Welcome everyone to the 2015 Tour Review Thread!   The upcoming year is going to be exciting with many concerts scheduled already around the globe!!! Those of you attending some of the Florida concerts in January,  2015 may see the upcoming Dreamjobbing winner performing as a backup singer for Michael!!  Feel free to share the details of your concert adventures, photos, etc.  This is the best time to be a Bolton fan with so many concerts and we may have a Michael Bolton Charities event later in the year, we never know. Michael has multiple projects in the works and he is good at keeping us guessing. I appreciate the opportunity to start a new thread once again for 2015 to give us all a place to share the best part of being a fan--- experiencing Michael in person doing what he does best-SING!!!!!! 

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing great times by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as I have in the past. 

Happy Concert Time in 2015!! Let the year long concert party begin!!

Robin in MD USA :)

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Thanks Robin. :)

Robin in MD :)

Thanks Kathy T, I'm glad you enjoy them.  With taking so many I get some that I really love at times and these were ok, none grabbed me or stood out this time really but I'm glad they grabbed you!! LOL  

Thanks and Hugs back!

Robin in MD :)



The concert was held at the Ferguson Center at Christopher Newport University. What a beautiful college campus it is too with the lovely buildings and the spring flowers and trees blooming it was a beautiful place to go to a show on Monday evening.


We got to the venue and parked the car in the deck. Turns out they have a service to take you by golf cart to the venue so we did that and saw Jason as we went past. LOL  The look on his face was priceless when he saw us!!LOL  The nice man taking us in the cart stopped so we talked to Jason a minute or two. Jason was laughing at us riding in it and he asked where I was sitting. LOL


That was a fun start to the evening.  It was great to see Gail and her hubby and Nic from NC and her lovely daughter too.  I’ve not seen Gail since the last time we went to CT to do the MBC concert and Traveler’s Golf event a few years ago.  We had fun chatting with her and her hubby.  It turned out when we got inside the venue at the seats that Nic and her daughter were right beside us at the end of our second row center by the piano; and Gail was in front row just over from us a few seats towards center stage.  How cool was that! LOL  The bonus for us was the two seats in front of us at the end of the front row beside Gail’s were empty the entire time, so for the first half I was able to lean on the seat in front of me and enjoy the show. No one blocking our view,  that worked! They had an announcement like Gail said in her post that there was to be no photography or recording so we didn’t take pictures at first.  There were ushers here and there stopping people so I didn’t want to get busted taking them!  MB came out and started the show with Soul Provider which was awesome! I hadn’t heard that one yet this year. My friend loves that song too so I was glad for her he opened the show with it this time!!! He saw me when he walked over to get his mic and said hello and smiled and then started singing. I love that one as an opener myself!!   Bad thing was all of the sudden when he was singing there was a firecracker noise for a little while and he made a strange face and looked at his crew but kept on going.  After the song ended and we all cheered and he said his Hello Newport News, Virginia he commented that he didn’t know what the firecracker noise was, it wasn’t a part of the show. The audience laughed! He was making a joke and then asked if all was ok to his crew and then he went on with the show. As he sat down to do the first guitar set he also said that he had never heard that before and he’s done this over a thousand times!! LOL   We never heard the firecracker noise after that thankfully. The venue has amazing sound as we were told by staff there before the show. It really does.  MB mentioned then also that people had waited a while for this show. (It was a rescheduled one from last year).  Also someone yelled out they sent him a Tweet during the first acoustical guitar set. He laughed and said something like no time to talk about Twitter and they had to get on with the show. I don’t recall his exact words.  Not as much stuff was yelled out to him this time.  He changed the lyrics for Doc of the Bay to Newport News Bay once and got cheers from the audience!LOL    He said the usual things about us taking over during the first guitar set and singing the bridge, the chorus etc.The set list was also a bit different as he didn’t do Nessun Dorma and later on we had Steel Bars and no TLT. I wish we had gotten both in the last part of the show but we had a trade off for those songs, everything else was the same.


MB looked great and sounded fantastic singing and talking. At one point a man yelled out from up in the upper sections that his mom made Michael a sign. I think it was when he was going to start Sweet Home Chicago, Gail or Nic correct me if I’m wrong.    He couldn’t see it, they tried to shine lights up there and then MB asked if his mom was there, they yelled yes, and he thanked them and said it’s been a while since someone made him as sign, he hoped it said something nice!! LOL He seemed to move on with the show and did smile down to the faces he recognized here and there during the night. He saw Gail at one point and smiled big!   He rocked it on Sweet Home Chicago and the fans really gave him a big round of applause for it too.  That is the one song I miss no pics from this concert. I love him rocking out on his guitar. Rocker MB is so cool!!!  The duets with Amanda were awesome and powerful. The got huge rounds of applause for The Prayer and Ain’t No Mountain rocked the venue too.  I felt bad about no pics of Jason or Amanda down front, they both walked over doing their thing in front of me and I couldn’t get any photos! LOL I was giving Jason thumbs up, smiles, he pointed, I pointed back etc…I messaged him on FB later and told him sorry I wasn’t able to get any this time and why! MB needs to go back to saying its ok to take pictures!  Darned ushers!!! Amanda did a killer job on her medley of MB’s songs too. The fans loved her and she got some whistles too. She’s gotten better and better doing the duets, I loved Kelly also, they have different styles but both are really great with MB I think!

The two seats stayed empty in front of us so when MB went off to do WAMLAW we moved up beside Gail’s hubby.  I stood up to watch him in the audience and I saw a lot of folks with phones and cameras taking pics with flashes going off and no one stopping them.  I was going to get a few pics to remember it by at that point too! A few gals behind us stood up when he was in the audience and we were hoping to be able to stay standing at the stage but they all sat down so we had to then too. MB just did a short walk out a side door on the other side of the audience from us and when he got back on stage he looked down at us all and smiled. LOL YES we moved up!! :). The stage wasn’t tall and we were literally sitting at it anyway. So we just rocked out How Can We Be Lovers and Steel Bars from the seats. MB rocked out singing back and forth across the stage for both songs and really did a HUGE JUMP for Steel Bars. As Gail posted she got him in the air, and I didn’t catch it till he landed. Shoot! But he really put a lot into that one!LOL He went off stage and we all cheered and clapped and he came back out, and so did the stool in front of us for Georgia as the encore! Woo Hoo, great chance for pics. He sang looking down our way a few times during the song and also Nic’s daughter had a gift bag for him and during this number she was able to get it to MB. I wasn’t able to get a good pic of him taking it tho, it was during Jason’s part and lights were off MB, sorry Nic I tried.  You can see her gift bag on the piano in my pictures. That was the only gift MB got that night.  I am sure it made her night him taking it from her! :)  MB did a beautiful rendition of Georgia as always and then too soon it was over.  MB thanked everyone and they all lined up.  Once the concerts start they just fly by. Thanks to MB and band for another fun night enjoying his great music!  

Gail and Nic feel free to add in anything I missed!

Robin in MD :)

Hi Robin,

thank you for this great review and for your photo album.

Many thanks also to Gail for her beautiful impressions and wonderful photos.

It's nice to read that you had a great night.

Best regards from Berlin


The last show on this leg of MB's current tour is at the Anniston Performing Arts Auditorium, Anniston, AL on Friday, April 10, 2015.

Everyone going have a wonderful time! We are all there with you in spirit!! Feel free to come back here and share your exciting night with MB and the band with us!

Robin in MD :)

Aww Thank You to you Katrin. How cute the flowers are!

Robin in MD :)

Thanks for the GREAT review Robin!!! Oh man....I was right there with you!!! I MISS his concerts sooooooo much!! Glad you got to meet Nic and her daughter and how super Gail and her hubby were able to attend!! I am sure MB LOVED that :))) Lucky you got to hear Rock Me.....that is a delicious song by Michael....oh my!!! I am hoping to hear that one again!! It is nice that he switches the songs around a bit but one hopes your own favs stay in!! lol I wonder if the firecracker sound was a light popping and exploding?? At least it wasn't dangerous whatever it was!!! Thanks again for sharing your fun night!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob

LOL Kathy no Rock Me. I wish!!! The pic pointing down was during Georgia. Glad you liked the review and pics. I was happy to get SP and S B!!!

Robin in MD :)

Hi Kathy and Robin, Kathy, you sure know how to wake up a person on Saturday morning mentioning "Rock me"! lol I thought I'd missed something, so thanks for coming in Robin to specify about the picture. :D Take care ladies. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Lol Robin Md....ok....I was reading all the reviews I had been late on...did someone else hear Rock Me at their concert???? If not...I have become so delusional NOT having a concert for too long now!!!! LOL I swore I read it...well I tell you...I sure enjoyed it in my head!!! LOL Ahhhh...I thought the pointing was when he he points down while singing "ain;t no valley low enough". Dang...I MISS him singing!!! Well...you all should have heard the concert in my head!!! ROFL!!! Did any of you catch MB on HBO tonight?????? Very funny!!! Go to my fb page and watch the vid I recorded from the show :))

Kathy and LAFD Bob 

Thanks for a super review Robin and sounds as though you all had a fantastic time and glad you answered question about that "gift bag" on the piano and glad Nic's daughter got to give it to MB, so happy for her and too that you have such a super picture of it.

Thanks again Robin !!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Thanks Sylvia, We did have a great time!

Robin in MD :)


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