Ok ,so i was wondering .What is your favorite movie.It can be whatever genre .Be interesting to see what everyones is .


Mine would be anything with Sylvester Stallone .I also love Brian Dennehy especially in true movies  xx

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I love Bruce Willis and Kevin Costner

so I love The Bodyguard and Armageddon

Hello Sharon, I have a lot of movies i prefer !!! As Chelsea, Bruce Willis and Kevin Kostner are two stars i like, but also the movie GHOST with Patrick Swayze and YENTL with Barbra Streisand + HELLO DOLLY, and The KING AND I and MONDWEST with Yul Bruynner, LITTLE BOUDHA and STARGATE + the tv watching SG1 with Richard Dean Anderson, BENJAMIN GATES 1 and 2 with Nicolas Cage... And also DA VINCI CODE and OUT OF AFRICA... I'm a great romantic woman you know ?!!! Thank's for this discussion ! Bye BD
ok for drama Mississippi Burning, with Willam Defoe,
for romance tie Pride and Predjudice (A & E) Collin Firth, and Everafter with Drew Barrymore,
comedy tie with 16 Candles, Never Been Kissed, Wedding Singer, Bridget Jones Diary
AND finally anything with Denzel Washington.
Thanks....Sylvia from Texas
Can't say just one. I love the old John Wayne Westerns-Watch Encore Westerns channel alot, they run those old classics...I also like Gone with The Wind, It's a Wonderful Life, White Christmas, The Christmas Shoes, Scrooge as well as Titanic, All the Back to the Future movies, Pearl Harbor, Dirty Dancing, Ghost, to name some of them. I like different movies. I also like some of the first Star Trek movies, the animated movie Cars was cute too.

Robin :)
Ah...I had my children watch To Kill a Mockingbird, they didn't understand it, made fun of Dill's name, called him Dill Pickle and they couldn't understand why anyone wanted to play in old tires. I guess you have to appreciate the classics. lol

As for Rocky Horror...saw that in college, kind of a rite of passage thing every campus shows. It being my first time seeing it they made us wear name tags that said "Virgin", but that wasn't the worse, no that came later when I forgot to take the name tag off and went into a convience store!!!! LOL. I have an original VHS tape of that movie, Brad was such a "dream"!!!
Just checked out Letters to Juliet...looking for romance tonight.
like you I love movies with my name too, vein of me probably, but Kelly's Heros with Clint Eastwood and Cliff Robertson, and all of Clint's movies have been well watched over and over by me. I also like Don Johnson and Sandra Bullock. But as for comedy the best movie I have ever seen to date is Grown Ups, so hilarious, I never stopped laughing and the whole theater never stopped either. Hercules is my favotite of animated movies.

Thanks for the great topic, Sharon.
Hey Juliet, did you know that they’ve just released the 35th anniversary edition of “the Rocky Horror Picture show” on Blue Ray? I got this message from Amazon and remembered it was one of your favorites so I thought I’d pass it along. Maybe you have it already?  Have a great day Juliet, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Well if you could pick any film for Michael to star in which one would you pick then? Haha. That's a tough one.

That's a good question, how about Hope Floats, don't remember Harry Connick Jr's name in that movie, but played opposite Sandra Bullock, he was such a sweetheart to her or now that he's taking dancing lessons how about Dance with Me with Jennifer Lopez, he could easily show off his moves!!! :-)
Hi Chelsea,
Michael could take the place for me, in any Richard Gere film.
I love his voice, but Michael has the sex appeal yet to be seen in film, like Richard Gere!
Have a Great Day!

I mostly like James Bond movies, mysteries, epics and comedies.
Some of my favorites include: Hope Springs, Kingdom of Heaven, Someone Like You, Quantum of Solace, Cassanova (With Peter O'Toole and David Tennant), King Arthur, Pirates of the Caribbean, Jane Eyre (with Timothy Dalton as Rochester), The Saint, Kate & Leopold, Oscar & Lucinda, Love Actually...

Audrey (aka the Quiet One)
Hi Audrey,
You have to see Grown Ups, the greatest comedy out now.
Let me know what you think, ok.


Wanted is a great movie too, I bought it for my son and I enjoyed it more than he did. Lots of Action!!!


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