Question was put out on FB on Wednesday on MB's page and as there has been a fair amount of voting thought I would bring over here and let those not on FB see and join in the little bit of fun and so as of Saturday, 5th May, at 12.30 p.m. GMT this is the state of the votes for the five songs that were chosen to ask the question of .........
"When A Man Loves A Woman" - 1299 votes
"How Am I Supposed To Live Without You" - 2105 votes
"Go The Distance" - 269 votes
"Said I Loved You But I Lied" - 797 votes
"How Can We Be Lovers" - 298 votes
Will keep you informed how the voting goes until it looks as though everyone has had their turn !! :)
I voted for "Go The Distance" and look where it is ......... !!! lol.
Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend.
To let you all know latest update on figures as I am pretty sure voting has finished and it is ......
WAMLAW - 1327
HCWBL - 304
GTD - 276
To be honest I do not think that there was any "technical" reason for asking this question believe all in fun for I think what prompted it was that Michael received a tweet in Australia where it was mentioned that the setlist was considered to be great and Michael tweeted his thanks back and at same time asked the tweeter what was their favourite song and then out came this question on FB....think somebody has got idea from tweet for, as I say, a bit of fun between us fans and nothing more or, maybe information will be used.....who knows !!! :) I am hoping there is no real reason for asking question because when MB comes to Glasgow I want to hear him singing "Go The Distance" and I should hate to think it may be dropped because of a poll on FB......but of course unless he extends his shows to about 4 hours how can he possibly keep everything we want to hear on the setlist then again I shouldn't be worrying for when he comes to Glasgow and then travels down to Largs for his round of golf and pops in for his mushroom omelette I am sure he will give me a personal rendition of the "Go The Distance".....yeah, dream on baby !!!!!! ROFL
On "If You Go Away" Sylvie I have heard the other versions but Streisand's for me stands out just now because she is the last one that I know of who recorded it for a recent album for she did it on her "Love Is The Answer" album released in 2009 but as for versions.....think you will have an idea what I am going to say....there is one that surpasses all and that is Scott Walker's and I don't even know if MB's version, if he did one, would beat I like Scott made you think that ???? ROFL
Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend.
Hi Lady Berlin and here is hoping that we each have a concert to attend either at end of 2012 or in 2013 ......just GOT TO have !!! lol. Must admit although I have said I would love to hear "Go The Distance" just as long as MB walks on that stage will do me.....could just stand still for a couple of hours and I would be in heaven and if he actually opens his mouth and talks or sings ....WOW....I will be off this planet and you will see a wee Sylvia heading out to Mars and Venus and back again doing a "happy dance" all the way !!!!! LOL.
Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend.
Hi again Joshua, you've mentionned before that you were 13, out of curiosity, may I ask how many Michael CD's you have? I'm simply asking to get an idea of the songs you know, thanks for sharing. Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Like your choice Joshua and did you see the blog about MB getting a hole-in-one the other day and he said when he went to next hole he heard WAMLAW being played in one of the houses at the Country Club.....because of that, the hole-in-one and his just having parred the most difficult hole on the course he was sure his stars were aligning.....hope your's start aligning Joshua and one good thing that happens is that you get that concert you want !! :)
Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend.
"Love is Everything"
"Fields of Gold"
I agree with all of the above, otherwise, I would choose the following,
"I Wanna Hear You Say It"
"Only A Woman Like You"
Till The End of Forever"
"My Lady"
I could go on and on... Great question!!
Love, MaryLynn
From Gems:
"Love is Everything"
"You are so Beautiful'
Otherwise I agree with all of the above picks. I personally would like to hear, the following live.
"I Wanna Hear You Say It"
"Only A Woman Like You"
"Sexual Healinig'
"Need You To Fall"
"My Lady"
I could go on and on, great question!!
Bye for now,
MaryLynn, NEPA
My wish is:
"A love so beautiful"
"Now that I found you"
"How am I supposed to live without you"
"You are so beautiful"
"Time for letting go"
"That´s what love is all about"
"Go the distance"
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