Hi to all and sorry for poor English, I'm more confident in Italian.... I've been Michael fan since I was 17 and now I'm 46, I really adore him but unfortunately I could see him in concert only in Milan in 1996. I had to go to Mantova in 2010, I was so happy for this concert but Michael was ill, so the concert was cancelled. Needless to say I was so so so upset, so now I wonder if with the new album release Michael will come again to Italy. Michael, if you're reading this, you OWE me a concert so you MUST come again in Italy!!! :)

Does anyone know if he will ever come again?


Thanks to all!

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Hi Cristina and welcome to the forum. Don’t worry about your English, you made yourself very clear. :D I can understand how disappointed you felt when Michael canceled your last concert. I’m sure he’ll return someday, just like I’m sure he’ll come back to Montreal, eventually! :D We can only hope sweetie, but the best you can do is keep an eye on these 2 pages:

MB dates added


Events page for all events


On the “MB dates added” discussion thread, Gail, our moderator, posts events as they’re being confirmed or yet to be confirmed. On the “events” page, confirmed events are posted. So far this year, it looks like Michael may go to Asia, but all the other confirmed dates are in the U.S.. New dates are being added all the time but Michael is only one man! Since his new CD is scheduled to be released next month and his autobiography is scheduled for November 13, he will certainly be doing a lot of promotion, but as I’ve said, so far, nothing is scheduled for Italy. Well anyway, I hope you hang around the forum Cristina: we do have a few Italians and Italian speaking members on here. Look around the forum and if you have any questions, let us know and we’ll try to help as best we can. Take care sweetie and good luck! Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hi Sylvie, thanks for your kindness and very useful info, I'll keep myself updated!  Anyway I can't wait for the new CD to be released not to talk about the book, these are 2 wonderful gifts for me, and as this year I've been a very good girl I already know what to ask to Santa Klaus for the next year coming....


Hi Sylvie

the book is rescheduled for Jannuary 2013, am I correct?


Silvy from Switzerland

Hi Silvy and as Sylvie is having problems with her Jaws machine right now and can't access website I hope you don't mind if I answer and it is to say that we do not know when MB's book will be published, it could still be November, only certainty is that publishers have moved away from 13th November......Gail is going to announce on Book thread as soon as she has confirmation from MB's Admin. new date for publication but as I say it could still be sometime in 2012 for it all depends too if Michael is able to finish it in time for publishers date he will have been given for completion because he is still working on it.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


ciao cristina ben arrivata nel forum

mi chiamo cristina anch'io abito in italia e ho 45 anni

seguo michael con tutta la passione possibile dal 1989

anch'io ero a milano nel 1996 e purtroppo c'ero anche a mantova il 23 gennaio del 2010 una delle giornate più  tristi della mia vita

io a differenza di te non parlo propio inglese ,è molto vincolante questa cosa perchè non mi permette di interagire come vorrei con le altre amiche del forum

quando c'è qualche nuova amica che parla la mia lingua mi sento meno isolata.

un caro saluto e a presto con tante novità del nostro michael  

ciao da cristina

Ciao, che combinazione!!! Io ho un anno in più, ma per il resto ci troviamo, che bello!!! Quella sera di Mantova è rimasta uno dei miei più grandi rimpianti, ero partita da casa con tanta gioia e poi.... Giuro, avrei pianto dalla delusione ma non volevo rendermi ridicola :( per un pò di giorni mi è rimasta una tristezza incredibile. Ora spero davvero che il nuovo album porti il nostro Michael di nuovo tra noi, ci terrei davvero molto!

Naturalmente appena uscirà in Italia sarà introvabile, ma ce lo faremo spedire giusto???

Grazie del messaggio!


Hi Cristina and WELCOME to the forum and I am pretty sure Michael will come back to Italy one day for I believe he enjoys Europe and won't be able to stay away for long and when he does come back I hope you get more than one concert !! :)

Christina Ciao e benvenuto nel forum e sono abbastanza sicuro che Michael tornerà in Italia un giorno a credere che l'Europa gode e non sarà in grado di stare lontano per molto tempo e quando si torna Spero che si ottiene più di un concerto ! :)

Ciao Cristina67 e spero che tutto va bene con voi e in un primo momento ho pensato che fossi tu, che era entrato e che aveva lasciato cadere il 67, ma io sono così felice di vederti sul sentire e parlare con Cristina! :)

Take care both of you ed è qui per numerosi concerti in Italia! :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.




Hi Sylvia and thanks to you, it's so nice to meet so many Michael's fans!! I really hope that all his concerts will be in the North of Italy, so I'll surely go to every of them!!! :)

I still remember the one in Milan 16 years ago, my daughter was only 1 year and a half, now she's nearly eighteen....


Thanks again and take care


Now you are being greedy Cristina .....how about two in Milan, one in Rome and one in Naples or even could you get to Zurich if  we could arrange Switzerland or maybe a bit nearer such as Genoa or Nice then we have France covered for his European Tour......we will arrange MB's tour schedule between us......no problem !!! LOL

Can I ask you if your daughter has followed you in becoming a MB fan or is he just a bit too old for her .....do hope she likes "Jack Sparrow" though !!! LOL.


 Cristina67 dove vuoi Michael venire in Italia perché siamo ordinamento il suo programma del tour! LOL.  Cristina ed io lo sono a Milano, Roma e Napoli ... che nessuno di loro fare??? LOL   Non sarebbe bello se potessimo organizzare il programma del tour ..... in Europa per un anno almeno! LOL.


Sylvia.   Tuo amica wee Scottish




My daughter, like most daughters in the world, simply dislike everything I like, including MB of course... :) But I don't care, I know that deep in her little heart there is a place for Michael, she grow up with his songs!!! :)

Regarding the tour it's a great idea, we can arrange everything for Michael, book the hotel, cook his meals, clean the room.... he only have to come and sing for us :) :)

Michael, gives us a sign...


Hey Cristina,  I know how you feel: my 4 kids were raised on Michael too. My eldest daughter used to like him when she was small but then got tired of hearing him later unfortunately. At least, 2 of my kids do enjoy his music. But you know what? I’m pretty sure that whenever our kids hear Michael, they think of us so that’s a good thing! Wow, that’s a really nice offer for Michael: with that, I’d go sing for you! Lol Take care sweetie and have a great day. Hugs, sincerely,Sylvie from Canada

What better deal could he have Cristina and I'll even cook him egg plant parmesan every night but would you do the cleaning because I don't really like doing that ?? LOL.

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.



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