Welcome everyone to the 2016 Tour Review Thread!   The upcoming year is going to be exciting with many concerts scheduled already around the globe!!!MB has some Canada and USA shows in February and March 2016 and then he heads to the UK in April 2016!!!  This is the best time to be a Bolton fan with so many concerts and we may have a Michael Bolton Charities event later in the year, we never know. Michael has multiple projects in the works and he is good at keeping us guessing. I appreciate the opportunity to start a new thread once again for 2016 to give us all a place to share the best part of being a fan--- experiencing Michael in person doing what he does best-SING!!!!!! 

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing great times by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as I have in the past. 

Happy Concert Time again in 2016!! Let the year long concert party begin soon!! 

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Is there a problem with the site girls? I'm asking because December 31st shows up first yet Sally&Sylvia's latest messages are out here. Just wondering.

No doesn't seem to be any problem Robin it was just Sally's post fell on this page but others from today are okay and showing up on last page as per usual so don't know what happened.  Gremlins were alive again !!! lol

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Ready to get this party started:)! I don't think Michael will be here this year, in my area, but if he does get back here, I'll be there with my Meg.!!!Until then I look forward to reading about All of you on here and your adventures in :Boltonland: READY to read all about it!!! Leave no stones unturned, we want details....LOL! Most of all Enjoy your night out w/Michael and his band:)!

Mary (meg's mom)!

Michael will be in Modesto CA in May.  Have my tickets in hand already.  Can't wait.  I have seen him twice before...


Hi Kathy H and so glad you have tickets for Modesto and not too long to wait now and certainly something to look forward to !!! :)  Hope you have wonderful time and absolutely super concert when it comes around !!! :)

Hope you don't mind "Kathy H" it is because we have a few "Kathys" on the forum and each is distinguished in some way after "Kathy".?? :)

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Kathy H is just fine!  Looking forward to the show....

Welcome Kathy H. Sorry I've not been on this thread in a while myself. LOL  Real life a bit busy here. I am glad you got your tickets for the CA show in May. Nothing like getting them in hand!!  I hope for a bunch more this year back here on the East Coast too for 2016. I want to break the 150 show mark this year if I can. LOL This year is my 22nd year traveling to see him in concert.

Time sure flies while having fun!! MB is the best!!!

I look forward to reading your review here too!

Welcome again!

Robin in MD :)

Awesome Kathy H. getting your tickets for Modesto.

Happy New Year, and Happy Birthday. Get lucky in February 2016 and beyond. All the best I am In love with your VOICE

Hello everyone, The first show of MB's 2016 tour starts tomorrow night at Sheidegger Center, Lindenwood University, St. Charles, MO. Everyone going have a fantastic time and we are looking forward to reading some fun concert reviews! Time to get this thread rolling again!!!

Robin in MD :)


The next two concerts on MB's tour are both at  Fallsview Casino Resort, Niagara Falls, ON Canada on February 13, 2016 and February 14, 2016.  It's to be a very cold weekend coming up on the east coast and I have a feeling it will be very cold at Niagara Falls too so everyone enjoy MB and stay warm!!!!

Have fun, travel safe everyone!  Please feel free to share your reviews here with all of us afterwards!!

Robin in MD :)

It was a great concert, Robin. Michael looked & sounded great...joked around with the audience. He sang all the usual songs, but he mixed them up a bit. He sang Sweet Home Chicago shortly after the show began. He didn't sing Nessum Dorma...instead he sang The Prayer with Kelly L. (I never remember how to spell her name!) They also sang Ain't No Mountain High Enough and Kelly sang a medley of songs Michael wrote for other artists including Forever....haven't heard that one in a long time! Michael also sang That's Life. He basically sang songs from all the different eras of his career....DOTB, Georgia, SILYBIL, How Can We Be Lovers, etc. He also did WAMLAW from the audience. He sang Steel Bars for the encore. The band members performed as well...Jason, Brian, etc. The concert lasted approx. 1 hr. 45 min....nice! But, of course, it's never enough is it. We weren't able to go up to the stage because it was just a bit too high for that. I got lucky when I bought our tickets....front row center!! It was a long wait, since I bought those tickets in July and was over too quickly.

The venue is beautiful & as far as I could see it was packed....not sure how many people it holds. They were selling merchandise which included MB's book, t-shirt, coffee mug, and 4 different albums. Everyone that bought something was given a ticket to enter a drawing to meet Michael after the show.

Anna (in MO)


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