Welcome everyone to the 2016 Tour Review Thread!   The upcoming year is going to be exciting with many concerts scheduled already around the globe!!!MB has some Canada and USA shows in February and March 2016 and then he heads to the UK in April 2016!!!  This is the best time to be a Bolton fan with so many concerts and we may have a Michael Bolton Charities event later in the year, we never know. Michael has multiple projects in the works and he is good at keeping us guessing. I appreciate the opportunity to start a new thread once again for 2016 to give us all a place to share the best part of being a fan--- experiencing Michael in person doing what he does best-SING!!!!!! 

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing great times by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as I have in the past. 

Happy Concert Time again in 2016!! Let the year long concert party begin soon!! 

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                                                                                                        Clyde Auditorium

                                                                                                       Glasgow, Scotland

                                                                                                           April 22 2016

                               I apologize for being absent from this great forum. I do lurk pop in every so often though ;) Here is my review for those who may be interested :) Alrighty fans…here I go again on my second review as I just lost my first one and I was almost finished :/  GGRRRRRrrrr…..So where was I? Oh yes the tix purchase…..

                                                       The tix went on sale on Glasgow time at 10am which meant 1am for me in California. I have been waiting anxiously for this moment to arrive. Bob has his computer ready also just in case ;) I get my first seats and it says 5 6 & 7 in front row. I looked at the seating chart and those seats appeared to be at the end of the front row….but don’t know which end so I refresh and hope for seats closer to the center. No luck. The same seats keep coming up so I take them. I entered all the info and go to purchase. Screen says credit card declined! What? Can’t be!! Try again. Same problem!! So I start all over with another credit card and still have the same seats but again….declined!! I start to panic!! I have no clue why this is happening. And we can’t contact our bank since it is 1am!! Yipes! The clock is ticking! SO I try AGAIN for a 3rd time and now I am in second row :/ Oh well….I take those and for a 3rd dang time I am declined! I am near a nuclear meltdown!! Bob and I have NO clue what is happening and then he says to try Paypal. Oh my gosh we figure that should work because that is a cash account and no cc cards are needed as we set up ours to our checking account a long time ago. I start all over again but this time first row reappears with 5 6 & 7. I take those once again and hope Paypal goes through….PLEASE! Bingo….Paypal is accepted!!! Woohoo..I finally have tix!! Mind you this whole time Sylvia has successfully bought all her 20 tickets for her Bolton road trip!! An entire hour passes before I bought our Glasgow tix!! Thank goodness once again the stars aligned and came through for me :) Apparently the ticket venue mails out all tix 1 week before the concert. I ask for and get a special letter that says I can pick up my tix at the venue because I will have already left for Scotland. Finally tickets are completed and I am set :) We call the bank in the morning and they declined our cc because it was a large overseas purchase and we have a security hold on our tickets due to my identity having been stolen a few years back! It all makes sense now…..lol

    I arrived in Scotland on the 15th and my days are filled with doing all my family/ancestry meetings and visiting my grandmother’s birthplace in Portsoy and the town she grew up in at Aberdeen. Fun times……and then April 22nd concert day arrives!! Woohoo!!  

                                                           I invited Linda to join Sylvia and I as she is the owner of the home we rent in Weymss Bay when we visit Scotland. She was more than thrilled to go to the concert with us!! Bob chauffeurs us to the concert and we 3 squeeze into the back seat of our rental car. We use Sylvia’s directions which mean we get lost!! LOL Just a minor wee bit lost ;) Lots of laughs and sharp turns on a winding road as we arrive at the Armadillo as the locals call the Clyde Auditorium. The building actually looks like the shells on the back of an armadillo. The days here have been beautiful but the nights are very cold….brrrr. It was very windy at the venue as we walked to the entrance only to be told we couldn’t enter. We had to face gale force winds and walk next door to a cafe and wait for the venue to open. We had coffees and waited. The magic hour arrives and we scurry back through the gale winds and walk into the venue. I first get in line to pick up our tickets and then we all go and get our VIP badges and gifts. We are set and wait a bit for the doors to open for seating. We walk down to the front and try to adjust our eyes to all the purple lighting which sets off a reflection like a black light from days long passed. Do you all remember those lights that turned everything that is white or light colored into purple which sets off a visual storm of confusion at first? There we were trying to find seat numbers when a gal already seated said she was in seat number 3. Oh wow I say! What a pleasant surprise as I thought front row had 22 seats but in actuality there were only 11 seats!! Woohoo….we ended up dead center with seats 5 6 & 7!! And here I was trying to dump those seats for more centered ones!! lol Again the stars align…thank you!! Our eyes still aren’t adjusting much :/ I am seeing a bit of movement on the stage and so I get up to investigate further and I think it is Ruki so I call our her name and she answers. I am telling you it was soooo dark inside that venue!! She walks over and i give her the flowers and thank her for being so sweet to all of MB’s fans and taking a moment to say hi :) She bends all the way down to give me a hug and kiss and thanks me for the flowers!! Yes….that is sweet Ruki. :) The next day I see a sweet post from Ruki about my flowers and she too had a hard time with the lighting. I sit back down and we wait for Michael. Well almost Michael. First there is an opening act with Gabrielle who is a fantastic Scottish singer with quite a following. Her songs were wonderful and quite catchy! She appeared to be a very gentle soul :) Then we had to wait another 30 minutes for MB :/ After attending MB’s concerts consistently for decades I don’t recall such a long break between opening act and MB. Usually just enough time to rearrange the stage but there didn’t seem to be much rearranging going on. Ok…yes I was impatient!!! lol  

                                                          Alas……that familiar tune and Michael appears!! YAY!!! He looked great and sounded WONDERFUL!! I will list some of the songs…lol  TLT, SHC, Steel Bars :), You Don’t Know Me, That’s Life, Nessun Dorma which he ROCKED!, and of course the duets with Sam Fly. She has a softer beautiful voice with a cool “warble” in her voice. I shall be honest here and say I believe Michael had to sing down as to not over sing Sam’s softer voice which was very sweet and professional of him. A class act indeed. I am spoiled by MB always choosing duet partners that have a strong projection as he does and singers like Amanda Brown and Kelly Lesveque who can belt out MB’s songs during their duets!!! And the electricity between MB and those 2 gals is magical :) Big shoes to fill I suppose. Maybe I am wrong….maybe not ;) Sylvia can add more of the songs he sang…I hope! I especially liked the Prayer duet with Sam! Michael nailed his part and so I thought this was a great time to give him the flowers I brought for him :) I walked the flowers up and he graciously took them and said nice to see you. He said the flowers were beautiful and thanked me. Then he put them under his arm and blew me a kiss!! :) My heart melted!! So naturally I blew him a kiss right back!!! lol As I walked away I thought to myself….did I just do that?!?!?! lol Why yes I did and it felt so right!!! lol Needless to say that completed my Bolton Adventure :))))) Jason gave an outstanding performance in his purple shirt to honor the passing of Prince :( What a SHOCK to hear that sad news!!!! His rendition of YASB was breath taking. He had loads of fun teasing the audience with sets of notes where he played them high and would stop and smile and the audience thought he was finished. But oh no….we regulars knew better. We egged him on for more and he then played several more sets and with each time the notes getting higher and higher!! Thank you Jason for that was delightful!! There was lots of yelling from the audience and there was some from the front row indeed!! But I tell you we 3 looked like nuns compared to a woman sitting next to Sylvia!!! She was from somewhere in South America and she would shout and wave her country flag and shout some more and hold up MB album covers and shout some more..’Look at Me!!’ in a strong Spanish accent. She was a hoot!! Of course now it is time for WAMLAW and we all know what happens with that song ;) We had our piece of stage scoped out and Linda, myself and Sylvia promptly took our positions. And then there are clueless venue security so there we are with our usual lament as they lead us AWAY from the stage :/ Linda sat down right away thinking Sylvia and I had lost our minds!! LOL I stood by my seat not fully complying…lol…and Sylvia turned for a moment to place her bag under her seat when MB’s security guy ran passed me and told the venue security that the audience could come up front. And then we were swamped by a thundering crowd!!! I was at my spot like a lightening bolt and Sylvia worked her way through the masses and eventually got right behind me. I called for Linda and she was having none of it! And there we stayed for the rest of the concert rocking out!! And boy was it warm!!! My photos at the stage came out great compared to the photos from my seat where the lighting was lousy! It was a wonderful concert and Michael sang beautifully :) Ryan will help me upload my concert photos :)

                                                                  It was now time to set off for our photo shoot ;) I was melting from all the pushing and carrying on at the stage!! The fresh air and open space felt great!! They offered us wine and/or orange juice and neither was cold ;/ After our dancing spell we needed something COLD…lol I see Milo and wave and he takes a double look as though shocked to see me in Scotland and not California :) He walks over and we share hugs etc. I complimented him on his new haircut…sort of like the way David Foster wears his hair. I said he looked very handsome and of course in his shy way he shakes off my compliment ;) lol He then had to get back to the line of fans waiting for pics. I walked Linda up to meet Michael and introduce her as a new fan! She then takes her photo :) I go next and Michael and I share hugs. MB says …you are far from home and I reply yes I am ;) I didn’t dare say…see how dedicated we fans are!!! LOL I told him he sang great tonight and he thanked me and said the crowd was great and noisy!! I know for sure the front row was I tell him!! ;) I then tell him I will see him in London at his favorite venue. He replies great!! Sylvia goes next and gives MB a gift and has her chat and photo taken. We decide to sit and watch the last 2 photos to being taken. As MB walks by I say safe travels Michael and he says thanks and ‘see you in London’. I reply …oh yes indeed!!! So then we set off to meet Bob for our ride home and back out into the arctic winds we go. Thankfully Bob and Ryan are walking up and they say they had just passed Nelson and MB’s car. Hmmmm Sylvia and I say. We look at each other and nod but then….Queen Linda said no way!! Are you mad??? she says!!! LOL I definitely would have gone to wait and see MB leave if it wasn’t sooooooo cold!! And so the night ends and that completes my fabulous Bolton Adventure in Glasgow Scotland!!! Now on to London for our very first visit :) 

                                                                    Thank you Michael for a wonderful night of music!!! And thanks to the best band also!!! And of course to MB’s peeps who are ALL so sweet to us fans!! Onward to London!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob


Hiya Kathy and thanks for your entertaining review, as usual. :D  Girl, you have a knack for MB adventures and they always seem to start with your ticket purchase: you don’t know how funny you are! lol Lucky you had clear-headed Bob to suggest Pay Pal. Oh Kathy, I roared laughing reading you got lost because of Sylvia’s directions! lmao As far as break between acts, I had the same experience in 2009. Glad you enjoyed Gabrielle, by the way. You know Kathy, I’ve noticed that too, about Michael toning down not to overshadow someone, even on “record”. Thanks for sharing part of the setlist. Aww, how sweet about your moment with Michael from the stage: did anyone get a picture of that? Boy wouldn’t it be nice if the venue and Michael’s security would confer before concerts? I’m glad it all worked out and you had a great M&G too. Thanks for sharing it all Kathy and I do hope we get a review from you from the RAH too. Take care and safe travels to you and your family. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Kathy I have been anxiously awaiting your review by the way !! ;). First off I am so happy for you all that your seats were fabulous ones.....grand treat !! :)))))). I saw the beautiful flowers you gave to Ruki, how sweet and she definitely loved them and the kind gesture :). WOW, I have waited all this time wanting to be right there with you all and just felt like I was. I am so happy for you all that things went so great, really wonderful Kathy !!!! :). I can only imagine the entire place lit up in purple with purple seats too, that is just too incredible. I am glad JP was able to release some of his grief in a very good way too.....just amazing timing for that, really amazing, Kathy. Sweet too about the blown kisses.....it makes me recall my very special MB Branson concert back when ;). Enjoy your journey on to London and anxiously awaiting this concert for you too and the unexpected highlights for you there as well !!! :))). Thanks Kathy for the smiles this morning and safe travels to you on your continuing journies, glad you are having a great time exploring your ancestry too !! :). Hugs,

Kathy T. :)

P.S. I know Wee One is meeting herself coming and going.....LOL....happy you got to meet up too for this one.....safe travels, Sylvia !!!! :)

Thanks Kathy....I manage to have chaos prior to the concerts and then all works out. Like Bob says to me...."you and your dang MB tickets!!" LOL What we fans go through :) I am excited about London since we have never been! Scotland feels like home to us now and the people are the best here!! In fact...Linda our landlady is cooking us a steak dinner tonight!! Sylvia should have landed by now to her destination :) Southend?? I can't remember ;/ The only problem with traveling is you never know what day or date it is!! I minor problem though ;)

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Thanks Sylvie...I wasn't feeling too funny when my first review disappeared!! I do it every time!!! We were racking our brains when Bob all of a sudden remembered our paypal account!!! Omg...it saved us!! It would be soooo convenient IF MB's security would inform venue security for sure!! Maybe I should try????!!!! LOL Thanks again Sylvie :)

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Well all you MB fans.

My dear lady wife Jan and her best friend Rita gave me the following account of their night at Sheffield.

After settling in at the Hotel a few minutes walk from City Hall.

They found a nice place for a meal and enjoyed it although somewhat early so as to let the effects of it settle and give Jan a chance to rest before the concert.

They decided to use the wheelchair to go the the venue as it is a little bit uphill and jan finds it makes her short of breath which can make her anxious.

Having arrived at the venue they were greeted by a very kind young man who give them the information about getting to the VIP rooms after the concert.

They also received  their presents and a nice label to hang round their necks and were fitted with hospital type wrist name tags.

As for the concert, Gabrielle was excellent and both though she was a excellent choice as the opening singer.

Of course they were delighted to find their seats were in the centre and the second row back from the stage.

The view of Michael was better than any previous concerts they have attended.

After the show which they both kept repeating was wonderful over and over again, they then went to the VIP room and they were told Michael was having a shower and would be down shortly.

They then had a glass of wine and sat chatting.

The smiles on their faces as they told me how nice and gorgeous Michael was, that's the happiest I have seen Jan this year.

She said she had asked him how soon his new album would be out and after telling him how poorly she was and that I had pre-ordered it for her. he promised to get on with it.

I will not try and put down all the words to describe Michael's show they both used, suffice to say

When I collected them from the hotel my first question was how did it compare with you expectations.

"Not as good as expected", "Just what you expected", " better than expected".

A resounding "Way beyond anything we imagined" Their already high opinion of Michael went up by a few thousand percent.

So a big thank you to all the folk that make the show work and a very special thanks to Michael for giving Jan and Rita a memory to last for ever.

I now have a photo of Michael Bolton sat looking at me from the mantelpiece at this moment.

Will download their photo with Michael ASAP.


HiJan and Brian

So so glad the night was up to your expectations and more, and hope it worth any after effects, please take time to chill but enjoy being on the Michael Cloud. I so enjoyed Manchester last week, have followed everyone's reviews, and no one seems disappointed,and I am so looking forward to RAH, going with a friend who is new to MB and her first concert, but I can assure you I will be up dancing and singing, can't believe Gabrielle as a support, such a bonus, just a pity they haven't done a duet. Please take care, and enjoy those memories, love to you all, especially Brian , you really are a trooper,

Very Kind Regards


Hi Brian....what a wonderful review you have shared with all of us!! How sweet to do the written reporting for your wife and her friend!! Michael has a way of making everyone feel much better just seeing him live in concert!! Thanks again!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Thanks so much for that wonderful review Brian and so, so glad Jan and Rita had such a wonderful time.....treasured memories indeed !!! :)

On the new album Michael has said when he gets back to States in May he will definitely be working hard on it so hopefully might not be too long until we get a release date, hopefully !!! :)

Thanks again Brian for taking the time to share review with us....thanks !!! :)

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Hi Brian, thank you so much for so lovingly reporting for your wife. I know this concert meant a lot to all of you, so it's wonderful to hear everything turned out better than expected. Again, best to you and Janet and thanks again Brian. Take care and God bless. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Hi again Kathy, is it too complicated for you to type your review in Word and then copy-paste it on the site? That's what I do, because it's easier to spell check or rewrite. It might save you a lot of grief. Well anyway, the important thing is you succeeded in posting. :D Take good care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Hi Sylvie....yes Ryan got me set up with word as I can "SAVE" there as I go. That was sooooo irritating to lose a review when you are almost finished!!! ugh!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob


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