Hello All,
Would anyone like to send a Birthday card to Michael?
As you all know, Michaels birthday is on February 26th.
I have spoken to Gail and have been given permission to organise a collection of Cards that will be sent to Michael in time for his birthday.
Fans in the USA only are permitted to contact Gail who will provide you with an address of where to send them.
Cards from fans in ALL other Countries must be sent to me at my home address that I will provide to you if you send me a pm or an e-mail containing your e-mail address.
All cards will be parcelled up and passed on so that they can be added to the USA cards.
Any card for Michael must be within these guidleines and arrive  with me no later than Monday February 15th 2010
OR  to Gail for USA fans only, no later than  Monday 22nd February 2010

Any card arriving with us after these dates will sadly NOT be included within the parcel for Michael. Sorry X
1/ No glitter on the card or envelope please.
2/ No sharp objects, wire or glass to be attached to the card.
3/ Please keep cards to an A5 size or smaller. (A5 is 148 x 210 mm or 14.8cm X 21.cm or an A4 size folded in half)
4/ No personal information in the cards. I.e your contact details etc..
5/ No foodstuffs to be included in your card (This also includes pre-varnished novelty dough items as these have been  known to carry flour weevils.)
6/ If you are hand making your card, please try not to make them bulky or use bulky embellishments, as this will greatly boost the postage weight and this will be at my own expense.
7/ Please do not include any cheques or money donations to the MBC. These cards are purely for Michael's enjoyment.
8/ Please do not seal your cards inside the card envelope as they will need to be checked prior to posting. Please feel free to post the card to me without the card envelope so that you may re-use this yourself.


Sadly, cards that do not meet the above requirements will NOT be included in the parcel and will be replaced with one of my hand made cards on your behalf.
If you really will not be able to get a card to me by the above date, but would like to take part, please -mail me with a brief message and I will send one of my hand made cards with your message in it. (I do not have the time to write long personal messages so please keep it brief)

Thank you so very much in advance for joining in with the fun!!
Love to you all,
Jennifer XXXX
PS I have now also set up a thread where you can add your birthday wishes to Michael if you dont want to send a card. If I ask Gail nicely enough she might print the messages off to include in the parcel of cards for Michael.


Still Michaels future wife though!!


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