Gm328a transistor tester manual







Forum: µC & Digital Electronics GM328 transistor tester MCU firmware update. Forum List Topic List New Topic Search Register User List Gallery Help Log In. Hi i have gm328a which can no longer detect diodes. I decided to buy atmega328p, with Extrim Burner AVR, The processor uses high performance single chip ATmega328 and using external 8MHz oscillator as the system clock. 2. 1.8 Inch LCD screen, resolution is 128X160, Support 65536 colors. 3. Single button operation, support for automatic shutdown to reduce power consumption. The Transistor Tester assembly instructions This article is a guide to help . when you have received the Transistor Tester Component package. and want to assembly them all together. First show component list. I recommend that you have to use follow list to Compare before you pick up your soldering iron. 13 Description Transistor tester GM328A Can measure all kinds of transistors, resistance, capacitance, inductance, can measure the frequency, can also output the waveform. Tft large screen display, the measurement results are more detailed. Code GM328 Transistor-Tester. Heute möchte ich Euch ein wirklich preisgünstiges und nützliches Tool vorstellen. Ich benutze es jetzt nun schon seit über einem Jahr und ich möchte es nicht mehr missen. Ich meine den GM328 Transistor-Tester, der wohl auf dem OpenSource-Projekt von Markus Frejek basiert und weiterentwickelt wurde. Automatically detects NPN and PNP transistors, FET, diodes, dual diode, thyristor, SCR, automatic identification of the transistor pinout.Test NPN and PNP transistor common-emitter current amplification factor, the base-emitter threshold voltage, off the collector - emitter leakage current. Multi-functional transistor tester for automatic detection of NPN and PNP transistors, FET, diodes, dual diode, thyristor, SCR, automatic identification of the transistor pinout. It also can be Details. Das GM328A testet Komponenten und zeigt die Testergebnisse auf dem übersichtlichen digitalen LCD-Bildschirm an. Dieser Tester erkennt automatisch, ob ein NPN/PNP-Transistor, FET, eine Diode, eine Doppeldiode, ein Thyristor oder ein SCR angeschlossen ist und verfügt über eine automatische Erkennung der Pinbelegung der Bauteile. Step 1: Unpacking. At this step I put some pictures to have an overview about what is this kit. It should be mentioned that PCB is very well done and markings are very clear; so we didn't need schematic. However I will put it here, along with manual. AVR Transistor Tester 128x64.pdf. Download. GM328 TRANSISTOR TESTER MANUAL >> READ ONLINE . tc1 tester manual treedix gm328 transistor tester manual drok transistor testermega328 manual transistor tester with avr microcontroller manual gm328 transistor tester assembly gm328a . This article is a guide to help . when you have received the Transistor Tester Component package. and want to Home / Arduino & Modules / Functional Modules / GM328A Full Assembled Transistor Tester LCR Diode Capacitance ESR meter PWM Square wave FSG NRF-240L01+2.4ghZ WIRELESS TRANSCEIVER € 2.20 ENC28J60 € 8.90 GM328 Transistor Tester Diode Cap ESR Volt Freq Meter PWM Signal Generator DIY C Brand: Balance World Inc 2 ratings $2199 Resistance measurement maximum resolution 0.01Ω. Can be measured up to 50MΩ Capacitor measuring range from 25pF-100mF, Resolution 1pF GM328 Transistor Tester Diode Cap ESR Volt Freq Meter PWM Signal Gener


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