerning different venues. Frankly, I will only put down my iphone just in case MB announces to do so. As a matter of fact most fan videos, especially the ones I took myself, lack of good sound quality and their only benefit is to keep memories alive and share them with other (die hard) fans. Since MB rarely sings songs of his current CD(s), I don't see how uploaded life renditions of his widely known songs could affect the selling of his CDs. Actually, if someone watches them on youtube or somewhere else, I see them more as an appetizer to dig deeper for his body of work. As far as I am concerned, youtube never "prevented" me from buying CDs at all, on the contrary, I bought more CDs of artists I would have never (or much later) heard of. Not to mention that, of course, my MB collection is rather complete and there is still space to be filled with the CDs or DVDs to come. I'm convinced you'd rather expand your house, too. LOL. So I'd say, stay calm and relaxed, and, as Kathy R. is never tired of proclaiming: MB fans are always prepared. LOL. Don't miss a chance because of other's experiences. Have a great Sunday, Astrid.

To find in future no videos of Michael in the web? I feel terribly!!!! Nevertheless, this Homepage lives on it! Please, let this be a false alarm!!!

Petra Christine (Germany)

Hey Kathy, You must have gotten that front row seat girl! Way to go. Looking forward to hearing all about both shows. I know it felt like that to my friend and I in Warren, PA back in February, it seemed like our own private show that night to.. I know what you mean!! Good for you both!!!!

Woo Hooo!

Robin in MD :)

Astrid and Petra I have only said what I have because of a post that was put out yesterday on FB which I couldn't believe and which I took to Gail because I believed it to be a total inaccuracy of what Michael meant and in fact said to Gina, who posted it,  was she not sure Michael hadn't been joking and she said he was not joking and so I sent message to Gail and have received one back from her that she contacted Michael's management a while ago after Gina had contacted her after show and received word from one of his assistants that it was indeed correct.  I am hoping there has been a mix up and what Michael meant was no videos at particular venue they were at but that is not what is being said and it is not how Gail has interpreted message she got back and not one she gave to Gina and not one she has now given to me......NO videos to be taken at concerts is what is being said. 

I have put out a post about it on FB, on my page, and reaction there is pretty strong and unbelievable too at such a decision !!!

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


I was just wondering how this fan got this info. If Gail has confirmed it through his management that answered my question. Ugh then that stinks for sure..Your first post did not explain that part of the confirmation coming from his people.   I wonder what's going on?  Maybe someone tried to sell videos of him or something...Oh man..that really stinks....truly it does for the die-hard fan that just wants to enjoy and remember the shows. I have some great video's from last year of the songs from Hitsville...glad I got them when I still was allowed to.

I mainly take photos anyway but that really stinks..

Robin in MD :(


Gina was at a show on 10th March Robin when he made announcement and Gina then saw videos out on FB taken at same concert she was at  where announcement had been made and she contacted Gail who in turn contacted Michael's management and got reply back from them a few days ago and informed Gina of the reply and that was then what prompted Gina to put her post out on FB because she was still seeing the same videos and that, in a nutshell, is how it has all come about and basically too because I couldn't believe what Gina had posted and thought she had been mistaken at what Michael had meant but apparently not !!!

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi ladies, just wanted to add my 2 cents that I agree the no video policy  stinks, for the fans who want memories of their concerts and for fans who can only experience concerts and live performances of new songs through YouTube. Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada

Hi Robin and I have answered Astrid and Petra (it is further down in page from yours and above this one) by saying that I sent message to Gail and she has replied to me that she confirmed with Michael's management what his preference was and she was told Michael is now making announcements at his shows to take pictures but NO videos.    Know it is unbelievable and why, beats me, but that is answer. 

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


He had not made any statements at my shows end of February at all, either way and we followed the venue policy, take pics, but no flash etc..bummer for sure!!!!!! I took that one of him holding the mic down to me on his birthday and he posed for it, then grinned as he kept singing after I took it. I waited till almost the end that night to even take any at that venue.  How strange to find out he's saying that on stage now?  No one else thats gone to recent shows have said a word.. I have a close friend that did the FL concerts and she didn't mention it either....Dang....really a shame for the fans.  Well girl you get some fantastic pictures then and enjoy them for all their worth at your upcoming concerts!!!!

I am curious of Kathy R. and Robin R. say he made that announcement this week too..

Robin in MD:)

At his show in Paducah in November he repeatedly asked for no videos. There was a light on up in the balcony that looked like a video recorder and MB called them out several times but the never stopped.
Sandy in MS

Oh wow, thanks for clarifying that to Sandy.

Robin in MD :)

hi everybody,

if it s really what he said, SO we have to accept his decision!  He certainly has good reasons  we don't really know right now... It is not a doomsday!  The ONLY video which has a real good quality is on DVD taken at the Royal Albert Hall in London 2009 ..buy it und gut ist :-) The rest is just  a mixture of noise, darkness, clamor etc...in conclusion, each video looks same! May be a good thing taking a video from his own iphone or whatever but I think fans want to see  nice pictures and interesting reviews than whatever!   

By the way, what s better? to postpone a cancelled concert or to forbid people to take videos?  I am thinking of Sylvie and all other fans from Canada!...


Enjoy every second of your coming evening and share to everyone ! :-)




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