Welcome everyone to the 2015 Tour Review Thread!   The upcoming year is going to be exciting with many concerts scheduled already around the globe!!! Those of you attending some of the Florida concerts in January,  2015 may see the upcoming Dreamjobbing winner performing as a backup singer for Michael!!  Feel free to share the details of your concert adventures, photos, etc.  This is the best time to be a Bolton fan with so many concerts and we may have a Michael Bolton Charities event later in the year, we never know. Michael has multiple projects in the works and he is good at keeping us guessing. I appreciate the opportunity to start a new thread once again for 2015 to give us all a place to share the best part of being a fan--- experiencing Michael in person doing what he does best-SING!!!!!! 

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing great times by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as I have in the past. 

Happy Concert Time in 2015!! Let the year long concert party begin!!

Robin in MD USA :)

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Great review Keri. Love low stages and that spot. Perfect for you ladies. I am happy for you both!! Sounds like he had a fun crowd too. He feeds off the energy.

Thanks for posting. I would love to see fhe pics.

Robin in MD :)
Hi Ya Keri.....you did a perfect review....really nothing I can add except to say that MB mentioned all the band and crew that help to make everything possible and come together and the fans too. I loved it when the yelling contest for the loudest section took place, that was so much fun :))). I think you and I pounded the stage with both hands loud enough for the entire place to hear it for an encore.....LOL !!
Yep, I wanted to keep holding that hand....just made it last a second longer ;). Seems I can never get to the stage close enough for that. It was very nice to meet you too Keri and what a great concert to share !!! :).
For those wondering I just pulled in to home 10 minutes after Keri posted this.....I am still sitting in my car typing this. I am pooped out but it was a lot of fun and a great new MB adventure made !! :). Glad you made it home okay, Keri :).
To those going to Kansas City tomorrow night.....have a blast !!! :). Hugs,

Kathy T. :)


Oh yeah I forgot about MB talking about the crew!!  You told me not to forget and I did!!  I guess he mentioned it more as the crew was still setting up at 6 o'clock!!!  Looked like they had a ton of extra work at this "venue"!!! LOL!  It was so nice for him to thank us as fans also, pretty cool,,,  Thanks Kathy and glad you made it home safely!!  We got home around lunchtime..of course all the way home my two friends talked about the concert, they were still excited..I told them I had his book on cd and one of them wanted to borrow it as she has another trip this afternoon alone and wanted to learn more about Michael..I think I converted to friends LOL


Hey Keri.....sometimes it takes 2 to remember everything and I guess that one was meant for me.....LOL :).
Oh boy, you have boltinized your 2 friends....SUPER !! :). They have a fun journey in store :).
ENJOY YOUR CLOUD GIRL AND A NEW GREAT MB MEMORY MADE :). So glad you got to go after it being so long too and I love the "up the nose photo".....that girlfriend is a rare keeper !! ;). Hugs,

Kathy T. :)

Hi Kerie, thanks so much for your review! Wow, sounds like it was a pretty unique venue. Glad to hear your concert hit the spot and great to hear you seem to have converted 2 more fans. :D Thanks very much for the setlist. Kerie, there’s no such thing as a too long review: It does sound like it was a lot of fun! lol Well, as usual, thanks for the great review Kerie, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

OMG Kerie under no circumstances apologize for that WONDERFUL review.....could have read, on and on and on !!! :)   Talk about feeling as though I were there, oh wow Kerie, thank you for could just see him having time of his life joking around especially about close up pics and just love the competition as to who was loudest and the selfies.  So, so pleased you both got the "hand shake" and know exactly what happened with you Kathy with that first one, you just do not want to let go ... it is something really, really special !!! :)   

Thanks Kerie for such a terrific review and for beautiful photos .... thanks !!! :)

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Here are a couple of pics the first is his big smile but light was too bright and second just a good one,  Will do more tomorrow


Okay ladies....I just lugged all my travel stuff up 2 flights of stairs but one more teaser for tonight from me, and Keri did not think her camera took good pics....oh yes it does....you got some really good ones, Keri !! :))).

Here we go and then goodnight for me....it was a blast but it is good too to be home !!! :).

Okay....I went ahead with 3 since I could post that many.....LOL....NITE :).

Thanks so much Kathy for those pics, wonderful and again can see exactly how close you were to stage  ....  absolutely super !!! :)  Have to ask in your pic with Michael and Amanda something seems to be wrong with her legs (???) for one appears to be missing !!! LOL  Have looked and looked at photo but can't work it out .... please folks let me know it is just my eyes and Amanda hasn't really lost a leg ... LOL

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Sylvia, It is the copy of MB's set list taped to his monitor blocking her one leg in that moment. LOL  It's the angle and how she's standing.  

Great pics Kathy T. You had a prime spot girl!!

Robin in MD :)

Thanks ladies.....glad you helped Sylvia out with that, Robin.....LOL, Sylvia !!! :).
A few more pics here for you ladies.
posting from a cell phone I cannot see the photos up close but tried not to post too blurry of ones.
MB had a lot if fun with this gal and the fans on the left :)
Ooops....last one is a bit blurry but I will leave it. I am looking very forward to the rest of Keri's photos today too !!!! :). Hugs,

Kathy T. :)


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