Welcome everyone to the 2017 Tour Review Thread!   The upcoming year is going to be exciting with concerts scheduled already for 2017!!  MB has some USA shows starting off the year in January and more shows through early April so far and I’m sure many more to come around the globe as the year unfolds!  Also exciting for 2017 is the February 10th release of Songs of Cinema and I am betting a few more songs from the CD will make it in the tour setlist!  Woo Hoo!  This is the best time to be a fan with MB’s concerts and we may have a Michael Bolton Charities event later in the year, we never know. Michael has multiple projects in the works and he is good at keeping us guessing. I appreciate the opportunity to start a new thread once again for 2017 to give us all a place to share the best part of being a fan--- experiencing Michael in person doing what he does best-SING!!!!!! 

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing great times by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as I have in the past.  

Let the year long concert party begin and I wish concerts for all of you in 2017!! I know many fans are on other social media sites but I do hope we can continue with the exciting tour reviews here in 2017!  You all make the thread fun.  

Happy Concert Time again in 2017!!

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Hi Robin R., the VIP seating didn't include a backstage pass - this time LOL. I will be more careful next time LOL. Astrid

Robin MD, still no "Bolton-downer" so far, LOL. Just daily challenges. In a second I can go back and enjoy again. So different this time. Astrid

Hallo Astrid, thank you so much for your elaborate and detailed review! I’m glad to hear everything could not have been more perfect, from your seat location, great acoustics etc. Thanks very much for the picture descriptions Astrid. :D Regarding awards, I think Michael forgot the Oscar you gave him years ago... ;D Michael being the lead singer of Kiss would have been interesting, but we know Michael didn’t like being in a band. I’d love to hear your conversation with Michael about his voice: if you ever have it, please record it Astrid! lol I’m really glad that despite the stage set-up, you were able to get your gifts to Michael and get it captured for posterity, thanks to Silvy. It’s nice to hear you really enjoyed Sam’s voice.  Oh, I sympathize with you about SILYBIL and I know what you mean about the sax solo in “I got a woman”. Astrid, God bless you for describing Michael’s modulation with such delicious details: I can almost hear it. :D Thanks again for making the time to write and share, take good care my friend. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada <3

Sylvie, you're right concernig my Oscar, but I can't blame MB, because I didn't think of my Oscar myself LOL. - I wonder how MB would have looked like with black and white face LOL... I promise, if I ever talk to MB about his voice I'll let you know ...Astrid

I understand Astrid that it wasn't backstage pass to meet up with MB. Perhaps next time, honey. You had an awesome time anyway & I'm glad.

Thanks Astrid for a wonderful review and for share of super pics, thanks !!! :)   I certainly went "back in time" and heard the whole concert again and thanks for allowing me to revisit wonderful memories  ..... how I wish you could go "back in time"  !!! lol

Here's to more terrific memories being made for us all in 2018 with hopefully a tour of the UK and Germany coming up .... let's look forward to more Bolton Adventures !!! :)

Thanks again Astrid, thanks !!! :)

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Sylvia, so great looking forward to 2018. See you hopefully again -:). Astrid

Great review Astrid, @ the picture here w/him & the gifts is Perfect:)! Thanks for sharing:)!

Mary (meg's mom)!

My pleasure, Mary :-). Astrid

Hey Asssstrid!! Thanks so much for your play by play description of your wonderful Bolton Adventure!! Your details have reminded me about so much happening in the concerts that I now take for granted!! Sad but true!! I appreciate you bringing a freshness to MB and his concerts that have become ingrained so deep into my soul that I just always "know" they will happen. Sort of like wearing your favorite clothing item :) I LOVED your review for reminding me why I LOVE MB concerts so much!! Nice to see you writing here once again :) I know how we all get busy and I am very guilty for not checking in here more often also!! Hope to see you in 2018!! GREAT pics also :)

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Kathy, am I right to understand the hints and dare to ask: Are you coming to Germany??? Would love to receive the answer "yessssss" :-). Astrid

Wow, Astrid. Was für ein Bericht. Vielen Dank dafür. Die Erinnerungen sind zurückgekommen. Es war wirklich ein toller Abend. Und es war nett, Dich kennengerlernt zu haben. Wenn auch leider viel zu kurz. Aber das können wir ja in 2018 nachholen. :)


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