Fsub instruction x86

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x86-64 floating-point instructions

Most x86 instructions support two operands of which one operand can be a memory operand. This is supported by encoding the operands in aThe fsub mem and fsubr mem instructions accept a 32 or 64 bit memory operand. They convert the memory operand to an 80 bit extended precision value and subtract x86 Assembly Language Reference Manual. Previous: Addition Instructions · Next: Subtraction Instructions. Subtract Real and Pop (fsub). fsub{ls} In some assemblers, the mnemonic for this instruction is FSUB rather than FSUBP. The FISUB instructions convert an integer source operand to double The floating point instructions operate on floating-point, integer, FSUB. subtract floating-point. fsubp. FSUBP. subtract floating-point and pop. This document gives a brief summary of the x86-64 architecture and instruction set. It concentrates on features likely to be useful to compiler writing. The sub instruction stores in the value of its second operand the result of subtracting the value of its first operand from the value of its second operand. As The fsubs instruction subtracts the 32-bit single-precision floating-point operand in FPR FRB from the 32-bit single-precision floating-point operand in FPR FRA Sep 1, 2020 — Description. Subtracts the source operand from the destination operand and stores the difference in the destination location.People also ask x86 assembly tutorials, x86 opcode reference, programming, pastebin with syntax highlighting.

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